Step by step the production of warm beds with their hands in the spring

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From this article you can find out in what order is carried out step by step the production of warm beds with their hands in the spring, as well as familiarize themselves with the basic handling rules and prepare the ground, to explore the most popular manufacturing technology for growing a variety of vegetables, have access to basic information and Video reviews. The text is detailed method garden arrangement recommended by Igor Lyadov.

Step by step the production of warm beds with their hands in the spring: popular technologies

Via high beds for heat-loving vegetables can to organize the space in the garden and get a rich harvest


  • 1 Step by step the production of warm beds with their hands in the spring: Basic Information
    • 1.1 Features and benefits of smart beds for high yield
    • 1.2 Making a bed with his hands warm spring: drainage construction
    • 1.3 Filling fertilizers warm beds with their own hands
    • 1.4 Recommendations for the production of warm beds: video and table filling
    • 1.5 How to make a warm bed of spring: a video and guidance on crop cultivation
  • 2 Advice from experienced truckers to create smart beds with their own hands: video and technology
    • 2.1 Technology for creating smart garden Igor Liadov: how to make a bed for cucumbers
    • 2.2 Manufacturing technology of warm beds in the greenhouse with their hands
    • 2.3 Features feeding warm beds and wonderful garden Igor Liadov
    • 2.4 Making warm spring beds with their own hands: video recommendations

Step by step the production of warm beds with their hands in the spring: Basic Information

Warm beds - the best option structures, which is suitable for the cultivation of most crops. Most often, they are settling in the autumn, but this process can be extended to the spring. Of course, in this case, the technology has a certain subtlety. Step by step recommendations, warm beds photo and video surveys can be used as a visual aid for work on the site.

Properly fit all layers to warm the beds, you can provide a breeding ground for plants in the next few years

Properly fit all layers to warm the beds, you can provide a breeding ground for plants in the next few years

This kind of beds is presented in the form of frames filled:

  • fertile soil;
  • compost;
  • fertilizers;
  • straw.

Useful advice!If the arrangement is expected in the spring garden, it is better to build a warm seedbed for cucumbers without manure. This component is not actively degraded, due to which plants can be harmed.

Features and benefits of smart beds for high yield

Clever or warm beds have certain characteristics that set them apart from conventional designs.

Warm seedbed can be prepared both in spring and autumn

Warm seedbed can be prepared both in spring and autumn

What are the advantages carried by the device warm beds in the spring:

  • plants receive the maximum amount of heat and nutrients regardless of the location and quality of the soil on the site;
  • spring frosts will not harm the planting, which is protected from freezing;
  • plants do not need an extra dose of fertilizer because the soil already contains the necessary nutrients;
  • the presence of mulch as part of a filler slows moisture evaporation process. Thus, the plants do not dry up even without abundant glaze on hot days, and the root system will be no shortage of water;
  • a layer of mulch effectively inhibits weeds, so the beds need minimal care. Weeds eventually wither and are subject to decay, providing an additional amount of fertilizer;
  • designs allow to convert warm beds in the greenhouse if you wish. To do this, you need to install over arch frame and pull them over film coating. Due to this it will be possible to get an early harvest;
  • the harvest is not in contact with the soil, so the fruits are kept clean and dry, retaining its freshness;
  • If each year to adhere to the correct crop rotation schemes, this bed will last for at least 4 years.
When laying layers in a bed warm is necessary to strictly control the amount of fertilizer, so as not to increase the allowable temperature of the soil to the root system of plants

When laying layers in a bed warm is necessary to strictly control the amount of fertilizer, so as not to increase the allowable temperature of the soil to the root system of plants

Making a bed with his hands warm spring: drainage construction

First, we should define the future size of the beds. This indicator is selected on the basis of what vegetables will be grown later. Besides the beds, on the plan of the future building also plotted path. The best option for decorating the garden will become a long ridge with a convenient approach to it. The height of the structure depends on how much will be deeply placed root system of plants. Sometimes warm beds can reach 1 m in height.

