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Conduct garden works such as loosening the soil or grass mowing by hand can be tedious, especially if they are carried out over a large area. The use of such a unit, as a walk-behind Neva and attachments to it not only greatly facilitate your work, but also make many processes much more efficient and faster. In addition, it's easy to improve and significantly expand its functionality.
Motoblock Neva - one of the most popular and reliable units on the market today
- 1 Petrol and diesel motor blocks Neva: features, types and benefits
- 2 Options attachments for motoblock Neva
3 Domestic snow-plow for walking tractor Neva: types and features
- 3.1 Snow heads with their hands
4 Motoblock Neva on caterpillar drive
- 4.1 Making tracks with their own hands
- 5 Features motoblock Neva MB-23C-9.0 engine Subaru EX27 9 HP: the use of video
- 6 Tillers Neva with Subaru engine 7.5 HP: reviews and features owners of units
- 7 Homemade tractor from motoblock Neva: reviews of the owners, and instructions for manufacturing
- 8 Motoblock Neva and attachments to it: Care and Safety
Petrol and diesel motor blocks Neva: features, types and benefits
Under the trademark "Motor-Neva" produced a large number of tillers, differing operating characteristics. You can choose for themselves the model that will fit your needs perfectly. Consider popular models of tillers.
Tillers Neva can greatly facilitate the work on the ground
MB-CD - is used for the treatment of small areas, it is characterized by compact dimensions and ease of management. Engine power MB-CD is 6.5 hp, and the model design allows mounting of various attachments to it. Model works on 2 front and one reverse gear, which switch a simple turn of a lever. Support wheel to the base is not included, but you can easily install their own hands.
MB-1 - differs from the previous model, the increased number of gears, then they 3. The unit is designed to work with moderate soils and can be used as a vehicle, as well as for snow removal, leaves and various types of contamination. Engine power to motor cultivator Neva MB-1 is 6.5 hp
MB-2 - powered by Honda's Japanese company with a capacity of 5.8 hp The advantage motoblock Neva with Honda engine It is that the amount of gear that is in the base model is three, can double a simple permutation in the belt engine. You can also set different types of attachments for motoblock Neva 2 MB, which will use it as cleaning equipment. In comparison with other models, wheel IB-2 are characterized by an increased diameter, thereby increasing throughput.
Motoblock Neva MB-2 has a high permeability, so it is convenient to use in large areas
MB-23 - the most powerful model in the series, equipped with an engine capacity of 10 hp, which makes it an excellent choice for long and heavy duty applications, including plowing untilled soil. In addition, the model has a high maneuverability thanks to the separation of the wheels. This model walking tractor can be converted into a vehicle, and attach the trailer and used as a tractor.
MB-23SD - equipped with a diesel engine is powered by Subaru capacity of 4.8 hp Characterized arable low speed, thereby efficiently can handle even the frozen ground. Just like the other models in the walk-behind Neva with Subaru engine can be installed attachments.
Regardless of the model, all tillers Neva characterized by the following advantages:
- import engines with high efficiency, allowing to effectively cultivate the soil;
- the ability to install various attachments and attachments to the Tillers Neva, significantly expanding its functionality;
- ease of operation and maintenance. To work with motor-block you do not need special skills, it will be enough just to read the instructions;
- Easy shifting system, through which you can set the optimum speed to perform certain types of work.
Tillers Neva series are widely used for planting potatoes
Useful advice!Choosing a model walking tractor, consider the density of soil, which will work as well as the season. Based on these parameters must be selected engine power, and other characteristics.
