Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room: the specificity of application

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This article discusses these decorative objects like walls for zoning of space in the room: Classification products based on the material manufacturing and basic designs, the specificity and the rules for their application, as well as technology independent production partition in the home and spectacular photographs of successful use of decorative designs in the interior.

Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room: the specificity of application

Partitions allow living space split into functional areas, both in large and small rooms


  • 1 Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room: the features and advantages of constructions
    • 1.1 Advantages for room partitions zoning
  • 2 The main types of partitions for rooms zoning
    • 2.1 Variety of decorative partitions for space in the room zoning
  • 3 How to choose a decorative partition for a room zoning
    • 3.1 Characteristic wooden partitions for the space in the room zoning
    • 3.2 Features plastic partitions for space in the room zoning
    • 3.3 Characteristics of the glass partition in the room
    • 3.4 Benefits of decorative metal walls in the room
    • 3.5 Specificity walls of plasterboard for the space in the room zoning
    • 3.6 Photo of decorative walls of plasterboard in the interior space
    • 3.7 Making room for the partition of the drywall Zoning: Photo & Technology
    • 3.8 Cabinets, partition walls to separate rooms: photo and types of constructions
    • 3.9 Features shelving, partitions for rooms zoning
    • 3.10 The choice of rack-partitions for rooms: photo and types of constructions
    • 3.11 Features zoning spaces by partitions

Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room: the features and advantages of constructions

Personal space - not a luxury but a necessity. In some cases, it is easier to buy a barrier for the zoning of the space in the room than to erect walls. The use of such structures not only to isolate a specific section of the room, but also visually divide the space into several zones.

Partitions are considered by modern designers and engineers as the best way of zoning rooms. The use of such structures in the layout can be effective not only in large areas but also in apartments with limited space.

The partition of the metal profile, painted white, looks stylish and elegant

The partition of the metal profile, painted white, looks stylish and elegant

Thanks to an extensive range of modern consumer market could buy a partition for zoning, made of different materials. Moreover, raw materials for the manufacture of decorative designs differ not only in their performance properties, but also external characteristics. This makes it possible to achieve an interesting and unusual design of the room. Numerous photos of partitions for the space in the room zoning confirm this.

The use of transparent materials allows you to save in an area separated by a partition, natural light throughout the day

The use of transparent materials allows you to save in an area separated by a partition, natural light throughout the day

Advantages for room partitions zoning

Advantages walls largely depend on the properties of the material from which they are made. For example, the construction of the brick are the most durable. Photo of decorative walls of plasterboard reflect only the external characteristics of the products. However, these designs are the easiest of the stationary zoning options. Glass models allow you to view a space hidden behind them.

A place to sleep and rest in a studio apartment is separated by means of the textile partitions

A place to sleep and rest in one-room apartment separated by means of the textile partitions

Useful advice!The performance properties of materials can be a deterrent and a source of drawbacks. For example, it is not recommended to purchase wooden products for use in environments with high humidity levels. These facilities include a kitchen and a bathroom. And in the nursery to buy a partition for zoning, made of durable materials, it will be the best solution since fragile glass may cause injury.

Partitions in a curtain - a popular element of the interior is decorated in Scandinavian style

Partitions in a curtain - a popular element of the interior is decorated in Scandinavian style

Advantages of partitions:

  • formation of the island portion in the room - the best option for the child, which resides in several toddlers;
  • the possibility of interior design using a variety of styles - there are different areas of the design will not cut the eye;
  • planning correction facilities with irregular shape or disabilities;
Mobile dividing wall in the form of a wooden screen with patterns decorates the living room of a private house

Mobile dividing wall in the form of a wooden screen with patterns decorates the living room of a private house

  • increasing the visual space in a small room - certain species of partitions allow you to visually expand the boundaries of space (mirror design);
  • the possibility of re-planning of a major studio in several rooms without the cost of installation walls of the capital;
  • decorative interior decoration.
Narrow plasterboard partition divides visually nursery intended for two children

Narrow plasterboard partition divides visually nursery intended for two children

Some embodiments of partitions for zoning rooms occupy a lot of space. But this does not prevent them to become the main focus in the interior.