Useful advice!In order not to lose to the size of the beds at the design stage of plants it is recommended to outline the landing pattern. This will help to orient and correctly calculate the number of structures, their size and beautiful location on the site.

How to make a warm bed of spring with a drainage system:

  1. On the portion according to the developed scheme applied markings. The territory is carefully prepared: freed from the debris, large rocks, stumps.
  2. Dig a trench depth of need.
  3. Performed installation boxes, whose height is about 60 cm. For the manufacture of boxes may be used old slate, wooden boards or boards. Alternatively allowed to use any other scrap materials. If you plan long-term use inpatient beds, its bumpers can be made of brick or stone. The latter option is the material looks noble, but it requires a significant investment of funds.
  4. At the bottom is placed a grid that will prevent access to rodents beds.
  5. Laid drainage system. For this purpose, broken bricks or stones.
  6. According to the chosen methodology stacked layers of fertilizers.
Most gardeners note the high efficiency of the method of arrangement of beds Igor Liadov

Most gardeners note the high efficiency of the method of arrangement of beds Igor Liadov

Do not interfere in advance to consider the possibility of installation of arc for the organization of the greenhouse and deepen pieces of pipes in the appropriate places.

Filling fertilizers warm beds with their own hands

There are many schemes for filling the trench in order to improve soil fertility. Therefore, many question when creating a warm beds with their own hands, that first put at the bottom of the design and what should be the following layers. In fact, similar to the principle of creating a garden is based on the formation of compost pit, Due to which the quality makeup plants, heating landings due to heat generated during the decomposition process. As a result, significantly accelerates the growth and ripening of crops.

Useful advice! If the construction is carried out in the spring of warm beds on peat soils, it is recommended to put on a mesh cotton cloth that has been soaked in potassium permanganate. For this purpose, a solution of 2 g of potassium permanganate in water bucket. For 1 m² area required about 2 liters.

The sequence of layers bookmarks to warm beds is very important for the effective growth of vegetables

The sequence of layers bookmarks to warm beds is very important for the effective growth of vegetables

Standard filling scheme is as follows:

  1. The lower layer is formed from materials that decompose and rot for a long time. For this purpose, large wood chips will do, branches, trunks of plants such as Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, corn.
  2. The second organic layer should be. To fill the beds at this stage, you can use the weeds, leaves, tops, plants, peel left after cleaning fruits and vegetables.
  3. The third layer is formed from chemical fertilizers which act as catalysts that enhance the decomposition process. Allowed to use chalk, ash. You can put a layer consisting of paper or newspapers.
  4. If necessary, to create smart beds with their own hands, you can repeat the placement scheme fertilizers, except for the fact that re-creates a woody layer of thin twigs and small chips.

As an upper layer uses a fertile soil, which must be covered with straw.

At arrangement of warm beds can lay the system of internal irrigation, but in this case you need to take care of the water resistance of the material from which made trunking

At arrangement of warm beds can lay the system of internal irrigation, but in this case you need to take care of the water resistance of the material from which made trunking

Recommendations for the production of warm beds: video and table filling

To all fertilizers, which are placed in the design with warm beds, fully able to Bend it takes about 5-8 years. This results in a normal fertile soil in the frame. In the future, it can be effectively used to improve the physical condition of the soil in other areas of the suburban area.

Note!It is strictly forbidden to use to fill the beds of plants tops diseased. Otherwise, the soil will become a hotbed of vegetable infections, which may suffer from planting.

Table layered beds filling

interlayer type of filler The recommended thickness of layer m
1 twigs and branches of large-sized, old board 0,2-0,3
2 Plant tops left over from last year 0,2-0,3
3 organic small size, manure, straw 0,15-0,2
4 chernozem soil 0,1-0,15

Once the bed is filled, the structure is filled with water, which must be warm. The maximum allowable liquid volume 7 buckets per m².