Options attachments for motoblock Neva
For the basic functions for any variant motoblock include preparing the soil for sowing and plowing it. Due to the different types of cutters installed on the machine, you can loosen the soil to a depth of a few centimeters, but the mills there are also disadvantages. They are able to handle only the cultivated soil on a regular basis, but do not cope with the frozen, or just solid ground. Also do not allow the cutter to remove debris or snow, use motoblochny unit for other purposes. Can solve this problem, if you buy walk-behind tractor attachments on the Neva. Distinguish following its varieties:
- plow - good option additional equipment, if you need to work with heavy soil. With a weight of 7.8 kg 20/3 model P1 capable plow even very hard soil to a depth of 215 mm and widths 220 mm;
- Ridger - second only to plow on demand version of the equipment for motoblock Neva. Suspended Ridger used to podsypaniya land to plant roots. Different models furrowers distinguish occurrences depth into the ground and soil working width and by weight;
Attachments for motor cultivator Neva - Ridger and plow
- kartofelevykapyvatel - a good choice if you are tired of messing around with a shovel every time the potato harvesting. MUF model can come into the ground to a depth of 220 mm, while capturing 250 mm in width. This option will be very useful if you need to process a large portion of a potato field as efficiently, quickly and without too much cost in terms of effort. potato diggers model distinguished by weight, of the soil working width and depth of entering into the ground. Note that to install this and other equipment at the above walk-behind, you'll need special connectors, customized for each model;
- lugs - installed as walking tractor wheels and used for a deeper entry into the land unit. They differ in the diameter, width and weight, can be used for earthing up portion;
- wagon or trailer - equipment designed for the conversion of motor blocks vehicular transport. trailer dimensions are selected depending on the power of the engine unit, and the maximum speed at which the walk-behind can move with the carriage, is typically less than 10 km / h;
- mower - allows you to use walk-behind tractor for mowing or mowing grass for animal feed. Various embodiments of mowers vary in maximum height mowed grass, the speed and width of coverage;
Kartofelevykapyvatel and lugs can choose the size, weight and depth of plowing
- potato - especially equipment that is suitable for all types of tillers and greatly facilitates the process of planting potatoes;
- reversible plow - characterized by a large coverage of the soil, so that when there is no plowing missed areas. If you install this version of the equipment should be noted that the need to counterbalance it. If the model is walking tractor weighs less than 100 kg, it is recommended to set the weighting;
- Rake - the equipment for cleaning of leaves and various debris from the site. Such parts for motoblock Neva MB 2 and other models you can buy or make your own hands, subject to availability of the welding machine;
- snow machines - makes walk-behind Neva useful during the cold season. There are several options in the walk-behind snow tools Neva, each of which performs its functions.
Special equipment, facilitating excavation work - reversible plow and planter
Useful advice!By purchasing any option attachments for motoblock Neva, make sure that it works for a particular machine model, and be careful with the purchase of all the necessary fixtures and couplers.
Domestic snow-plow for walking tractor Neva: types and features
Distinguish such options snowthrower for motoblock Neva MB 2 and other models, such as a shed, blade and brush. Canopy allows you to simulate the work of snow-removing machines and clean even stale snow. Blade differs from it in that the lower layer allows to remove snow on the width of approximately 1 meter, whereas the sunshade covers approximately 60 cm. Rotary brush designed for cleaning freshly fallen snow, which had not yet packed. The only significant disadvantage of the rotary brush - it is a lot of weight, so be prepared to reduce the maneuverability of the unit when it is installed.
Motoblock Neva through the implement for cleaning snow is effective even in winter
Snow heads with their hands
The disadvantage of all the options winter baits is a pretty high price for motoblocks Domestic snow-plow Neva. Buy such equipment can afford not everyone, but this problem can be overcome if there is the necessary skills and tools.
The easiest option homemade snowthrower for motoblock Neva MB 2 and other models - a dozer blade type. To create it, you will need a special adapter that is attached to the machine and metal sheet with the sharp edge, which will act as a snow blade. All parts of the structure are cut from steel and interconnected by means of bars and brackets.
The second, slightly more complex version of this rotary nozzle. It is made of a pipe, in which the snow is thrown, boxes, gear, shaft and screw. For manufacturing such a nozzle you need welding machine as well as detailed instructions can be found in large numbers on the Internet.
Nozzles for snow removal can be made independently or purchased in specialized stores
The third type of snow removal equipment for motoblock Neva - it otbrasyvatel snow, working on the principle of the fan. This design is quite complex, so to create it is recommended to find the manual or video. Tillers Neva with fan nozzle is designed to work with soft, not yet packed snow.