The main types of partitions for rooms zoning

Online you can find many photo walls for zoning in the room. Before you pick up the material and the specific model, it is necessary to consider the structural features of these products.

The criteria for selecting the partition:

  • light transmission (items can be translucent or blind, i.e. do not transmit light);
Installation of sliding partitions - one of the best ways to zoning large spaces in area

Installation of sliding partitions - one of the best ways to zoning large spaces in area

  • structure (surface may be solid or have cut fishnet, hollow niche);
  • height;
  • the form;
  • Fitting features (on the floor, hanging baffle, there are even models that are mounted on a wall or on top of furniture).
Interesting and fresh looking mobile partition with live plants

Interesting and fresh looking mobile partition with live plants

Useful advice! Better just to decide on the final design and construction of the entire premises. Plasterboard partitions for rooms zoning can be corrected by the necessary parameters, and forged products at home to remake will not succeed.

The screen not only divides the space into zones, but also is an original element of the decor bedroom

The screen not only divides the space into zones, but also is an original element of the decor bedroom

Variety of decorative partitions for space in the room zoning

For multifunctional rooms and small apartments is best to buy a decorative room partition for zoning to the mobile structure. In such circumstances, the interior can vary depending on the needs. Installation of construction does not involve the fixation on the wall, ceiling or floor area. Mobile partition equipped with a wide frame or carcass basis, independently support the weight of the whole product.

Related article:

Mural, expanding the space, the design of modern apartment. How to choose a Desktop, expanding space for each room. Which image is most advantageous looks on the wall of a small room. Mural in a modern interior.

Frameless built-in partitions or make it impossible to change the interior. This type of construction is suitable for long-lasting repair.

If there is a need to continuously operate a space for room zoning using partitions is better to choose a sliding design. At the heart of these products is the principle of action-in closets. Depending on the model structure can be single or double.

Partition with doors of glass and metal separates from the living tablespoon

Partition with doors of glass and metal separates from the living tablespoon

Sliding partition can be made independently, having purchased reylingovy mechanism and the required amount of the appropriate size clips. But it's easier to just buy decorative partitions for the zoning of the space in the room, if the store has a product made in the required style.

In order to save space, you can buy a collapsible partition with compact dimensions. Such constructs are disclosed, as an accordion.

Interior in classical style with partitions, which are arranged shelves for storing books, photos and souvenirs

Interior in classical style with partitions, which are arranged shelves for storing books, photos and souvenirs

Note! There transformable partitions for the division of space in the room. They combine the features of sliding and folding systems. If necessary, a convertible partition can be folded or retracted.

The baffle made of aluminum sections and glasses, not clutter the space, looking easily and weightlessly

The baffle made of aluminum sections and glasses, not clutter the space, looking easily and weightlessly

How to choose a decorative partition for a room zoning

The products differ not only by the type of construction, but manufacturing material. The structure of the light barriers for much room zoning like the door to be installed in cabinets coupe. Tissue models resemble curtains.

The range of today's market is diverse, so before you buy a decorative partition for zoning room, you need to carefully consider which model will be the most convenient and suitable.

For the interior in the style of a loft is characterized by textile partitions of lightweight materials, good light-transmitting

For the interior in the style of a loft is characterized by textile partitions of lightweight materials, good light-transmitting

Be sure to take into account the area of ​​the room where will be installed the partition, as well as the level of illumination. The spacious rooms with high levels of natural light produced by a large number of windows, you can install any model. For the small size of the rooms is better to choose a mobile, transparent and light screens.

The role of the partition separating the space of the kitchen and the living room of a country house, plays a fireplace made of plasterboard

The role of the partition separating the space of the kitchen and the living room of a country house, playing fireplace made of plasterboard

There are universal model. For example, you can buy-partition racks for zoning rooms of different sizes. They do not impose restrictions on the interior style and are perfect for storing things.

Assignment room also has an impact on the choice of design. Given the high humidity of the bathroom and kitchen not buy products made from moisture resistant materials. original, stylish and festive modifications suitable for the living room.

