Cellar in the country with their own hands: a step by step installation guide

Cellar - an important element of any suburban area, it is indispensable for storage of vegetables, fruits, and conservation. This article contains information about how to build a cellar in the country with their own hands: a step by step description It will take into account a lot of nuances, from the correct choice of the place and to installation of waterproofing and wiring. External construction arrangement is also important, and shelves and drawers structure will use the space efficiently.

Cellar in the country with their own hands: a step by step guide arrangement

The process of construction of a cellar wall from a red brick


  • 1 Species and features of the cellars
  • 2 Nuances arrangement cellar with their hands at a high level of groundwater
  • 3 Recommendations for the construction of the cellar with their hands: how to make the most efficient
    • 3.1 Features of the use of different materials
  • 4 Cellar in the country with their own hands: a step by step guide for building
    • 4.1 equipping wells
    • 4.2 The construction of the foundation
    • 4.3 Walling
    • 4.4 Installation of the cellar ceiling with his hands
    • 4.5 Types and features floor installation in the cellar
    • 4.6 Design and installation of ventilation systems
    • 4.7 Installation of stairs and doors
    • 4.8 Manufacturing hatch
    • 4.9 Wiring and lighting
    • 4.10 Installation of waterproofing in cellar
    • 4.11 The types of materials used for interior waterproofing
    • 4.12 The order of installation of waterproofing
  • 5 Installation of the shelves in the cellar with their hands: and photo instruction

Species and features of the cellars

Do not confuse the cellar and basement. The construction of the cellar with their hands in the country may be reduced to the simple digging pits and the minimum of its arrangement. Select the type of construction depends on many parameters, for example, from its purpose, on the climatic conditions of the region, financial possibilities, etc.. Also, when choosing the type of materials for the construction of a cellar in the country with their own hands is necessary to consider its location.

Freestanding building to build easier than, for example, to construct the cellar under the house, but this option will require more materials, and thus finance. Make the repository under the dwelling house or outbuilding is cheaper, but this option is limited in space.

cellars arrangement will allow for a long time to keep conservation and other products

cellars arrangement will allow for a long time to keep conservation and other products

One of the most popular options is the cellar-glacier. He copes with the function of long-term food storage, even in the hottest time of the year, and especially in demand in the southern regions. Build such type of a cellar in a private house with his own hands is difficult and expensive, but the result is characterized by high performance, durability and reliability.

Another good option of the construction - is the repository of two sections. As a rule, this type is used when you need to avoid mixing different scents of fruits and vegetables that are both stored in the cellar. To build such a facility requires less material than for the glacier.

A separate type of cellar - wine. It is used for storage of wine products, it has its own design features and nuances that need to be taken into account to carry out the correct building cellar. Typically, in such a repository may be stored not only wine, but also a variety of conservation.

The wine cellar has design features that must be taken into account at the stage of construction planning

The wine cellar has design features that must be taken into account at the stage of construction planning

Nuances arrangement cellar with their hands at a high level of groundwater

When choosing a location for the repository is very important to take into account factors such as the total soil moisture and groundwater levels. The lower it is, the easier it is to build a structure, but also less likely to need repair. If we are talking about a separate building, you should choose the highest place on your site. Determine the level of groundwater is best when it is maximal, that is in spring or autumn. If the area has a well or borehole, it is possible to determine the maximum mark on them, otherwise it is necessary to drill the well individually.

Somewhat more complicated construction of the cellar will be carried out, if close groundwater. How to do it as efficiently as possible? First of all, you need a lot of attention paid to waterproofing the structure. Also, when the soil moisture for better waterproofing cellars of groundwater should be used building materials, characterized by high resistance to water. In this case, do not use wood or plywood, but better to give preference to concrete and brick.

Driving device separately arranged cellar: 1 - the base; 2 - stage; 3 - guard; 4 - walls; 5 - ceiling vault; 6 - ventilation; 7 - waterproofing; 8 - backfill

Driving device separately arranged cellar: 1 - the base; 2 - stage; 3 - guard; 4 - walls; 5 - ceiling vault; 6 - ventilation; 7 - waterproofing; 8 - backfill

Useful advice! Check the level of groundwater and possible national signs. To do this, leave the construction site of a piece of wool and a chicken egg, and top cover them in an earthen pot. If in the morning and in the coat, and the egg is dew, the water table is close, if only on the fleece - away.

