Blinds for plastic windows. Photos and mounting options

Blinds for plastic windows. Photos and mounting options

Blinds - a modern solution for the design of plastic windows


  • 1 Types of blinds and their dignity
    • 1.1 Classification of blinds on the type of mechanism
    • 1.2 Classification of blinds on the type of fabric
    • 1.3 The advantages of using blinds
  • 2 Blinds for plastic windows. Photos and mounting options
  • 3 Installing blinds with their hands
    • 3.1 Features installation of blinds open type
    • 3.2 Features mounting blinds closed form (cassette)

Types of blinds and their dignity

Roller blinds on windows, photos of which are presented below - is a modern, practical and aesthetic appearance of the window decoration. Still referred to as roller blinds or fabric blinds. They represent a fabric which, thanks to a special mechanism, is wound onto the shaft.

The main purpose of blinds is to protect the premises from the penetration of sunlight, and their main advantage is the compactness. This explains the widespread use of blinds in small rooms: a kitchen, loggias, Balcony, children's rooms. The most popular in interior decoration gained roller blinds in the kitchen. Photos of various options such clearance kitchen window placed in many shops for the sale of roller blinds.

Roller blinds fabric perfectly protects the room from the sunlight penetration

Rolling textile curtains perfectly protect the room from the penetration of sunlight

Complementing the sleek design of roller blinds exquisite light tyulyami or curtains, you can get any stylistic solution of the interior: from high-tech to classic.
An important advantage of roller blinds installation is the ability to install their own hands. Step by step photo installation of blinds for plastic windows are presented below.

Shutters of dark gray fabric with a ceiling mount

Shutters of dark gray fabric with a ceiling mount

There are several types of blinds for plastic windows. Photos and reviews of the owners will help determine the best one for this.

Classification of blinds on the type of mechanism

Blinds are divided into 2 types: classic and cassette. In the classic version of the fabric it is in the public domain and is loosely fitted to the glass window. Bottom curtain is equipped with a weighting agent, whereby the fabric does not sag. The blinds closed type cloth twisted into a special box (cassette), and the tissue is placed in the rails-rails mounted on the window glazing beads. Passing through the rails, curtains cassette seal tightly to the window, providing complete protection premises from sunlight. This type of blinds is called cassette roller blinds. On plastic windows a kind of curtain looks very organic.

White roller blinds on the windows in the living room

White roller blinds on the windows in the living room

Photo cassette roller blinds with plastic windows in abundance can be found on the internet or specialized publications.

Useful advice!When buying a cassette blinds, pay attention not only on the coloring, but also on the color boxes. It is desirable to match the color of the window frame.

At a cost of cassette roller blinds significantly more expensive than their classical counterparts, and their installation is suitable in the case, if you frequently leave the sash in the tilted state.

Roller blind is wound on a plastic shaft that is attached to the window frame

roll curtain wound on a plastic shaft that is attached to the window frame

Classification of blinds on the type of fabric

Blinds differ in the degree of light transmission. Depending on the used fabrics, blinds are divided into:

  • transparent - easily pass and scatter light, often used as decorative, with curtains and draperies;
  • dimaut - slightly denser partially transmit light, are used in offices;
  • blackout - dense, darken the room well, used in the bedrooms and children;
  • day or night - an imitation of horizontal blinds with alternating transparent and dense bands are used in kitchens, bathrooms, all rooms.
Dimaut - blackout curtains, do not let the sunlight, are well suited for classrooms and offices

Dimaut - blackout curtainsDo not let the sunlight, are well suited for classrooms and offices

Fabric blinds can be mounted both on the whole window, and at each of its leaf separately. In the second case provides more complete protection premises from sunlight. Depending on the type of fabric, such filters on plastic windows used in homes, conference rooms, exhibitions, shops.

Beautiful and practical is the use of blinds in the kitchen. Photo PVC windows, decorated with the help of the blinds, are very common.

Fabric blinds bright blue in the nursery

tissue roll blinds bright blue in the nursery

Special glamor exhibit blinds with photo printing. Roller blinds with a picture will help to create an individual room design in a particular style. Thanks to the broad aesthetic possibilities, which have roller blinds with photo printing, you can easily draw any interior at will. For example, to turn the bedroom into the impenetrable forests of the Amazon, by applying the colorful pictures of tropical vines on the blinds.

With the photo print their own photos at the roller blinds room turn into a photo album of pleasant memories. On curtains in the nursery you can put your favorite cartoon characters. On the pages of the online editions of the design space can be seen various examples and photo blinds for plastic windows in the interior.