Sliding glass partition is a stylish solution for the creation of the modern interior room

Sliding glass partition is a stylish solution for the creation of the modern interior room

Characteristic wooden partitions for the space in the room zoning

Design, made from wood, have a low weight. Particularly in modular or frame options. The installation process is straightforward and maximally simplified in comparison with other embodiments of articles. Partitions of wood allow effectively delineate the space of the room, while not overloading the floor and does not require installation of additional reinforcement.

Wood as a material for walls - is not only practical and beautiful, but also eco-friendly

Wood as a material for walls - is not only practical and beautiful, but also eco-friendly

Useful advice! Designers recommend using partitions made on the basis of wood, modern studios and lofts. This type of material is ideal for the interior design of the room in eco-style.

Advantages of wooden structures:

  • environmental, absence of toxic compounds;
  • partitions allow assembly of prefabricated modular elements and with any type of configuration;
Wooden walls in almost any interior look interesting and to the point

Wooden walls in almost any interior look interesting and to the point

  • the material is easy to process, making it possible to produce a unique carved partition for room zoning, which can reveal the composition of the overpainted, paint or decorate interesting prints;
  • easy to repair or replace.

Disadvantages of wood walls:

  • It requires binding material handling and protective antifungal agents against mold as well as fire;
Functional folding wooden partition, made in the same style with furniture

Functional folding wooden partition, made in the same style with furniture

  • vulnerability to moisture and temperature variations;
  • require additional sound insulation;
  • material is a fire hazard, however, if the partition inside the frame portion laid electric wiring, the system needs to be reinforced insulation.
The partition-shelf original form of wood

The partition-shelf original form of wood

Most often used for making walls pine (the budget option), beech, maple, ash. As used veneer decorative additions contrasting shades, braided or mirrors. There are models made using MDF Solder pads lumber, particle board, parquet boards, decorative panels and laminates.

Features plastic partitions for space in the room zoning

Partitions made of plastic are considered as a good and very comfortable design course. In fact, this technique of separation of living space was borrowed from the shopping centers and office buildings.

Advantages of structures made of plastic:

  • the convenience of use;
  • modern and stylish design;
Plastic folding partition unusual design separates the bed from the living space

Plastic folding partition unusual design separates the bed from the living space

  • zoning costs without draperies, curtains and other components, the dust collecting and promoting occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • The minimum thickness of glass allows to make the construction of small thickness, making it possible to obtain a significant space saving;
  • an extensive selection of in terms of design. Buyers can order an individual design partitions with a matte or glossy finish.
Partitions for zoning space, made of plastic, are budgetary embodiment, while having decent appearance

Partitions for zoning space, made of plastic, are budgetary embodiment, while having decent appearance

Note!Openwork partition for zoning room can become a full decoration of the interior. Such constructions can be manufactured not only from plastic but wood and metal (forging method).

Plastic partitions is a tremendous choice in terms of design that allows you to choose the design, ideal for any interior

Plastic partitions is a tremendous choice in terms of design that allows you to choose the design, ideal for any interior

Sales can be found with plastic construction tinted or transparent surface. Moreover, the transparency can be complete or partial. Thanks to such an extensive selection of the partition on the basis of plastic can serve as a complete wall or share the space temporarily.

Characteristics of the glass partition in the room

designers include Glass partitions to modern methods of zoning premises. These designs were borrowed in residential interiors of restaurants, offices, shopping centers and hotels. To date, partitions made of glass, has become a familiar element of the interior. The innovative technology used in the industries it possible to increase the strength characteristics of the material. Thanks to this safety glass use at times grew.