Recommendations for the construction of the cellar with their hands: how to make the most efficient

Regardless of what type of structure you choose, or what kind of materials are going to use, there are some general guidelines that should be followed during the construction step by step his cellar hands:

  • if you are going to use the wooden elements, they must be pre-treated with special impregnation to protect against the harmful effects of moisture;
  • the construction of the cellar is best to start in the summer, when the water table is at the bottom mark. In this case, the soil is the driest, and the risk of flooding design - minimum;
  • to ensure the effective storage products is very important to consider the ventilation system;
  • if you want to design maintain the desired temperature, it is recommended that during the construction of the cellar with their hands to make two doors separated by a vestibule;
To build a really good cellar, you need to carefully study the characteristics of materials and types of construction

To build a really good cellar, you need to carefully study the characteristics of materials and types of construction

  • special attention should also be paid to thermal insulation, then it will be provided with the optimum temperature in the cellar at any time of the year;
  • selection of tools and materials for construction is very important, so it is worth pre-acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of different types. Construction itself should be implemented in a well-recommended procedure.

Features of the use of different materials

Most often used in the construction materials such as bricks or concrete blocks. They are best tolerate high humidity and low temperature, and also characterized by durability, reliability and relatively low cost. During the construction of his cellar hands of the brick is necessary to consider features of the performance of each of the varieties of this material:

  • cinder block or brick foam has high brittleness, so the versions data should not be used in the construction of an underground storage facility;
  • lime bricks more durable, but very poorly responds to high humidity. This means that the construction of it can not boast a long service life;
The ideal material for the construction of the walls of the cellar is red brick

The ideal material for the construction of the walls of the cellar is red brick

  • Red brick is ideal for cellar in a private home. How to make the construction of this material is as efficient as possible, we can learn from the many step by step instructions from experts.

If you choose to use in the construction of concrete blocks, then you will definitely need specialized construction equipment, as they are characterized by greater weight. Cellar of them last a long time and well keep the temperature.

Also in the construction of the cellar in the house with his own hands can be used brick, has a used, if it allows its condition. And if you are going just to sheathe an earthen pit with wooden boards, they must carefully handle preservatives to prevent decay.

Note! The use of concrete slabs reinforced with metal, is also possible. But in this case to maintain the desired temperature will be quite difficult, so the material should not be used for the construction, in which you are going to store the products.

Driving device poluzaglublennogo cellar of bricks

Driving device poluzaglublennogo cellar of bricks

Cellar in the country with their own hands: a step by step guide for building

Strict adherence to the sequence of actions is the key to proper cellar. How to make the building as efficient as possible, spending a minimum of time and effort? For this installation work to be performed in a specific order.

equipping wells

With the selected portion is removed turf then leveled ground and counting is performed. Many photos cellar with their hands visible, which is often used for the arrangement of the pit specialized construction equipment, but if this is not possible, you can use a shovel and spades. The advantage of working with hand tools is that it allows you to keep the soil structure. If the land is in a selected area loose, the pit wall must go under a bias, to avoid fraying.

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 1: digging pits

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 1: digging pits

Dimensions cellar depend solely on your needs, but remember that the hole size should be 0.5 meters longer than the size of the structure itself. In the process of how you build a cellar with their own hands, dug a fertile land can be divided into dacha. Flatness of the bottom after the work is necessary to measure the level and correct if necessary.

The construction of the foundation

Although without this step, and you can do (simply having filled the bottom of the pit with gravel or asphalt bay) arrangement of the foundation will increase the level of waterproofing cellars from groundwater. How to make the foundation of the most efficient, but not very expensive? You can use the reinforcing frame, over which the poured concrete mix. Recommended height of the foundation is about 40 cm. Installation of the foundation is a prerequisite for the construction of a cellar in the country with their own hands if the water table is near. How to make the right foundation - prompt themed video.