The most sophisticated version of snow-removal tips, you can make your own hands, it shnekovo-fan. He copes with the compacted snow and icy, and is able to cover a large area, but for its production, you will need specialized knowledge and tools.
Motoblock Neva on caterpillar drive
Although the basic configuration Neva tillers are equipped with wheels, you can buy your unit tracked prefix. Crawler tillers Neva differ from wheeled counterparts high cross in rainy or snowy weather, and allow the use of the machine at any time of the year. You can buy the tracks for power tillers Neva, and can make their own hands using improvised tools.
Tillers Neva crawler drive have a high permeability and can be used in adverse weather conditions
Making tracks with their own hands
If you do not want to buy the track drive for power tillers Neva, and make it their own hands, that for this you will need the following materials:
- itself behind tractor equipped with function block axles and 4-stroke engine;
- conveyor belt or a pair of tires for the manufacture of large diameter caterpillars;
- a couple of extra wheels.
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What motoblock better prices, reviews and specifications for this type of technology
Information about which machines are and how to choose the most appropriate model. Overview of characteristics of different tillers.
The easiest option for motoblock caterpillars Neva, reviews of which testify to the high efficiency of the design, it is the design of the conveyor belt. For its production need tape thickness not less than 7 mm, and also by a further wheel on each side of the machine. To track of the tapes last longer, you can sew it on the edge of a thick fishing line.
Useful advice!Additional wheels for caterpillar walking tractor can be taken from the old car. The main requirement is to ensure that they conform to the native wheels in diameter.
For the manufacture of the tracks with his own hands is better to use old car tires
Also track the machine from the Neva walking tractor with the engine of the American or Japanese style can be done with a car tire. Casings of this need for a large diameter and with the right tread. It is best to choose this tire from a tractor or large truck. The manufacturing process of the tire tracks is divided into the following stages:
- Cutting in tires for caterpillar tracks. You can use a special boot knife that you want to wet the soap solution to facilitate rubber cutting process.
- Cutting them with a side part. You can do this jigsaw with a fine tooth comb.
- Removing the spare parts on the inside of the tire.
Plus caterpillars of tires - is its increased strength and reliability due to whole structure. Less flows from the plus and is such that the length of the caterpillar tires rigidly limited length.
In addition to walking tractor tracks can be made of belts or chains. In the first case it is necessary to interconnect several belts with a tapered profile. Connection is made using lugs and rivets. For the second option, you'll need two of the same size circuit.
Installation caterpillars Motoblock use water cooled engine
Before you make tracks for the unit Neva, you need to correctly calculate their parameters. If the track is too high, then turns behind tractor can overturn. Moreover, for the installation caterpillars better to choose a model with a water-cooled engine, since such a construction provides a greater load on the engine and may lead to its overheating.
Features motoblock Neva MB-23C-9.0 engine Subaru EX27 9 HP: the use of video
Among all engine variants for the tillers Neva, Subaru 9 HP It is the heaviest and powerful. The model with this engine is perfect for solving a wide range of applications and can be used regardless of the season.
A distinctive feature of the engine for motoblock Neva Subaru 9 horsepower is the ability to use any types of attachments. Furthermore, model MB-23 is characterized by enhanced gear design, which can be set on the additional cutter on each side. This allows the process at a time of land width of up to 170 cm.
Also, there are several reasons for the acquisition of such a model. If you decide to buy walk-behind tractor Neva Subaru EX27, you save considerably on fuel for the unit. A special balancing device effectively suppresses vibration and reduces noise during operation. Runs model equally easy as positive temperatures and frost.
Tillers Neva with Subaru engine 7.5 HP: reviews and features owners of units
Subaru engines with a capacity of 7.5 hp mounted on tillers Neva 2 MB. Price of such devices is somewhat higher than the standard model MB-2, however, higher and performance. The model is equipped with a four-stroke engine of the Japanese, which allows it to perform a wide range of activities, as well as use the machine as a transport or conveyance. Engine motor cultivator Neva Subaru 7.5 hp maintains stable revolutions at any temperature air, which makes it equally effective for use in winter and summer.