Walls of glass divide the room into zones, while at the same time without cluttering space

Walls of glass divide the room into zones, while at the same time without cluttering space

Advantages of glass partitions to the zoning of the space in the room:

  • versatility - constructions do not impose restrictions on the indoor climate and can be installed in the rooms with dry or moist air;
  • surface resistance to various influences - on the glass can not develop fungus and mold, and mechanical action is not able to seriously damage the material;
Glass and metal combine well, helping to create a stylish modern interior

Glass and metal combine well, helping to create a stylish modern interior

  • compact size - thanks to the small size of the glass partitions can be installed even in small and confined spaces;
  • Safety - in contrast to conventional glass material partitions further enhanced, however as a result of mechanical action of its surface covered by cracks, and not broken into fragments;
Dividing wall delimiting bedroom and bathroom made of glass blocks

Dividing wall delimiting bedroom and bathroom made of glass blocks

  • not to install the required paperwork and permits, as the installation procedure glass partition It does not apply to the redevelopment of premises in the full sense of the word;
  • increasing the visual space - a transparent glass surface not only increases the visual area of ​​the premises, but also fills its volume due to the reflection of light.
The combination of glass partition curtains and textile to create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom, facilitates rest and relax

The combination of glass partition curtains and textile to create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom, facilitates rest and relax

Useful advice!With the help of photographs and pictures can make the design unique glass partition. Thanks to modern technology, applied to the surface of the image for a long period are preserved in perfect condition.

Benefits of decorative metal walls in the room

The most refined interior elements are forged products. Partitions of metal, obtained by forging, offer great opportunities in terms of design. These structures may be planar or voluminous. Such products are made individually, so their shape, size and decoration can be very diverse.

Decorative metal partitions may be of various shapes and designs, which allows to create a pleasing interior in any style

Decorative metal partitions may be of various shapes and designs, which allows to create a pleasing interior in any style

Advantages of metal constructions:

  • individual design;
  • highly ornamental;
  • through patterns allow to keep natural light levels in the room.
Combined partition with a metal frame and glass inserts

Combined partition with a metal frame and glass inserts

Disadvantages of metal decorative walls in the room:

  • high price;
  • complicated installation system, which will require the involvement of specialists;
  • the additional costs to pay for installation of services;
  • heavy weight structures;

  • the complexity of the installation, due to the large weight (registration proper authorization and documentation).

Specificity walls of plasterboard for the space in the room zoning

Photo of the beautiful walls of plasterboard, designed for the zoning of the space in the room, there are more than others. This is due to the fact that plasterboard is available in the price, it is perfectly treatable, allowing you to create light and beautiful design of the most bizarre forms.

Simple in execution partition separating a place to rest and sleep on the living room space

Simple in execution partition separating a place to rest and sleep on the living room space

Advantages walls of plasterboard for zoning:

  • during production of gypsum boards use natural raw materials, whereby the level of environmental products is very high;
  • Easy mounting system allows for quick repair facilities with their own hands;
Decorative plasterboard partitions, decorated with black-and-white photographic images

Decorative plasterboard partitions, decorated with black-and-white photographic images

  • high level of fire - commercially can be found plasterboard sheets exhibiting resistance not only to the fire, but also to the effects of increased moisture (moisture-proof and fire resistant products);
  • light weight allows to install decorative plasterboard partitions, without fear that the construction will increase the load on the foundation of the building or floor slabs;
With sheets of drywall kitchen area separated from the living-dining room

With sheets of drywall kitchen area separated from the living-dining room

  • by wetting the material increases the flexibility that allows you to create unusual curved design with a sophisticated design;
  • rather high level of noise isolation.

Useful advice! In drywall has only one drawback - fragility. Therefore, caution should be exercised when transporting products, their cutting and installation.

The partition of the GCR shared kitchen into two functional parts

The partition of the GCR shared kitchen into two functional parts

Photo of decorative walls of plasterboard in the interior space

The photo design partitions of plasterboard is as varied and unique. Despite this, all of these products can be combined under one name - skeleton obshivnye design. These objects are only visually similar to the capital and load-bearing walls, but really are not. They have only a decorative purpose.