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 2: The arrangement of the basement

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 2: The arrangement of the basement


If you are using to build a cellar under the house of bricks with their hands, then you need some specialized tools. These include a trowel, construction cord, hammer bricklayer, building level and a bucket for a solution. For greater efficiency of work should take the help of another person.

As the joining bricks solution can use a mixture of clay and sand, or cement. During the construction of underground or ground cellar with their hands laying should start at the corners, and the first row is laid without the use of the solution to better plan the position of the wall. Bricks following rows in need utaplivat solution until the seam thickness is not yet become equal to about 12 mm.

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 3: walling

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 3: walling

Useful advice!Be sure to use when laying wall building level and plumb. With first checked how exactly laid bricks, and using the second - the angles are correct.

Installation of the cellar ceiling with his hands

During the construction of the ceiling is best to use wooden boards. If the structure is being built under the house, the floors can be used as beams and the ceiling of ground cellars in the country with their own hands is done in steps of PKZH plates or slate. The surface may be flat or gable.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling is done in the same way as the normal insulation of the roof - the gap between wooden beams and roofing material is filled with a layer of insulation.

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 4: installation overlap

The construction of the cellar with their hands. Step 4: installation overlap

Types and features floor installation in the cellar

There are many different variants of the floor arrangement in the cellar, which is better - it depends on your preferences, the target of construction purposes, soil characteristics and other factors. It should also be pre-acquainted with the specifics of each method, it will help to quickly and efficiently build a cellar with their hands. Both video and fotoinstruktsii will greatly facilitate the installation process.

dirt floor - the easiest and cheapest option. There is a misconception that the correct floor in the cellar should be only earth, but it is not. Even well-compacted soil will not protect the room from dampness and mold.

If you do decide to make a compactor in the cellar floor, the base must be carefully leveled and compacted, and then poured a layer of gravel thickness of about 10 cm. The advantage of this option - zero installation costs, but much more disadvantages. These include a high risk of flooding of the premises and the high probability that the metal parts will rust and wood - rot.

Cellar with bulk sand floor

Cellar with bulk sand floor

Concrete floor - a good option to protect the room from the highly placed groundwater. The concrete screed can act not only as a floor covering, but also as a base for mounting other materials.

For the construction of a concrete floor it is very important to level the surface, after which the assembled pad of crushed stone and sand 15-20 cm thick. The sand must be carefully moisten and compacted, and pour on top of bitumen. In order to concrete foundation was durable as possible on top of the layer of bitumen can install a metal grate. After that, you can start pouring concrete.

A layer of waterproofing can be installed both on the sand bed, and on top of the concrete. In the second case, the top must be filled with another layer of concrete.

Paul Clay - reliable, but it is very time-consuming in terms of installation option. Requires large quantities of high quality material, therefore, it is used infrequently. Clay is considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials. It fits on the basis of gravel 10-15 cm thick, which can be impregnated with bitumen. By clay is mounted a waterproofing layer of roofing felt or other material, and cracks that may be formed after drying, are sealed with a mixture of clay and lime.

The floor in the cellar, built with his own, equipped concrete

The floor in the cellar, built with his own, equipped concrete

Brick Floor - tough, durable and has attractive appearance. In addition, the material is relatively cheap and easy to install. Stone floor is laid on a bed of gravel or grit, is poured on top of the clay solution. Bricks slightly recessed into the solution close to each other. Also the joints between the bricks can be driven by means of a stiff brush cement.

Wooden floor - is used in ground-based version cellars or where groundwater is too deep. Before installing the wood must be treated with special impregnation for longer life. Wooden boards are mounted on top of the logs of timber, which, in turn, are placed on a base of crushed stone and clay. Fasten planks best with screws, but you can just nailed.

Note!For each of the materials you will need a separate set of tools, which is better to attend to purchase in advance.

