Bender - is a device by which the pipe can be bent to the desired angle
- 1 Summary of the benders
2 What are the different kinds of benders
- 2.1 Classification by type of drive
- 2.2 Classification according to the method of bending the pipe
- 3 How to make a simple hand tube bender for profile pipe with his hands
- 4 Production improvised hydraulic bending tool
- 5 How to make their own rolling bender
- 6 Bender (video)
Summary of the benders
Before you begin a story about the options and manufacturing processes benders, you need to decide - what is it and what is used. So bender - a manual device or a stationary machine, which allows you to bend the pipe of any material at any angle.
The pipe may be steel, copper, aluminum or plastic with a diameter of 5 to 1220 mm and profiled with any section. Bend angle from 0 to 180 degrees. This article offers you several types of manufacturing techniques that uncomplicated device, having studied that, you in a few hours will be able to produce any favorite instance.
Apparatus bending tool with shoes for different angles of bending pipes
Useful advice!Before proceeding to the manufacture of the tube bender, it is necessary to understand their views. Choose to be one that suits you best in functionality and posilen for individual processing by you.
What are the different kinds of benders
If we are talking about industrial applications, they are divided into several types according to the method of the drive, as well as bend type.
Classification by type of drive
Machines are: hydraulic, electro-mechanical and manual. based on hydraulic drive machines are hand-held and stationary. Their power is sufficient to bend the pipe easy even 3-inch diameter. Hydraulic pipe benders used in professional activity in the specialized industries and are able to carry a very large amount of work.
Hydraulic bender for bending a water- and gas pipes at an angle of 90 °
Electromechanical devices can be used for almost any pipe bending, even with very thin walls, which is beyond the power of hydraulics. After all electronics allow very accurately calculate the force and angle that does not rip the material. Curved pipes such devices have not the slightest signs of deformation.
Electromechanical pipe bender PEX / AL / PEX and the angle of bending and 180 °
Manual benders are used only for bending small diameter tubing of polymers, stainless steel or non-ferrous metals. They work mainly from the mains. They are easy to use and does not require great physical strength to work. Such benders for profile pipe with your hands to make it is possible.
Hand tools for bending rectangular profile and steel pipes
Classification according to the method of bending the pipe
Bend pipe with the device in various ways. Depending on this, the following types of benders: crossbow, spring, segment, arbor.
Crossbow device provided with a special form, which is the bending element. It is intended for the same diameter or cross section of the pipe. To bend a pipe of a diameter, shape should be replaced. The spring devices are provided with elastic springs that allow bent without plastic deformation of the pipe. Segmental equipped with a special segment that extends around the pipe itself, its bending angle.
bending principle shaped tube using a homemade instrument
It should be understood that the method and the value of the bending angle of the pipe depends on its characteristics. There is even such a value as the minimum bending radius at which further reduction of the tube is deformed or simply torn. This rate depends on the wall thickness, and material of the pipe section.
Useful advice!Regardless of whether or not you can bend the pipe more than prescribed, do not be. Even if you can bend the product without damaging the quality of the bend will be poor, and that sooner or later manifest itself. Therefore, the minimum radius should definitely stick.
One embodiment of the use of the bent profile - arrangement greenhouses
How to make a simple hand tube bender for profile pipe with his hands
Now consider some homemade options benders. The simplest embodiment provides for the possibility of bending the tube by means of a template by a predetermined radius. This technology is quite suitable for bending steel pipes, not just aluminum. Template simply cut out from boards having a thickness somewhat greater than the diameter or cross section of the pipe which is needed to bend.
These boards are interconnected securely fastened to the folding tube in the process could not be ejected from them. To form a trough, battened simply are cut at a slant for round pipe. Then, the finished wooden template attached to a desk or other similar reasons. Near the template is fixed abutment for fixing the tube.
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Built with his own hands for the bender shaped tube of this type is able to bend even fairly thick-walled pipes, if you apply a winch. If the profiled tube, the bevels when sawing boards do not. Instead the pipe is fixed with a few constraints.
Dimension drawing for the manufacture of the tube bender with his own hands
Using wood can be built even rolling bender if carve wooden rollers. They may also be manufactured from a bearing or polyurethane. Generally, the complexity of fabrication of improvised benders certain way dependent on the flexibility of the pipe. Compliant versions can be bent on wooden fixtures easily just hands, but for rigid pipes need more sophisticated devices with metal parts.
Production improvised hydraulic bending tool
If you decide to make a real hydraulic bender, you need to get a jack with hydraulic drive, channel, two rollers and shoe. Additionally, you will need more metal plates of steel of more than 3 mm thick.
The circuit and operation principle of self-made hydraulic ram bending tool using
Of channel using welding machine create a rectangular structure, whose height matches the height of the fully extended hoist. It is mounted on a rigid base, and securely fasten the metal plates.
The jack should be selected carrying capacity of not less than 5 tons. It is intended to serve as a pusher. The main task here is to find the most suitable rollers. The problem is that only under the most precise circumference of the pipe rollers can get really high-quality bending. If you find different videos and make them removable, it will be possible to bend pipes of different cross-sections and diameters.
An example of the device for bending metal pipes, created with their own hands
The advantages of hydraulic, built with his own hands for the shaped tube bending tool, are: ease of manufacture, availability and low cost of the jack and details. This arrangement allows a high quality profile and any bend round pipe in a cold state.
How to make their own rolling bender
The process of bending the tube in a rolling machine is as follows. The tube is placed on the side rollers and the top of it is lowered a third article in the predetermined fixing position. As we begin to rotate the handle, the chain drives the rotational movement of the shafts, and profile or round tube is bent at the required angle.
Step 4: the production of the rotary knob of the central drive roller
- mounted jack so that it can be easy to adjust the clamping force.
Useful advice!Manufacture rolling bender without the presence of drawings and calculations you are unlikely to succeed. If you do not have the engineering knowledge, it is better to find a ready documentation, which made the machine.
Step 5: assembly of all parts of homemade rolling bending tool
Bender for profile pipe with your hands it is possible to do. Its complexity depends on the purpose for which you need it. If it is only one-off action, it is sufficient to wooden structures. If you are permanently engaged in manufacturing of products from a tube, you'll need a more complex unit.