Sectional doors to the garage: the size and price of practical designs

Sectional doors to garage

Sectional doors to garage

Advantages that distinguish these structures as compared with the usual swing models:

  • the use of innovative technology ensures reliable entry systems during operation regardless of weather conditions;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties, high-quality sealing of the opening;
  • high degree of resistance to cracking;
  • safe operation - the system design is such that reduces the risk of accidents at work to zero;
  • rational use of space in the garage opening area is achieved by locating at the opening sections under the ceiling;
  • possibility of automation: control with the remote control, mobile phone;
  • equipped with additional devices for comfort and safety management;
  • modern design.

Equipping a car garage doorway entry, you need to calculate the size of the sectional door, planned to be installed. Each manufacturer offers as standard-sized garage doors its parameters, which may be different. At the same time it is possible to order a door systems to the size of existing opening. However, the purchase of structures on typical parameters would be more profitable for the price than the personal order.

Sectional doors - an indispensable attribute of modern garage

Sectional doors - an indispensable attribute of modern garage

Conditions for installation of lifting and sectional doors

Sectional garage gates constitute the lifting mechanism, the web is in the open position is located in the space under the ceiling. The design includes several web sections interconnected by hinges. In motion goal The drive system of ropes and drums, balanced spring mechanism. Section equipped with rollers that move on rails installed along the aperture and the ceiling.

The parameters that should be considered when choosing the size of the opening for sectional garage doors:

  • Vehicle dimensions - these parameters are determined based on an average width and height of the vehicle, given the distance to room arrival (40-50 cm on each side and 60 cm at the top);
  • particular location - are taken into account the required amount of maneuvers when the arrival at the garage, and the quality of the road surface in the area in front of him;
  • the appointment of the premises - if you plan to use the garage for parking not only cars, but also for warehousing and storage of any items, equipment, etc., it is also necessary to take into account when determining the gate sizes.
The design of sectional garage doors

The design of sectional garage doors

Note!If the garage driveway has or is characterized by a steep turn bias, this should be taken into account when dimensioning the sectional gate systems.

In addition, when choosing the size of garage doors should be considered:

  • distance from the top line to the ceiling opening (jumper). minimum headroom for normal operation the gate should be at least 2.1 m;
  • partition line width of the left and right edges of the opening up to the wall should not be less than 1 m, which will provide the normal conditions for the installation drive system;
  • the absence of a location area guides of any kind of communication, to avoid damage during the operation of the gate.

Sectional doors to the garage: the sizes and prices depending on the manufacturer

As noted above, each manufacturer produces sectional garage doors in standard sizes, but these parameters at each company on your own. In addition, each company has its own product specifications and specific installation requirements. Thus, a necessary condition for the bridge height in sectional garage doors Alutech different from the same parameter of DoorHan, and the distance to the guide is identical in almost all manufacturers.

Quality gates for the garage must ensure the safety of its contents, as well as mobile access to it

Quality gates for the garage must ensure the safety of its contents, as well as mobile access to it

Typically, the dimensions of door systems adjustment range from 2 to 6 m in length -. 5 to 7 m width of each section is in the range of from 35 to 61 cm. The sections are made from sandwich panels of thickness of 40-45 mm, which constitute the two plates filled with polyurethane foam. Such insulation is moisture and is an excellent thermal insulator. Through this gate does not freeze in winter.

Dimensions of standard Classic Series Sectional gates, presented by the company Alutech, limited to the following parameters: the width from 2250 to 5000 mm and height from 2085 to 3085 mm. It is possible to manufacture the modules with intermediate values ​​of width and height, adding to the model parameters by 5 mm. This allows you to choose the design for the required dimensions of almost any opening.