French windows in the living room decorated with the help of roller blinds

French windows in the living room decorated with the help of roller blinds

The advantages of using blinds

With practical features and broad aesthetic possibilities, blinds are increasingly popular with consumers. To the main advantages include tissue rolet following:

  • versatility: use the premises for different purposes;
  • Practicality: possess anti-dust properties;
  • compactness: visually "do not take" space;
  • Protection: darken the room to hide from prying eyes;
  • convenience: easy care and easy management system;
  • aesthetics: large variety of fabrics of different textures and colors;
  • availability: a wide net pricing and the ability to install their own hands.
The cassette type curtain cloth shaft are within a special box

The cassette type curtain cloth shaft are within a special box

Blinds - this is not the only effective protection against the sun, but also a great part of the interior, allowing to give the room a certain style and personality.

Blinds for plastic windows. Photos and mounting options

Plastic windows It has long been firmly won its position in the consumer market, as the most convenient form of registration of the window openings. And the most successful kind of decorating are fabric blinds or roller blinds for plastic windows. Photo of different design options shutters premises confirm the benefits of using these blinds as a decoration of window openings.

Blinds "day-night" looks like a classical horizontal blinds

Blinds "day-night" looks like a classical horizontal blinds

Set fabric blinds on the window in the kitchen or bathroom can be enhanced by professional workers, but also it can be made with your own hands. So you will save the family budget, and the money saved can be spent on the purchase of high-quality blinds. On how soundly fastening and blind control system, it affects their durability and correct installation of your own hands.

Blinds coated with photo printing in the kitchen-dining room

Blinds coated with photo printing in the kitchen-dining room

Installing blinds with their hands

The process of installing blinds with their hands depends on a kind of roller blinds and mounting type. The curtains can be mounted as a wall or ceiling (external type), and directly to the plastic window (Internal type of mounting).

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Features installation of blinds open type

Classic roller blinds open type can be mounted on the drilling window without it. Installation of blinds with drilling is the most reliable and durable, but it requires some skill, care and attention.

Step 1: Select the installation location and mount - on the window frame, inside the opening to the ceiling

Step 1: Select the installation location and mount - on the window frame, inside the opening to the ceiling

If you want to install a mini-roller blinds on every window sash, it is better to attach it directly to the plastic frame with screws, and if you want to close a window roller blinds, it is fixed on the wall above the opening of the window or on the ceiling.

Step 2: Check for the absence of interference for installation. Selecting the direction of motion of curtains - clockwise or counter-clockwise

Step 2: Check for the absence of interference for installation. Selecting the direction of motion of curtains - clockwise or counter-clockwise

Important!When you install the classic roller blinds on each sash windows, you need to keep in mind that when winding roller blinds open residence tilted sash will move away from the window and sag.

Step 3: installation and alignment of bracket

Step 3: installation and alignment of bracket

Before drilling the holes for the brackets for mounting the blind to the wall or ceiling, you need to make sure in the fortress of the plaster to the whole structure fell under the weight of roller shutters.

Step 4: if necessary - adjustment of the shaft and the blade to the dimensions of the window sash

Step 4: if necessary - adjustment of the shaft and the blade to the dimensions of the window sash

Install blinds on plastic windows without drilling very simple, and even a woman could handle the job. This is the easiest option mounting blinds, and the main role is played here by the weight of roller shutters and quality glue or tape. Detailed instruction, which is embedded in a set of curtains, makes it quick and easy to install roller blinds on the window frame plastic window without drilling.

Step 5: fastening and winding the fabric onto the shaft, installation of curtains in brackets

Step 5: fastening and winding the fabric onto the shaft, installation of curtains in brackets

Features mounting blinds closed form (cassette)

Cassette-type shutters are mounted directly on the window frame. To install roller blinds with their hands (step by step guide comes complete with roller blinds), follow these steps:

  • mark the place of attachment roller shutters boxes;
  • secure box (cassette) on the top edge of the glazing bead with adhesive tape;
  • to make adjustment and alignment of the fabric;
  • permanently attaching the box with screws;
  • install guide rails for vertical glazing beads using tape firmly pressing them from top to bottom;
Cassette roller blinds in the nursery

Cassette roller blinds in the nursery

  • lay the fabric blinds inside the rails;
  • adjust rolety chain management.

As you can see, install roller blinds on plastic window with his hands not quite difficult. Complete with roller blinds are necessarily detailed instructions for its assembly and installation with a graphic description of all necessary actions.

Roller blinds, cassette-type windows in the bedroom

Roller blinds, cassette-type windows in the bedroom

Blinds - a practical, aesthetically attractive and affordable variety of window decor. Its use in the interior allows us to give the room a modern look and a certain stylistic direction.

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