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chicken content is very convenient and profitable, because, without requiring a lot of effort to care, the birds regularly provide the whole family with fresh eggs. In addition, eggs can be sold to obtain additional income. However, to the chickens were healthy and well swept, it is important to take care of their comfort. This will help guide on how to make nests for laying hens by their hands: photos, sizes and helpful tips will help cope with the task, even without relevant experience.
Smartly furnished nests are comfortable not only for birds but also for the owner, so you can easily take care of the poultry house and have more eggs
- 1 How to arrange a nest for chickens: basic rules
- 2 The main species nests for laying hens
- 3 Nests for laying hens with their hands: photos, dimensions, calculation parameters
4 How to make a nest for laying hens: a drawer design
- 4.1 How to make nests for laying hens with their hands: drawings and procedures
5 Nests for laying hens with yaytsesbornikom: tips on the device
- 5.1 slot option for laying hens, not to peck eggs: construction with double bottom
- 5.2 How to make a nest with an egg container
6 Perches for laying hens with their hands: photos, sizes, advice on construction
- 6.1 Types of perches for chickens
- 6.2 How to make your own chicken roost: a detailed sequence of actions
- 6.3 Where the optimum positioning of the roost
How to arrange a nest for chickens: basic rules
The equipped socket correctly will increase the number of eggs brought by chicken. In addition, the quality will be better, and the shell will be protected from damage. It is important to arrange things so that the chicken was rushing in a specially designated place. So, arranging nests for laying hens with their hands, it is necessary to provide maximum comfort to the birds.
To do this, follow these rules:
- place the nest in the shade as much as possible from the sun's rays;
- Choose a dry and warm place;
Nests for laying hens, built with his own hands made of wood
Useful advice! To ensure that the chickens comfortable, the bed on the floor hay or sawdust. Sawdust is in this case preferable as hay chickens easily ejected from the socket. To eggs are not rolled out, the flooring should be a couple of centimeters lower than a side slot.
- flooring to be ventilated, and remained dry socket, take care of ventilation or make the bottom of the nest mesh;
- on the ground or at the entrance to the coop is always more cold and humid - there is a bird can easily catch a cold, and because of this, become less active, so place the nest higher up and away from the entrance;
- not attach to the wall socket directly: in winter it is uncomfortable for the hens, in addition, this arrangement significantly reduces the service life of the entire structure;
- making nests for chickens with your hands, make sure that the design is not long nails and chips, which can cause the bird injury;
- number of slots depends on the number of birds on the 5 chickens should account for 1 place.
Furnished our aviary, it is important to create optimal living conditions for birds
The main species nests for laying hens
You are not ready to delve into the intricacies of how to make a nest for chickens? Buy ready-made option or Construct nest improvised. For this purpose, suitable plastic or wooden boxes, old baskets and cardboard boxes. The main thing - to choose a shady hiding place.
If you decide to build a full nest yourself, first identify the type of construction.
There are two main types:
- The design in the form of boxes. A device of this nest is extremely simple and allows you to make a number of locations for all birds. Also, teach a chicken to this jack will not be difficult: that she used to be carried out there long enough to lock up the bird inside.
- Nest for hens with yaytsesbornikom. This type of nests implies a different design, but the principle is the same for everyone: eggs almost immediately fall in specially designed for this purpose tray and chicken almost does not concern them. This option is especially important for large farm, where the number of chickens is high.
EXAMPLE personally made for chickens with nests original decor
Nests for laying hens with their hands: photos, dimensions, calculation parameters
One of the most important factors affecting the comfort of the birds, the nest is the size for laying hens. It is important to understand that you can not teach a chicken to be carried in the nest if it uncomfortable to sit in it.
First of all, the size of the nest for chickens depend on the birds breed.
Correspondence table birds breed and nest sizes for chickens:
birds breed | The width of the slot, see | socket depth, cm | The height of the slot, cm |
Laying hen | 25 | 35 | 35 |
Meat and chicken egg | 30 | 40 | 45 |
Regardless of the kind of bird, nut height should be at least 5 cm. Also take care of the presence in front of the special shelves for takeoff. Position it at a distance of 10 cm from the inlet. The cross section of shelves must be 5x2 cm.
If possible, the slope of the roof should be 45 ° - this will eliminate the desire of birds to sit on top.
Put the nest before you run into the house chickens: it will give them a chance to get used to the new shelters and get comfortable. Therefore, advance turn into the nest drinkers plan and built with his own hands perches for laying hens: the drawings will help you not to forget anything important and to place all objects optimally.