Typical parameters sectional Alutech Standart series production of garage doors are somewhat different and are as follows:

Door width, mm Door height mm
2250 2375 2500 2625 2750 2875 3000 3125 3250 3375 3500

Determining the width of standard size sectional doors Herman (made in Germany) has its own height:

  • 2250h1875 / 2000/2125 mm;
  • 2375h1875 / 2000/2125/2250 mm;
  • 2500h1875 / 2000/2125/2250/2375/2500/2750 mm;
  • 2625h2125 mm;
  • 2750h2000 / 2125/2250/2375/2500/2750 mm;
  • 3000h2000 / 2125/2250/2375/2500/3000 mm.

Each of the values ​​of the gate width of 3250, 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750 and 5000 mm dimensions correspond to a height of 2000, 2125 and 2250 mm.

Useful advice!When ordering a sectional designs, choose the minimum required size, as the lighter the unit, the more stable its work.

Sizes garage lift sectional doors Dorhan in standard range from the width and height to 2000h1800 3000h2700 mm respectively.

Sectional garage doors DoorHan

Sectional garage doors DoorHan

The cost of sectional garage doors

Functionality and attractive design of lifting and sectional doors for garages makes these designs are quite popular among consumers. In addition to the technical characteristics, many interested in the price for sectional doors garage. The cost of door systems affect the dimensions of paintings, the type of mechanism, the degree of sound and heat insulation, and other factors. In addition the price of lifting the sectional door depends on the manufacturer.

Price sectional doors Alutech

Order sectional garage doors (size, price, equipment listed in the price) can be made by contacting the sites that specialize in selling door systems. For convenience, they are placed not only technical specifications, but also photos sectional garage doors. This gives a visual representation of the color of the panels and the design of structures.

Sectional garage doors Alutech

Sectional garage doors Alutech

The basic set of lifting and sectional doors Alutech includes:

  • Gate web of sandwich panels of 45 mm thickness of standard colors with texture wood. The panels are provided with reinforcement for hinges and finger protection;
  • the presence of the torsion mechanism sectional door, designed for 25,000 cycles;
  • set of fasteners;
  • guides;
  • locking webs fall;
  • suspensions up to a height of 300 mm lintel;
  • a spring latch;
  • cord for closing the web;
  • original packaging.

The table shows the rates lifting-sectional doors Alutech depending on the size of the panels with the type of "microwave L, M, S-ribbed", rubles. Delivery and installation are not included:

Door height mm Door width, mm
2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750
2210 26660 26550 26255 30100 32785 35248 36930 38700
2335 27325 29880 27070 30700 33170 35940 37625 40130
2460 28360 31210 28280 31480 34290 43260 45391 47050
2585 29169 32778 28760 33130 35991 44670 46058 49520
2710 31685 33866 36520 39370 41599 44965 46958 50420
2835 32350 34860 34165 35246 42880 46339 48570 51935
2960 33200 36665 39228 42927 45390 48998 51415 57010
3085 34151 37755 41218 44017 41560 50420 52887 58530

Although door systems have a rather complicated structure, they can be integrated to the gate input. This door can save significant resources of the lifting mechanism, for example, if there is no need to open the gate to enter the car, and the driver has to go to the garage. However, such models will experience an increase in the cost of the sectional door by approximately 40%.

Note!Built-in gate is equipped with a position sensor, which eliminates the possibility of movement of the door leaf when the gate is open.

Alutech garage doors are widely used in the construction of cottages, garages and car parks

Alutech garage doors are widely used in the construction of cottages, garages and car parks

The cost of lifting and sectional doors Dorhan

The popularity of garage doors Dorhan explains the democratic price and high quality products. Door sections and components manufactured in Russia. Depending on the preferences of the customer, the web may be carried out five types of sandwich panels with different textures and standard color palette consisting of up to 10 colors.

Buy Sectional garage doors (product prices Dorhan not depend on the exchange rate) can be in two series: Economy and Premium. Comparing them, we can say that in the premium option to increase the capacity of the springs and it is possible to fill large openings. In addition, only in this series may purchase lift sectional doors with a wicket. If the gate will be used rarely, it makes sense to save by ordering the system of economy class.