EXAMPLE small room zoning via plasterboard partitions

EXAMPLE small room zoning via plasterboard partitions

For the manufacture of plasterboard walls for a space in the room can use a zoning sheets (GCR) of different thicknesses. A two-layer construction with a covering allow to diversify the design additional elements:

  • niches which can be used as shelves;
  • aquarium;
  • Bio Fireplace;
  • TV;
  • lighting;
  • wardrobe and m. p.
The septa of the GCR, apartment separating into different zones for the intended purpose, are made arch - circular and rectangular

The septa of the GCR, apartment separating into different zones for the intended purpose, are made arch - circular and rectangular

Due to its low weight of the product can be installed anywhere. Online pictured walls of plasterboard for the room zoning meet design with curved shapes, delicate cuts and even a built-in appliances. These decorative items can be used even for a symbolic hint at the border between the room areas. For example, in the combined lavatories bath or shower separated from the toilet installation area.

Making room for the partition of the drywall Zoning: Photo & Technology

Plasterboard has universal technical characteristics allowing to perform the installation of partitions in different rooms:

  • in the bedroom are separated by a work area and a place to rest;
  • in the bathroom toilet seat setting separated from the rest of the room;
  • in the kitchen, combined with living room or dining room, the installation is performed design in order to limit a specific area of ​​unpleasant odors;
  • in the living room with balcony.
Partitions for zoning space of plasterboard can be installed in any environment - from the bathroom to the bedroom

Partitions for zoning space of plasterboard can be installed in any environment - from the bathroom to the bedroom

Note! Setting the partition for a room with his hands zoning should be carried out taking into account the regulatory requirements.

Depending on the design of the technology may have differences, but all the partitions common procedure:

  • mark application. This will require otbivochnogo level, by which marking lines are applied to the walls, floor and ceiling. It is recommended to use the building level to monitor activities;
Driving device for the carcass walls from plasterboard doorway

Driving device for the carcass walls from plasterboard doorway

  • horizontal guide profiles are prepared for mounting. Pasted over them noise-insulated tape, after which the elements are fixed to the ceiling and floor dowels on the markup. Step placement of fasteners - 50 cm;
  • vertical (rack) guides are arranged along a line with a pitch of 60 cm. The first element is fixed firmly in the bearing wall. To design to maintain stability, the vertical profiles is recommended to have horizontal overlap with at least 2 cm. To fix better to use screws with flat hat.
The process of septum mounting gypsum plasterboards

editing process septa of plasterboards

Ready frame sheathed GCR staggered. Better advance schedule layout sheet. Fastening plating by means of screws (step - 20-30 cm) indented from the edges of the sheet of 10-15 mm.

Cabinets, partition walls to separate rooms: photo and types of constructions

The most functional modification can be considered a case-sided baffle to separate rooms having facades from two sides.

Wardrobe partition with shelves for storing books souvenir

Wardrobe partition with shelves for storing books souvenir

The functional structure of the cabinet at the same time can be quite varied:

  • sections for storing clothes;
  • bed (at the bottom);
  • drawers;
  • additional bed (at the top);
The partition of the cabinet delimits the working area of ​​the zone for sleep and relaxation

The partition of the cabinet delimits the working area of ​​the zone for sleep and relaxation

  • bookshelves;
  • Laundry baskets;
  • desk;
  • mezzanine;
  • through passage.
Cupboard-sections with partition dishwashing established between living and dining

Cupboard-sections with partition dishwashing established between living and dining

Useful advice! In small rooms is better to establish a narrow cabinet with a linear body. You can buy-rack for room partition with angular placement type or complement its open shelves for the back of the structure.

Wooden cabinet, separating the large living space into different zones

Wooden cabinet, separating the large living space into different zones

To open the swing door does not need a lot of space, but through a cabinet or equipped sliding doors provide maximum usable space savings. In the area of ​​the window can be fitted with a living room, and the other half to arrange the bedroom. To provide room for sleeping sufficient level of illumination can be equipped with a partition LED lamps.

Partition as a bookcase which separates the living room from the staircase to the second floor

Partition as a bookcase which separates the living room from the staircase to the second floor

Some models like cabinets and shelving, partitions to allow room to install inside the TV. This is possible provided that there is a blank section in the structure. If you plan to zoning child's room, it is recommended to install a partition with the "secrets", located next to the window. cabinet for storing books suitable for study.

On sale you can find a design height with an ordinary wardrobe or to the ceiling. In any case, the weight of the product will be large, so it is best to take additional measures to consolidate. Use fasteners made of metal.