EXAMPLE ventilation apparatus 1 - for underground cellars; 2 - for a detached cellar

EXAMPLE ventilation apparatus 1 - for underground cellars; 2 - for a detached cellar

Design and installation of ventilation systems

If you are building a ground-based structure, the flow of air in the cellar can be done in a natural way through the small holes. For underground construction ventilation should be supply and exhaust. Yield exhaust pipe to be located near the ceiling, and a suction - near the floor. Many photos cellars in the country with their own hands can be seen that the outlets are equipped with special ventilation shutters, it allows you to more accurately monitor the temperature in the room.

Installation of stairs and doors

If the cellar under the house is built, or, if necessary, to save space, it is necessary to do almost vertical stairs to the cellar with their hands. How to make it as safe as possible for the descent? It is recommended to use the handrails. Photos stairs in the cellar with their hands show that it can be built from wooden planks, fixed directly into the ground, as well as brick or other materials.

The doors are mounted in the ground construction embodiments, in other cases the hatch. Make a hatch in the cellar with their hands quite easily.

Driving device for ladders cellar

Driving device for ladders cellar

Manufacturing hatch

If the cellar located underground or economic construction, as the input partitions used hatch. You can buy the cellar hatch and can make its own hands. The second option will provide design exactly meets your needs. Self-assembly hatch It comprises the following steps:

  • selected location for future entry. It is important that access to it was as simple as possible and do not clutter the shelves, drawers and other items;
  • hatch dimensions are determined. It all depends on your needs, but the parameters must not be smaller than 75x75 cm. To the room was sealed, the side faces of the hatch seal is necessary to sheathe;
  • made manhole cover in the cellar. How to make it light and durable? To do this, it is best to use a drying oil impregnated wooden boards. They are interconnected slats, and with one side of the cover sheet of plywood nailed. When it comes to the cellar in a house, on top of the hatch cover can be clad in the same flooring as the floor around her. It should be borne in mind that if you plan to hatch arrangement to the cellar under the tile, the design should be made of a sufficiently durable material that can withstand all the ceramics. If you prefer to use steel, the need for the cover sheet is not less than 3 mm thick, which is welded on a metal frame;
Driving device for the hatch cellar

Driving device for the hatch cellar

  • attached handle. The best option would be a special hidden or hinged construction. If the cellar is in the non-residential premises, or there is a need to save money, you can use an ordinary doorknob;
  • screwed hinges. It may be conventional hinges or automobile springs. The latter option makes it easier to open the lid and lock it in any position.

Answers to the question about how to make a hatch in the cellar with their own hands, there are many, so you should choose the option that is most appropriate in your particular case.

Wiring and lighting

Because the cellar design provides high humidity, the wiring in it have to be securely isolated. The best option for wiring are made of copper wire with a double layer of insulation. Bulbs should be placed in the driest areas and additionally equipped with protective caps. It is strictly forbidden to do in the construction of sockets cellar. How to do the wiring as safe as you can see in the video tutorials from the experts.

Light bulb in the cellar should be placed in dry places, and be sure to equip caps

Light bulb in the cellar should be placed in dry places, and be sure to equip caps

Installation of waterproofing in cellar

As already mentioned, the insulation from moisture is a very important moment in the construction of the cellar in the country with their own hands. How to make the most effective waterproofing - there are lots of options, and the choice of optimal of them depends on the level of soil moisture and structural features of buildings.

Waterproofing may be external or internal. External affairs of another stage of construction, with the outside walls are sheathed with insulating materials, as well as mounted gutters, drain wells and other structures. Internal insulation is already after the cellar was built. In this case, prior to use insulating materials should implement groundwater extraction, otherwise the operation will be ineffective.

The types of materials used for interior waterproofing

If you made a cellar in the country with their own hands made of waterproof concrete, then you are unlikely to require additional cladding insulation material. But for the design of brick, use the following options for waterproofing:

  • mastic or asphalt - are used in cases where the groundwater level is below the floor level. The solution was warmed and thinly applied on the walls, resulting in a reliable waterproof film;
The waterproofing membrane material

The waterproofing membrane material

  • penetrating waterproofing - the most expensive but also the most effective option. It is good that not only increases the level of resistance to moisture of the walls, but their hardiness. Also penetrating waterproofing reliably embeds all the cracks and micropores, characterized by long service life and quickly mounted;
  • the polymer solution on the basis of cement - is one of the most reliable and easiest to apply for waterproofing materials. He adheres to the walls and protects them from mechanical damage;
  • moisture insulation membrane type - consists of different polymers, including the very popular liquid rubber based on bitumen.