On the websites of companies engaged in product sales, you can make an online-calculation of prices for sectional doors Dorhan. The calculator takes into account the size of the opening, the type of panels, the type of lift and drive, as well as other additional settings.

Prices lifting and sectional doors garage Economy series presented in the table below:

Dimensions Dorhan gate systems RSD01SC series, mm The color and design of the price, rbl.
white RAL9003 Brown RAL8014 Golden oak
2500h2115 29690 26940 29690
2500h2215 29310 26610 29310
2500h2390 29975 27190 29975
2750h2115 31930 28920 31930
2750h2215 31650 28665 31650
2750h2390 32340 29290 32340
3000h2015 34420 31130 34420
3000h2215 34860 31510 34860
3000h2515 36300 32785 36300
3000h2640 33600 33050 33600

Many companies offer seasonal discounts and promotions on the standard model gate. As part of the shares available free travel specialist to measure the opening at the sectional garage door. Often, buyers are interested in the question of how to install sectional garage door in order to design quality has remained unchanged. With this in mind, manufacturers of ready-made kits for implementing the installation of sectional doors with their hands.

Useful advice!Installation of sectional doors with their hands can save up to 25% of the cost of the finished design.

Features installation of sectional garage doors with their hands: the installation video guide

That anyone could perform the assembly of sectional garage doors with their hands and well install electrical actuators, manufacturers mans accompanying technical products documentation. Each of them makes the gate on its own technology, whether the company Dorhan, Herman or Alutech. Installation of the sectional door (instructions included with the kit) should be carried out in strict sequence.

Installation of sectional garage doors

Installation of sectional garage doors

Basic requirements for the installation of sectional doors: a video guide

One of the main requirements for the installation of door systems is considered to be a quality lock all fasteners and a strict hierarchy of the garage opening. By setting design, follow these guidelines:

  • before installing it is necessary to check the compliance of all fasteners mounting card;
  • We should not allow even the slightest misalignment, as they will lead to disruption of the entire system;
  • can not be used for mounting the foam structure alignment. In this case necessary to provide the lining of a metal of different thicknesses;
  • bearing parts should be fixed in a certain sequence, indicated in the instructions;
  • assembly of the door leaf, start with the bottom panel;
  • after the gate will be collected, check how much is in contact with the upper wing panel strip. If necessary, adjust the correct position with the upper bracket;
Elegant sectional door opens vertically motorized up and follow along the ceiling of the garage

Elegant sectional door opens vertically motorized up and follow along the ceiling of the garage

  • system management mechanisms, locks and handles are attached after the blade assembly;
  • mounting a balancing spring, make sure that the lifting cables were strained;
  • after the installation of the limiter web and drive should check the progress of the gate, having made a few opening and closing cycles.

Note!Failure to comply with instructions when installing the sectional door to the garage with his hands can lead to poor performance of the system.

As an example, you can view a video installation of sectional doors with their hands.

Preparations for the opening sectional doors with their hands: drawings and design scheme of the device

The circuit assembly design will allow to calculate the required amount of materials and will not make a mistake with the size. Before preparatory work, design drawing with the target application to it of the necessary sizes and arrangements locations of rails and sockets t. D.

To make sure that the depth garage will be enough, use the following calculation: add to the height of the gate 0.5 m, and if you plan to installation of automatic or manual chain drive for sectional doors, you need to add 1 m.

portal system basis weight will fall on the web (lintel) and the ceiling, so they must be made of durable material. With regard to the piers, they must also have considerable strength, as it will be fixed to the guide. Optimum parameter lintel is from 25 to 50 cm. If this size is not sustained, the gates are installed non-standard models, which cost will be higher.

