White sink for the kitchen: the choice of white shells

To the kitchen was really convenient and attractive, furniture, household appliances and other accessories should be chosen carefully. The equipment plays an important role in the interior. That depends on him comfortable and productive work. Neither one kitchen is inconceivable without washing, so when buying this subject should be given to many factors: the material, design, brand, price, etc.

Comfortable use of the sink depends on its shape and size, and appearance must integrate harmoniously with the surrounding area and to emphasize the style of cuisine. The material from which it is made, must be durable and long lasting, durable and easy to clean.


  1. On what basis to choose a sink?
  2. Material for white sinks
  3. White enamel wash
  4. White ceramic wash
  5. Porcelain tiles or stone white sink
  6. Dimensions and design of kitchen sinks

On what basis to choose a sink?

Before heading to the store, you must define the selection criteria by which it will be easier to buy exactly what you need. Washing must have:

  1. Strength. The shell must withstand a lot of weight dishes, not deformed by blows or falling objects, as well as having a wear-resistant surface capable of long time maintain an attractive appearance view.
  2. Ease of maintenance and operation. Quality cleaning should be not only beautiful in appearance, but also easy to clean. Since regular dishwashing sinks zone forms in high humidity, this can provoke a faster growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. This factor requires careful cleaning, so the surface should be easy to wash, do not scratch and be environmentally friendly.
  3. Aesthetic appeal. Since the sink is an integral part of the kitchen, it must be stylish, attractive design and blend in well with the surrounding space. Poorly designed and chosen in haste elements immediately catch the eye and spoil the overall picture of the interior.
  4. Functionality. Modern washing design have one or two cups of various sizes, an additional plane for drying dishes, as well as all kinds of trays for household products, soap dishes and even crushers.

white marble sink

Besides all of the above, it is important as the choice of shell color. Manufacturers offer their customers a wash of different colors and textures, including popular products in white. They are not only attractive in appearance, but also can make any room more original, more elegant and richer.

Material for white sinks

Sink white perfectly fit into any kitchen interior, in whatever style he may be executed.

An interesting option would be a combination of dark contrast countertops and sinks white. The snow-white surface of the well to stand out against the black cooktop and other household appliances.

For light sink is easier to look at it does not remain traces of splashes and fingerprints, for example, on a dark surface. If the material quality, the clean washing from contamination is not difficult. This can be done using a special household chemicals or folk remedies.

White enamel wash

Enameled sink still enjoy success with customers and do not lose their popularity even now, given that around there are more advanced models of high quality materials. Lacquer usually white, it differs reliability, durability, safety, health and environment. Washing of this material have a variety of designs, which can be easily matched to the interior of any style of kitchen.

washing of enamel

In addition to the positive qualities have sinks made of white enamel has its drawbacks. For example, susceptibility to shock, thereby often formed on the surface of chips and cracks. If the sink to clean rough metal brushes or cleaning materials with coarse-grained structure, then eventually it covered surface scratches, which would clog in the mud.

But in general, enameled sink and enough practical cost-effective solution for the kitchen. When used carefully, they will last a long time.

White ceramic wash

Along with enamel sinks, are in great demand and ceramic model. To choose a suitable option can be anywhere the sanitary shop. The advantages of such shells are:

  • hygienic surface;
  • long service life, resistance to blows;
  • a wide choice of colors;
  • a variety of shapes, sizes and configurations;
  • opportunity to pick up to any interior style.
washing of white ceramics

Ceramic sinks have a large enough weight that can be attributed to their shortcomings. Also cheaper models tend to crumble under high temperature. To avoid such problems, one should acquire only proven products manufacturers.

Porcelain tiles or stone white sink

The most durable and reliable version of the above. A well considered and the most expensive. Sinks made of natural stone have many colors and textures look presentable and become a real decoration of any kitchen, especially made in white.

But there are disadvantages, even here. By purchasing a stone sinks, you should know that on the surface may be formed scratches and even chipped at the edges. And when a heavy object falls sink may greatly suffer tresnuv or ruptured.

white porcelain sink

Manufacturers of artificial stone took into account all the shortcomings and make the material resistant to certain factors. Agglomerate racks to scratches and chips, durable, hygienic, and washing out of it have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. But, unfortunately, the price of such shell is high enough, and not everyone can afford it.

Dimensions and design of kitchen sinks

Choosing a sink it should be guided by the size of the kitchen and the availability of space, which is provided for it. Also an important factor is the number of family members, the presence of the dishwasher, and other personal preferences.

The compact kitchens best option would be to place the sink in the corner of the headset, since large model does not quite appropriate. For large rooms you can use any suitable in style and material of the shell both white and other colors. Sink can be placed near a window, or even an island in the middle of the kitchen.

Sinks come in many different forms:

  • Rectangular and square. One of the most common options, but also the most practical to use. Such shells perfectly fit into any decor and will not take too much space. Standard models have a rounded edge, which makes it more comfortable to operate and maintain. Also, rectangular and square sink is quite simple to install.
  • Round and oval. Visually, these sinks look less square, but able to accommodate the same number of dishes. Due to the smooth shapes they make the interior more elegant and expressive. Round or oval sinks more time-consuming to install, but it fit perfectly in the central part of the headset, and in the corner.

Besides the usual models of washing can have more original shape, e.g., trapezoidal, triangular or other design structure. Such products are commonly made to individual order and serve more emphasis interior than functional object.

There are also corner sinks, Adapted for very small rooms. They are not as roomy as square or rectangular, but not less functional and practical.

The choice of cleaning the kitchen - no easy task. If it is important to get not only a functional and ergonomic interior, but also stylish, keeping up with the times, you can stop on the models in white. By purchasing a quality product known brands, you can not worry about its durability, wear resistance and health safety.

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