Tillers Neva 7.5 hp Subaru engine can be used for cutting grass, digging potatoes, garbage collection from the area, loosening the soil, and many other purposes. Reviews say the owners of high-power devices and maneuverability, as well as ease of operation and management. And if you want to extend the functionality of the unit due to the attachment, this can easily be done in the home.
Useful advice!When using motor cultivator Neva with an engine of 7.5 hp Subaru take care that the additional weight of the equipment does not outweigh the unit itself. If this does happen, use weights.
Subaru 7.5 hp engine is effective to use at any time of the year
Homemade tractor from motoblock Neva: reviews of the owners, and instructions for manufacturing
The main disadvantage of any model motoblochnogo unit is that to use it you need to go. When processing large areas it quickly leads to exhaustion. Get rid of this problem can be if we make a mini-version of the tractor walking tractor Neva own hands. Video of this process in a large number can be found on the Internet, so that problems with the design improvement should arise.
Of course, an additional module for the sedentary control can buy. However, a much more economical to do with her hands. The makeshift construction includes the usual frame with attached metal of wheels and seat. The following components you need for the manufacture of this design:
- Rolled metal for the frame - for this purpose suitable metal corner, brands or polutavr and square or channel.
- A pair of wheels with solid axle and two axle shafts.
- Welding machine and supplies for welding applications.
- Bearings and fastening.
- Seat.
- Lubricants and paints.
Create a convenient mini-tractor can be based on any motoblock
In addition, you will be useful tools such:
- Bulgarian or other tool for cutting metal;
- locksmith tools, such as screwdrivers, hammer, chisel, spanners or wrenches;
- taps and dies for marking of metal to be cut;
- electric drill and a set of drills;
- brushes and rollers for applying lubricants and paints.
In the manufacture of the tractor motor cultivator primarily designed kinematics. It is designed to ensure that the resulting design is to keep balance and not charge too much behind tractor. After that, from rolled metal manufactured frame. At this stage it is very important to provide the location of the plugs with the sleeve to rotate the trailer. You can then proceed to the production of the body. The best material for this will steel sheet for it.
After creating the frame and body to the resulting structure is mounted driver's seat and attachments, if necessary. Upon completion of installation work can begin to paint the finished mini-tractor.
Mini-tractor is useful for harvesting large areas
Reviews say the owners of home-made units that create a mini-tractor can be based on any tillers, and it will be much cheaper than to buy it. Tillers Neva with Subaru engine, for example, are converted to a miniature tractor with a minimum of finance and time-consuming.
Useful advice!The transformation motoblock Neva in the mini-tractor to help you solve the problem of low birth weight of the unit. Trailer heavier and the driver unit so that the adhesion of the wheels with the ground is considerably improved. This, in turn, increases the agility and efficiency of ground handling.
Motoblock Neva and attachments to it: Care and Safety
No matter which model you are using motor cultivator, it needs regular care and maintenance for the longest possible service life. In the first place in the regular diagnosis and needs cleaning the engine unit. The fastest is the wear part - the air filter. It needs to be cleaned after every 25 hours of use the walking tractor and chuck it be changed every 100 hours. If work is carried out in a particularly dusty environment, then this should be done more often.
Motoblock Neva is easy to use, but it needs regular care
Also in need of regular cleaning and cooling the motor rib mesh inlet air cooling fan. Before their cleaning motoblock sure to drown. In addition, every day, check the oil level and completely replace it every 25 hours. The replacement should be implemented when the engine is warm.
Before working on the motor-block, make sure that you know the purpose of all its controls, adjust the steering handles for its growth, disconnect the drive from the engine. Keep an eye on the state of the mechanism of wheels, low blood pressure in them can lead to slippage and a significant reduction in maneuverability and efficiency of the unit.
If you own a large plot of land, then you should definitely buy walk-behind tractor Neva. Prices for the various models of the machine relatively low and the difference between the use of the walking tractor and manual labor will be felt immediately.