How to make a warm bed of spring: a video and guidance on crop cultivation

Warm bed suitable for growing almost all varieties of crops. In some cases, the design can last for more than 4 years, but the maximum possible term of not more than 6 years. The fact that the plants every year is drawn from the soil nutrients and trace elements, so in the first year for growing crops is necessary to select the most demanding with respect to heat and vegetables diet and gradually move to a less moody cultures.

In the first year it is recommended to use a spring made with his own hands for a warm bed of cucumber, cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, squash or eggplant. 3-4-second period is suitable peppers, beets, potatoes, cabbage, beans and carrots. After that, turn the soil loses much of its nutritional reserves, so the flower bed planted unpretentious culture. This category of plants are lettuces, peas, celery, parsley.

Vegetables and herbs growing in the high warm beds, mature faster than planted in open ground

Vegetables and herbs growing in the high warm beds, mature faster than planted in open ground

Useful advice!To ensure good air circulation, while laying nutrient material need to be alternated with the dry ingredients moist fertilizers. It is not necessary to throw away the turf, which is removed from the surface of the preparation of the soil. It can be mixed with plants as placed as a second layer.

Not recommended in the first years of operation of garden planting plants having a tendency to accumulate nitrates. Therefore, planting head lettuce, onions, dill, parsley, beets and radishes better to postpone to a later date. Especially enterprising gardeners manage to remove from the garden harvest twice per season, carrying landing salads and greens in early spring, and then using warm seedbed for cucumbers or tomatoes.

The network is a set of recommendations for planting crops in warm beds with their own hands, video reviews experienced truckers can be used as a visual aid.

Advice from experienced truckers to create smart beds with their own hands: video and technology

Advice from experienced truckers to create a warm beds in the spring:

  • to get rich harvest with heat-loving vegetables, it is better to set the beds along the south wall of the building. For this purpose, suitable as a house and any other buildings on the site, as long as the landing is not obscured by more than two hours a day;
  • organic decomposition process can be accelerated. For this purpose special preparations differing biological activity;
  • if the production of warm beds for strawberry was done correctly, the garden will have good drainage characteristics and during heavy rains landing will be safe from flooding. The surface structure must close black film, which not only create a greenhouse effect, but also to protect from dirt berries;
High heat a bed can easily be converted into a greenhouse

High heat a bed can easily be converted into a greenhouse

  • soil at high beds need frequent watering. Excessive moisture promotes decomposition of the lower layer of fertilizers, which provides additional heat landings;
  • if used as a building material timber, before making a bed for cucumbers warm, it is necessary to pretreat antiseptic all structural elements. Timber need protection from decay. Excellent results will help to achieve the hot linseed oil, which is processed with the help of wooden blanks.

Note! Experienced gardeners recommend the late autumn produce additional feeding warm beds. To this partially opened top layer where backfilled with crop residues, organic waste throughout the fall and winter.

Technology for creating smart garden Igor Liadov: how to make a bed for cucumbers

Igor Liadov - Russian agronomist who practices the traditional method of natural farming. This technique eliminates the use of chemical fertilizers, which pollute water and soil. The technique involves gentle soil treatment method, the return of nutrients back into the ground after the plants are grown, as well as content protection from temperature extremes.

Construction warm beds for spring cucumber to avoid stagnation of water, dirt and disorder in the area. In fact, the territory is created vegetable container with fences made of beams, logs, planks, stone, slate or brick.

Related article:

Beds for the lazy: photos and tips to create garden

Simple and interesting design that can be made personally, tips on designing and planning a beautiful garden.

How to make a warm bed of cucumbers for the spring of logs by Igor Liadov technology:

  1. Prepared flat ground to build on.
  2. The logs are laid on the ground and locked. In some cases, they can even be recessed slightly into the ground for safety. Optimal design width 0.8-1.2 m. Moreover, the hotter climate of the region, the greater should make a bed. construction length can be arbitrary.
  3. For fastening between the logs is possible to use screws or nails.
  4. To stop the growth of perennial weeds on the bottom layer of stacked cardboard. This measure is well to block the development of these pests like wireworms and beetle.
  5. Above cardboard poured small layer of sand.
  6. Further carried tab organic fertilizers and plant residues.
  7. To protect the structure from overheating beds and insects, logs should whitewash or paint. For these purposes it is better to use the ink composition of the water-based, designed for facade work.
According to Igor Liadov, stable and high yield of cucumber can be obtained only with the help of organic fertilizers

According to Igor Liadov, stable and high yield of cucumber can be obtained only with the help of organic fertilizers

Important!Do not put into the construction of perennial weeds.