Sectional door mechanism, wherein 1 - section; 2 - brackets; 3 - vertical guide; 4 - directing the arc; 5 - rollers; 6 - a drum; 7 - the torsion shaft; 8 - horizontal rail; 9 - Electric

Sectional door mechanism, wherein 1 - section; 2 - brackets; 3 - vertical guide; 4 - directing the arc; 5 - rollers; 6 - a drum; 7 - the torsion shaft; 8 - horizontal rail; 9 - Electric

Before installing the gate is recommended to remove the old covering material, plaster doorway, observing the flatness. This will ensure a perfect seal and improve insulation. Furthermore, it is necessary to verify that the left and right partition are barred on the same plane. If the garage is made from a lightweight material, it is necessary to perform steps to strengthen the walls with a metal frame.

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Video fitting a sectional door

The network can be easily find a series of training videos dedicated to the self-assembly of lifting and sectional doors Alutech, the DoorHan and other manufacturers. Videos contain detailed information on how to take measurements, prepare the opening, collect fabric and fasten all the design elements. Practical tips will help those who first encountered with the installation of such systems.

Getting acquainted with the thematic subjects, you can get detailed information about the device sectional door systems, types drive required for installation instruments as fasteners, and the step by step instructions and installation mechanisms automation. If your budget is limited, experts explain the expense of what can be saved, and where not to do so.

Lifting sectional gates are considered the most convenient, compact and safe

Lifting sectional gates considered the most convenient, compact and safe

Useful advice!To the functional design qualities were at the right level, and avoid the use of non appropriate thickness fasteners.

In addition, you can search for information about the installation of door systems of a particular manufacturer, for example, a video installation gate Dorhan own hands. Sectional structure of the company and the requirements for their installation will be slightly different from the counterparts of other manufacturers.

Repair of lifting and sectional doors

In the operation of door systems can be observed damage and malfunctions. The reasons may be different: the incorrect assembly of the construction, violation mounting technology, failure of elements and other damage. This gives not only a lot of inconvenience, but also leads to some of the financial costs.

Consider the most common faults and how to resolve them.

Open (damage) of the cable - may occur due to intensive use, incorrect installation, cable damage due to the winding drum spoiled, which are chipped. It is necessary to determine the cause of damage, replace the cable, carry out balancing torsion bar, adjust the automation.

Weakening of the torsion spring - observed in the case of prolonged use, exposure to aggressive environment, delays in maintenance, fault coupling shaft connection. Eliminated by repair clutch replacement and balancing of the torsion spring.

Sectional doors - it's convenient, practical and stylish

Sectional doors - it's convenient, practical and stylish

skewed gates - there is a fault in the case of the guide rail, the drum shaft or the connecting sleeve, as well as damage to the cable, clips, brackets, incorrect winding of the cable on the drum. It can be eliminated by straightening the tire if slight deformation, and by replacing the cable, support brackets, the drum clutch.

Creaks when opened, embarrassing move - wear of the rollers, damage or misalignment web reel fault torsion mechanism, guide rails. Eliminated by substitution of damaged parts.

Remote does not function - possibly faulty battery or a radio, which is wet, worn buttons, damaged electrical wiring. Remedy - replacement and adjustment of defective items.

Incomplete closure of the gate - warp fabric failure setting position, and the sensitivity, hauling torsion springs, improper installation of the drive. Remedy possible by adjusting the provisions of the actuator and adjust the sensitivity, the elimination of skew, replacing the need for a drive.

Remote control garage door

Remote control garage door

Do not operate the automatic mode gate - failure of the drive, there is no supply voltage, the drive transferred to the manual mode of use, failure of electrical wiring, control panel, switch. To eliminate the check for power, lock status, the operation of controls. If necessary make a substitution.

Useful advice!Since the device of the system is quite complex, it is recommended as part of servicing a contract for the repair of sectional garage doors. In this case, the troubleshooting work will be done efficiently, inexpensively and quickly.

Set automatic entrance systems can be virtually any garage. automatic gate facilities makes everyday operation comfortable and modern design is refreshing garage architecture and gives it a stylish look.

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