Nest for layers of wood and plastic containers
Useful advice!The simplest version of the nests for chickens - "box" from a plastic boxes for vegetables and veneer sheets. However, it is better to equip more complex nests, because this design goes too bulky, and most importantly - not very comfortable in the winter and all - dangerous for the health of birds.
How to make a nest for laying hens: a drawer design
A little effort on your part, and the birds will be a real house, where they can feel comfortable, so please you with activity and a lot of eggs.
To make a design in the form of boxes, you will need the following materials and tools:
- boards, plywood;
- sandpaper;
- fasteners;
- timber;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- jigsaw.
The process of construction of the house with his own hands, everything nests and roost
How to make nests for laying hens with their hands: drawings and procedures
Create a comfortable nest snap. Follow the instructions and everything will turn out, even without a lot of experience in the construction of such facilities:
- If you are using for the construction of the board, carefully treat them with nazhdachki.
- Further it is necessary to cut the workpiece. It is important to make accurate calculations of the parameters necessary for you details. First of all, calculate the required number of cells. Then multiply the resulting number by the width of a single cell - it must be at least 25 cm. The same formula is calculated the height of the box. If the birds in your farm a lot, make a few floors.
- Put together between a cut parts.
- To impart structural strength to the inner side of the corners obtained secure box beam.
- The input can be left open. Or cut round holes corresponding to the number of places for laying hens and obsheyte box.
- Make nut. To do this, take the bar width of 10 cm and secure it from below along the entire length divided by the cell design.
- Back down to 10 cm from the entrance to the nest and secure the take-off stage.
- If you have turned design into several tiers, take the stairs. At each tier should fall on one ladder.
Driving with the mounting dimensions of the nests for poultry (chickens sizes are shown in parentheses)
Useful advice! If the design of the horizontal roof, cover the surface stizolom to prevent its damage from bird droppings.
Nests for laying hens with yaytsesbornikom: tips on the device
If during the day you are busy and can not always follow the chickens can be made more complex version of the nest. There are two types of designs allow for the presence yaytsesbornika.
slot option for laying hens, not to peck eggs: construction with double bottom
For the construction of the nest, you will need the following materials and tools:
- thin plywood board;
- fasteners;
- material suitable for the upholstery of the pallet;
- sandpaper;
One option slot for layers with a grid floor and yaytsesbornikom
- screwdriver;
- hacksaw;
- hammer;
- knife;
- scissors.
The basic rules are simple:
- Do not take long nails: sticking on the outside, they can easily injure the birds;
- after the construction of the nest, carefully inspect it for nicks, chips, make structural strength to protect birds from injury;
- to ensure the comfort of birds lay on the floor sawdust, straw or hay. Regularly change and clean the filling socket of the litter;
- to chickens feel comfortable is very important microclimate. Place the socket in a dry place, protected from drafts.
Yaytsepriemnik will keep the egg intact, which is especially important at high population of chickens
Instructions on how to make your own hands nest for laying hens with yaytsesbornikom (photos, drawings, dimensions and easy to find on the network):
- Make a design on the principle doghouse. Pay special attention to the bottom: in this embodiment, the socket it must be small (within 5 °) slope to the rear wall of the construction. Between the wall and the bottom, leave a gap of the size of an egg.
- Take a pan. For upholstery, choose a soft non-slip material: fabric, felt, the wrong part of the linoleum, rubber. pallet length must exceed 10 cm slot depth - this is necessary to ensure ease dostavaniya eggs outside.
- Attach the strap to protect the eggs from the fall.
- Attach the pallet to the base of the socket, the slope maintaining 5 °. As a result, the egg will slide down, fall to the bottom tray and be safe there, until you take away.
Useful advice!The floor of the nest should be done this mesh. This solution contributes to airing flooring. A good material for manufacturing a floor wire: weave it, leaving gaps 4x5 mm, and the top position of litter material.
The construction of nests for chickens with a double bottom offers the convenience and practicality
How to make a nest with an egg container
To make a nest with a wooden yaytsesbornikom, you need the following materials and tools:
- hacksaw;
- nails;
- hammer;
- soft material;
- Chipboard and plywood;
- egg container.
The procedure works as follows:
- Construct duct, fasten the side walls, the bottom fix an angle of 10 °, do roof.
- Cut hole to enter and close the front part of the slot.
- On the back wall of the bottom cut out a hole the size of a little greater than a hen's egg.
