With the complexity of watering the plantations, almost all gardeners encounter. And first of all it is caused by the inability to conduct it regularly, "on schedule".We do this only during the next visit to the site. And most of us, as a rule, have a shortage of time, especially those who have not yet retired or do not have a personal car. After all, in addition to walking and switching shut-off valves, shifting hoses from a garden bed to a bed or watering them from a watering can, there are many other things to do.
Irrigation of the territory using an automation system is an excellent solution to this issue, regardless of whether there are interruptions to the water supply or not. Even if there is no autonomous source( own well or well), but there is a capacity in which water is pre-pumped in - the circuit will work. But with all its advantages, fully automated watering of lawns or plantations has a significant drawback - the set of equipment is quite expensive.
By the way, the design of the system is likely to have to be paid separately, and preparation of settlement documentation is quite expensive. How many people will agree to pay this kind of money for irrigation of a small country plot? This is a weighty argument in favor of the fact that it is better to do everything with our own hands and a little easier.
In this case, under autoplay means partial automation of the process, which involves the mandatory presence of a person on the site, if only because someone must turn on the switch on the power shield and run the pumping station. Automation complete for giving, taking into account the costs and the need for maintenance, is hardly suitable for families with low incomes, and such among gardeners - the vast majority.
Preliminary calculations of
What area is meant for automatic irrigation? On the site are planted and grow various plants, so a reasonable question arises - do they all need frequent irrigation? After all, the total costs of building the entire system directly depend on this.
This is why it is necessary to draw up a detailed scheme, on a scale, and to allocate zones intended for artificial irrigation.
- Defines the difference in altitude on individual sections of the route.
- The pressure losses in the "threads" of the pipeline are taken into account, depending on their length.
- Calculate Du pipes for each irrigation line( if several, and sprinklers are installed in different types).
Only the appropriate equipment is selected based on this data. But this applies to those summer residents who are just yet thinking of arranging an autonomous water supply system with the help of a pumping station. How to do it, you can read here. Therefore, we proceed from the fact that we always have it, and if it fully meets all our needs, then this will be quite enough for irrigation.
What to take into account
One of the conditions for high-quality irrigation is its uniformity. Therefore, all zones that are covered by individual sprinklers should completely overlap. Such adaptations( sprinklers) are of two types - static and rotary.
The first are suitable for small sections, up to 5 m in length, and their price starts from 92 rubles / piece .These plastic products work on the principle of a fountain, from which the jet strikes and irrigates the site in a certain radius.
The latter are able to process more overall areas, since they have a larger radius of action due to rotation around the axis. They cost more expensive - from 740 rubles / piece .
And here the question arises - how is it better and cheaper to make an auto-watering? Buy static sprinklers, but for a large area they will need quite a lot + pipes, which will have to fail. And this is not only additional costs for materials, but also certain inconveniences( too many hoses in the territory are unlikely to suit any summer resident).Therefore, each owner decides for himself what to buy, consistent with the circumstances. As an option - a few, some - others. And on each "thread" put only the same type of products!
Pressure in the pipeline. This is important for the suburban areas with centralized water supply. Is there enough pressure to ensure effective work of sprinklers? It may be necessary to additionally install a pump that increases the pressure.
All sprinklers disperse liquid in a circle, depending on the range. Therefore, they are necessarily located at the corner points of the selected area, otherwise these places will remain unvarnished. In addition, each of the samples is characterized by a radius of irrigation. But as pressure throughout the length of the pipe is gradually lowered, the latest on the line sprinklers will handle areas slightly smaller. This is why the locations of the sprinkler arrangement are preliminarily determined on the compiled scheme of the territory.
What is needed
Filters ( in addition to already installed in the autonomous water supply system) for fine cleaning. What are they needed for? Water from sprinklers( sprinklers, sprinklers - these are different names of the same products) comes out through the smallest holes. Careful cleaning of it is a guarantee that they will not be blocked by the remnants of suspended solids in the liquid.
Pressure regulators ( if necessary, if different sprinklers are installed on the territory).The fact is that for each type of product requires a certain head of water. Here, with the help of these devices, it is regulated for each "thread".
Sprinklers .With them it is clear - they spray water. All the rest is indicated above.
Controllers + el / solenoid valves .These devices are installed if there is a sequential watering of individual sectors. For example, if the site is large, and the pressure in the system is not enough. With the help of controllers, irrigation is switched over the zones, although for sites of 5 to 8 hectare it does not matter, especially as in regular watering no more than 80% of the entire area needs( the rest is a place for a house, a shed and the like).
Pipes .The question is also difficult. How to build them? If only for a while, then you can do with flexible hoses. But when to build a thoroughfare without dismantling for the winter, how can it be laid - in the ground or above the surface? Not everyone knows what a popular name for pipes, like "plastic", is generalized. These products are made of plastic, made of polypropylene or polyethylene( the cheapest).Therefore, before buying pipes, it is necessary to compare the characteristics of a particular type of product with the further conditions of its operation and installation. You can read about it here.
Practical advice
For owners of small suburban areas, all automation can be greatly simplified, and not "puzzle" over various technical solutions. In principle, the scheme is simple: pump - pipe - sprinklers. The main thing is to lay the necessary number of hoses( in the directions), install a tee( or cross) and ball valves. It will be sufficient only to periodically open one and shut the other, thereby redirecting the flow of water into a certain "thread" of the system.
Time for such switching is not required much( just a couple of minutes), and while the owner is at the dacha, the entire site will be irrigated evenly. So it will be necessary to spend money only on sprinklers, pipes, splitters and cranes. And it will cost inexpensively.
If you understand the meaning of an independent self-watering site, then the installation of the system does not represent difficulties. I would like to caution those who want to fully automate this process. In order for the system to work stably, it is necessary to determine the correspondence of many parameters and to select the appropriate equipment. For example, the pump's power, pipe diameter, the length of the main line, the characteristics of the sprinklers, the loss of pressure in the "threads" and the like. All this requires specialized education and practical experience.
For owners of small plots, which are quite possible to water and with the help of one watering can, it is enough and those recommendations that are set out above. And to spend a lot of money and arrange on a few hundredths a complex automatic irrigation system is hardly advisable.