The better to sew a wooden house inside - materials and practical advice

house Solving its housing problem, people mainly pay attention to the process of construction and engineering communications, and internal decoration as such is receding into the background. After all, the main task - to quickly move into your own home. And in principle, this is correct, as the range of products for wall and ceiling cladding is so extensive that the choice of the optimal option for special labor will not be.

But is this a judgment for wooden houses? After all, they are built from wood, as a rule, in order to live in an ecologically "clean" structure with all its charms. And who does not care about this issue, they find cheaper options for construction. For example, from cellular concrete. Before taking a short look at the most suitable materials for the internal cladding, it is worthwhile examining the parameters by which they should be evaluated.


As already noted, most individual developers postpone "for later" the decision of the issue of interior decoration. The same happens with money. By the time construction is completed, it turns out that there are not so many of them left. Therefore, the possibilities for selecting materials are usually limited.

Durability of finish

In addition to the commonplace practicality, this factor has a purely psychological aspect. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with the prospect of an early repair( even cosmetic) after the construction has taken so much time and effort.

"Compliance" with

materials What is a wooden house? This is a whole "composition" of wood, glass( window) and roofing material( cement for the foundation - does not count).Although in terms of internal design everyone has their own preferences, but still it is worth paying attention to. For example, someone does not like the combination of plastic, metal and wood( nevertheless, some plastic windows are installed in wooden houses).

One can not ignore such a factor as the coefficient of deformation. Any material under the influence of humidity and temperature to some extent changes its "geometry".Here, according to this parameter, both the base( tree) and the finish should be approximately the same. Otherwise, during the operation of the structure, destruction( cracks, delamination, etc.) of the cladding can not be avoided, and as a consequence, "unscheduled" repairs.


We offer a somewhat non-standard approach to the consideration of the issue of choosing materials for the internal "cladding" of houses made of wood - by the "reverse" method. So it becomes more clear what is best to produce the finish.

Which products should be discarded


Despite the fact that many sheets of gypsum board and gipsovoloknistyh many fans, use them for budgetary finishing of the house is hardly advisable.

Firstly, , no matter how all the advantages of their application are written, there is a cast in the composition, and that says it all. It will require additional external finishing of the sheets themselves, to prevent absorption of moisture. And the appearance of the "bare" gypsum board is unlikely to suit anyone. Consequently, painting, plastering. And this - the appreciation of works, so the conversation on the issue of "inexpensive" loses all meaning.

Secondly, , you need to consider the shrinkage of a wooden house. Various "experts" convince that in a couple of years you can forget about this problem. But this is not so. In the indicated period, moisture evaporation from the material is maximal, but in general this process lasts much longer. Because of this, in order to avoid mechanical destruction of the sheets, the same GCR will have to be stacked in 2 layers, not less. And again - rise in price + additional time for installation.

Thirdly, , the joints of the samples are sealed, and they themselves are in composition - paper + gypsum. It turns out that the interior space of the house will be completely corked. What then was the meaning of the building of wood in the hope that the dwelling would be eco-friendly, with a pleasant microclimate and so on? Such a finish will negate all the advantages of a wooden structure.


Materials containing adhesives

Among these we can distinguish the popular laminate and OSB.Yes, they have the same wood, and the options can be picked up at a price affordable. It seems to be that it is necessary. Moreover, various sources persistently prove that they do not in any way worsen the ecology in the house. But now even a schoolboy understands that any adhesive compound( and the production technology assumes the use of glue) is "chemistry", therefore, despite all the assurances of the Producers and their agents about the environmental "purity" of the materials, this is somehow not very hard to believe. And to inhale harmful vapors - not very desirable, even if they only "slightly dilute" the pleasant smell of wood.

Metal and plastic

Despite the fact that PVC panels are one of the cheapest options for decoration, they are hardly suitable for interior decoration of a home. They are easy to mount on a wooden base, but what's the point of doing this? The reasons are described above. The same applies to metal panels.


Optimal finishes

Wood products

The varieties of this product and its forms( linear sample sizes) are more than enough. Board( the same board), plates, panels, veneers and the like. The main thing is that it is a natural tree( and, well polished), and not its plastic( metal) imitation. Actually, houses made of rounded timber often do not require any internal finishing with additional materials.

Wood waste products

As a rule, MDF is more often used for interior finishing. The cost is slightly higher, but there is a nuance. If the products of the local manufacturer, it is always right at the enterprise( and even at the point of sale) there is a lack of conformity or "rejection".Such panels are easily handled manually, so after the purchase of such samples, they "cut", eliminating the flaw, labor is not. For the price will be much less( in 1,5 - 2 times), and the quality of registration of housing is not affected in any way.


Cork covers

But this is for those who are not used to saving. Materials on this basis are quite expensive, but "it's worth it".

Floor tiles

Here the opinions of experts differ. Some believe that to finish the floors and walls in rooms with excessive moisture without it can not do. Argument opponents - under it you need to mount a reliable foundation, and the "bare" tree to lay will not work. In principle, various technologies are now being used, so you can work in a wooden house with tiles. The only drawback - some complexity in the laying and a general rise in price of such a cladding. So this is at the discretion of the landlord.

Although for the bathroom there is an alternative to the tile - the same MDF panels. With their appropriate surface treatment - an excellent option.

The article lists the main types of materials that can be used to finish the wooden structure from the inside. We gave some useful practical recommendations. Analyzing them, the thoughtful reader will understand what is best for him at home, taking into account the specifics of the home and the expected volume of financial investments in its internal design.

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