Note!It is very important to have effective ventilation for the reliable waterproofing of cellars in the country with their own hands. How to build a ventilation system so that the vault is not excess moisture condenses? This is best suited installation of air handling systems.

Driving apparatus and heat sealing cellar

Driving apparatus and heat sealing cellar

The order of installation of waterproofing

On numerous cellars photos in a private home shows that the waterproofing can be hidden under the decorative wall panels. It is not a prerequisite, but only affects the appearance of the walls. Nuances mounting waterproofing layer depends on the type of material chosen.

Waterproofed with bitumen or mastic for cellar walls under the house to make your own hands, as a rule, will not be difficult. To do this, the walls must be pre-plastered, and the very best waterproofing applied in two coats. Before the final drying of the coating it is recommended to sprinkle dry sand small.

Before mounting the penetrating damp-proofing, the wall surface must be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust, and then with water. After application of the insulation layer within a few days it is also necessary to continually moisten. Concrete walls before installing the penetrating waterproofing handled wire brush.

One of the most effective options to protect against moisture - penetrating waterproofing

One of the most effective options to protect against moisture - penetrating waterproofing

For applying a liquid rubber, the walls need to be sure to align and clean. After this surface is primed and on it using a brush, roller or trowel applied waterproofing material. Finishing materials can be mounted directly on a layer of liquid rubber after drying. The photo of wine cellars, for example, shows that the wood-paneled walls.

The cement-polymer mixture is applied to the well wetted wall with a notched trowel or brush. It is best to do it in several layers.

Installation of the shelves in the cellar with their hands: and photo instruction

And shelves - all essential elements of the cellar and basement. There are several types of racks for cellars, which can be bought in specialized shops, but it is much easier and more economical to make their own hands. The most popular options are the following:

  • wooden shelves - one of the most common answers to the question of what to do the shelf in the cellar. Material different environmental friendliness and ease of use, and shelving to best use the bar section of 100x100 mm and a thickness of 3-4 cm boards. mounting scheme is very simple - made from a bar rack, which saw through the socket for fixing the shelves. To the shelves made of wood last longer, they are impregnated with special structures;
Mounting dimensions of the wooden racks for cellar

Mounting dimensions of the wooden racks for cellar

  • concrete racks - a good option if you want to know how to make a shelf in the cellar of the most durable and resistant to moisture. To create concrete shelves can be used slabs of reinforced concrete or niches in the walls, which are filled with concrete screed;
  • shelves angle steel - used in rooms with low humidity, otherwise the designs very quickly can begin to rust. In order to make a shelf in the cellar for the cans, are generally used welding machine, but you can do a simple self-tapping screws. First of metal rails are made frames, then the shelves are attached to them;
  • plastic shelves - one of the most economical and easiest option, which features an attractive appearance and resistance to moisture. However, plastic is pretty bad cold temperatures, therefore it can not boast of durability.

Useful advice!Wondering how to make a shelf in the cellar with their hands, and some material for this pick, Consider the level of humidity in the room, as well as the average weight of cans and boxes, which will be stored on shelves. Concrete perfectly withstand even a very heavy load, but plastic can not boast.

Along the walls of the cellar are equipped with shelves of wood

Along the walls of the cellar are equipped with shelves of wood

From these materials can be made in the cellar boxes for potatoes. As a rule, they are fitted with removable lids, which are installed if necessary. No matter what material you choose, in the warmer months, shelves and drawers is recommended to move to dry out. This will prevent the occurrence of mold and multiplication of pathogens.

When the internal construction and arrangement of the cellar is completed, it is possible to reflect on the exterior ground structure. Its variant depends solely on your preference - you can just pour a mound of earth, and you can decorate it with turf or ornamental grass, turning it into an element of landscape design. Use in the construction process the cellar with their hands and fotoinstruktsii video, which will help to take into account all the details and arrange a practical and functional space.

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