- By post-bottomed container with the soft material. Now that the eggs roll down and fall into the pan, they will be protected from damage.
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Winter hen house with his own hands on 20 chickens: features and tips on making. Assignment, features, characteristics of the construction. Step by step instructions on making a chicken coop with his hands.
Consider that, subject to the sloping bottom, the nest was always a minimum amount of flooring, otherwise it may become an obstacle and make it difficult to slide the eggs in the tray.
Once you have built nests and perches for the chickens with their hands, you can go to the least important aspect of the arrangement of the henhouse - perches for birds.
Perches for laying hens with their hands: photos, sizes, advice on construction
Any host knows that all hens prefer to rest and sleep on a perch. This beam may be circular or square in cross section and belong to one of a plurality of species. Choosing the appropriate type should be based on the sum available space and number of birds in a farm.
Construction of perch is one of the most important stages in the construction of the house
Types of perches for chickens
Perches are designed for chickens, there are various designs:
- disposed at different levels perch. This option is relevant when the chickens on the farm a lot, but the chicken coop area is small. The main drawback of such a construction is that in such a chicken coop bird will constantly quarrel over the place higher, and the chickens are sitting on top of dirty droppings those located below them;
- several bars, fixed at the same level on a wall or on the perimeter of the house. Ideal for laying hens option that allows them to choose the most comfortable position without interfering with the other birds;
- perch, which are fixed to vertical pillars. Easy-to-design of birds, which is easy structure. The best option for those wishing to construct a perch for the chickens with their hands;
- table, equipped with crossbars. This design is convenient for its mobility. The table is easy to carry, convenient to disinfect, clean;
- box with perch. It is also characterized by mobility - if necessary, it is easy to move from place to place. The main disadvantage of this solution - a small number of locations for the birds. Thus, this option is relevant only for a small economy.
Useful advice! Understand how to make the roosts for chickens is a snap, as well as to make the chicken coop on their own element. In this case, you can be sure that roost meets all your needs and characteristics of your farm.
The circuit arrangement of the henhouse with optimal dimensions for the location of roosts and nests
How to make your own chicken roost: a detailed sequence of actions
Step by step instructions for creating a perch for laying hens:
- Prepare the plane, nails, a hammer, nazhdachku and wooden beams. In the section bars must be 40x60 cm.
- Calculate the size of the perch on the basis of the number of hens in your household, and for reasons of their comfortable stay. For example, 10 hens egg breed requires 2.4 m bar. The optimal solution is to divide the perch into 2 parts - 2 crossbar (each length - 1.2 m).
- Take 2 strips for support. Their length is 0.6 m. Set them on opposite walls at a height of 0.9 m from the floor and the distance of 0.3 cm from the wall on which the intention positioned roost.
- Take the timber from which you do crossbar. Deal with it so that on the surface does not remain burrs and chips. Cut off the sharp edges of a plane and sanding apply nazhdachku.
- Fasten the ends of the crossbar to the bar for support at a distance of 30 cm from the wall.
- Back down the same amount. Beat in the second bar.
- Retreat 0.4 m from the floor. Nail the bars to the side walls.
- Attach the bars a few boards - they will be the basis for the pallet.
- Place the pan in which to get a litter. Sheet metal can be used for its manufacturing. Also, for these purposes is well suited conventional billboard made of wood.
- Of the remaining bars do stairs.
Building a chicken coop with your hands, you get design, ideally suited to the conditions of your farm is
Where the optimum positioning of the roost
Roost should be kept away from the door - so you can help protect the birds from drafts and, as a consequence of possible health problems. Select the warmest place in the room. It is also necessary that there was more light, so a good idea to put a perch near the window.
Conveniently, when under the roost it is the shield, which enters litter. This provides a more comfortable cleaning process in a henhouse. To mark less lime trees to the wood pallet sprinkle sawdust or sand. By making the pallet, consider it an easy sorting out - so take care of the poultry house will be as simple as possible.
Roost placed at a height of not less than 0.6 m and not more than 1 m from the floor. The section used for perch beam should be 5-7 cm. The calculation is based on the half-length open chicken legs, measured from the beginning to the end of the middle finger large. In order not to lose balance, the chicken should be tightly encircle the crossbar feet.
Make sure that each bird had to at least 18 cm on its perch, if the chicken egg breeds, and not less than 25 cm for birds for meat and egg breeds.
Build a nest and roost chicken with your hands is not so difficult. Independent choice of devices, materials, dimensions and other parameters will allow you to design, ideally suited to the conditions of your farm precisely.