Layer of fertilizer needed to soak herbal infusion or manure. Above all this is poured earth layer 8-10 cm thick.

Manufacturing technology of warm beds in the greenhouse with their hands

Narrow beds, which are based on Igor Liadov technologies that extend the growing season plant, so harvest get rich no matter what conditions a holiday section.

How to make warm beds in the greenhouse by Igor Liadov technology:

  1. Performed installation pegs along the long sides of the structure. The elements must be positioned directly opposite each other. Need to install them at regular intervals, the amount of which is not more than 1 m.
  2. Tubes of suitable diameter plastic wear ends of these pegs. As a result, the beds will form over the same arc at an equal distance from each other.
  3. The resulting structure is covered by a film material.

Shelter warm bed of this type is ideal for growing early strawberries, strawberries, herbs and vegetables. That plants get enough oxygen, agrarian recommends planting them in a checkerboard pattern. Eggplant, cabbage and other varieties of major crops are planted in the garden in two rows, smaller plants such as onions or radishes - four.

High warm beds are very effective in the greenhouse for growing thermophilic vegetable crops

High warm beds are very effective in the greenhouse for growing thermophilic vegetable crops

Author's technique of growing vegetables in warm beds also includes infusions recipes that you can prepare yourself. In their composition are lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. These extracts are used as a natural alternative to chemical additives. leaven of the function of the home-brewed beer. To do this takes 3 liters of water from the well, which adds a packet of dry yeast and 5 tablespoons. l. Sahara. After 2-3 days, the resulting mixture ferment.

Important!To fungi did not die, a container of the infusion should be stored in the cold.

Features feeding warm beds and wonderful garden Igor Liadov

All formulations designed for infusions capacity of 200 liters. The mixture infuse for at least a week. Before using herbal composition to be diluted in half, and the infusion of manure or litter is bred more.

The first recipe:

  • sifted ash (spade);
  • poultry manure or dung (half bucket);
  • fallen leaves or humus litter of straw (bucket);
  • humus, turf ground or rotted compost (spade);
  • clean sand (shovel);
  • whey or dairy product (1 L);
  • Braga (3 L).
With the help of organic fertilizers can not only improve the quality of vegetable crops, but also to enrich the soil minerals

With the help of organic fertilizers can not only improve the quality of vegetable crops, but also to enrich the soil minerals

The second formulation involves filling capacity 2/3 volume cut grass or weeds. To this is added a couple of shovels of ash, which must be sifted. Thereafter, the mixture is poured water, and the film itself closed container. facility will take several weeks to achieve full readiness. Before treatment beds composition is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

According to the third prescription container to fill with manure or litter to 1/3 volume. The residue is filled with clean water. The resulting mixture is infused over two weeks (no more). Infusion prepared manure, before use should be diluted 1:10. The composition of poultry manure is diluted at a ratio of 1:20.

Vegetables grown in warm beds, in many ways superior to the results of the traditional farming practices. Less labor-intensive construction in respect of processing, can restore soil fertility and increase yields of vegetable crops. This maintains the purity of nature and preserved human health, because it does not use chemical fertilizers for plant nutrition. It is for this reason, many gardeners use a technology called warm beds in their fields.

Using the methods of Liadov, Mitlaydera and principles of natural farming is possible to obtain a good harvest several times a year

Using the methods of Liadov, Mitlaydera and principles of natural farming is possible to obtain a good harvest several times a year

Making warm spring beds with their own hands: video recommendations

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