Features shelving, partitions for rooms zoning

If the room does not allow to install the cabinet due to a small area, or because of low ceilings, it will be better to buy a rack-partition for a room that needs a zoning.

Shelving, created with his own hands from the wooden crates, divides the space of a small apartment in the area and at the same time serves as an original interior decoration

Shelving, created with his own hands from the wooden crates, divides the space of a small apartment in the area and at the same time serves as an original interior decoration

Advantages of partitions in a rack:

  • concise design - the product has a simple structure consisting of the shelves fixed on the guides. Thanks to this simple rack can be made independently, because the price of materials needed is not so high, and the assembly will require a minimum set of tools (screwdriver or screwdriver);
Shelf partition wall for zoning space is stylish and practical solution

Shelf partition wall for zoning space is stylish and practical solution

  • flexibility - if you want to create in a room isolated from the kind of space suit rack full height of the room. Allowed partial separation by half the area of ​​the partition height. There are more interesting options when zoning of the room by using the steps that are only hinted at in the division;
Large rack acting as a separator between the kitchen and living spaces

Large rack acting as a separator between the kitchen and living spaces

  • functionality - rack for convenient storage, since the design allows you to take things on both sides of the partition.

Useful advice!On open shelves should be placed small items, so they do not clutter up the space.

The partition-shelves made of wood, fits perfectly in the modern design of the room

The partition-shelves made of wood, fits perfectly in the modern design of the room

The lower portion of the stack may be used to place the boxes, and boxes with the things that are usually stored in a closet. Through translucent designs provide only a partial blackout, allowing room retains volume.

Modern partitions easily adjusted at any direction in the design style of the room. For example, for rooms of metal racks are suitable in high-tech style with a glossy finish, complete glass shelves. Construction of natural wood will look good in an eco-style or Provence.

Rack-partition, made from different materials

Rack-partition, made from different materials

The choice of rack-partitions for rooms: photo and types of constructions

Standard models are composed of several racks, between which there are shelves. Placement of shelves may be right or chaotic. The solid are only the side wall, whereby the construction looks attractive equally on each side.

With racks can divide the space effectively and efficiently into functional areas

With racks can divide the space effectively and efficiently into functional areas

Modern range allows you to buy racks for zoning rooms of different heights. For example, the height of the pedestal-septum ranges 0.7-1.2 m. This design can be performed simultaneously two useful features: zoning of the room without a rigid separation and serve as a storage space (in boxes). As a result, the area of ​​the living space remains intact, but zoned. And the lower the rack, the more freedom and light would be in the room.

An example of using a rack as a decorative partitions small in size apartment

An example of using a rack as a decorative partitions small in size apartment

Configuration partitions are also diverse. There is a beautiful model in the form of an arch decorated with zigzags and curved lines. Original look modification on wheels. They are mobile and can be moved to any convenient location, if necessary. To prevent accidental movement of the rack, special bollards are provided in the structure.

Features zoning spaces by partitions

Advantageous design solution will use the partition as a support for audio and video. Most often, such techniques are used to separate the kitchen and living room. Moreover, the TV can be rotated in both directions.

Using the shelf is divided hallway and living room. In this case, the main wall is removed, of course, if it is not a carrier. At the bottom of the storage boxes are placed, and an upper zone is better to leave a blank or with a minimal presence of objects.

With decorative partitions you can create a unique interior space

With decorative partitions you can create a unique interior space

The barrier may be a useful tool for organizing a children's corner. Thus, in the master bedroom can be to delineate the area for adults and children. The child will receive their own space for games, while he will always be under the supervision of parents. Ideal - a rack with doors that can be opened in both directions.

Installation of decorative partitions can often be made at any time, in addition, their installation does not need the authorizing documents

Installation of decorative partitions can often be made at any time, in addition, their installation does not need the authorizing documents

In the living room shelves help organize a secluded study or area intended for recreation. From the side of the cabinet on the shelves you can put a printer, books, stationery.

Modern walls offer a variety of attractive designs that can be successfully beat both in small and large rooms.

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