Kitchen countertops: material options, features, photos

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The main attribute is the kitchen table. A modern kitchen is also working surfaces - countertops. They are an integral part of the kitchen sets. Countertops for kitchen selected taking into account characteristics such as resistance to moisture, dirt and grease repellency, high resistance to various types of damage and temperatures aesthetics. It is clear that all these qualities he should possess the material from which made worktop.

With the help of modern technology under investigation and countertops from natural and synthetic materials, which are not inferior to the natural quality.


  1. Countertop laminate (chipboard) or MDF
  2. Stone Countertops
  3. Granite countertop
  4. Marble top
  5. Countertops made of artificial stone
  6. Liquid stone countertop
  7. Table top sheet made of artificial stone
  8. Worktop made of quartz
  9. Countertops made of ceramic tile
  10. Table tops made of natural wood
  11. Countertops made of glass
  12. Stainless steel countertops
  13. Countertops made of plastic

Countertop laminate (chipboard) or MDF

Chipboard (particleboard) - very popular material in construction and furniture industry. They are made of wood shavings with synthetic resins. Also used MDF - wood of very fine fraction (the cost of it above). On the basis of particle board are known different types of tops (of which more will be discussed).

Table top-of-DSP-to-sectional
Worktop chipboard sectional

To it was possible to use such a plate in a humidity and temperature changes, it is further applied, for example, lamination (chipboard). The paper substrate is impregnated with melamine resins and then applied to the surface of the particle board.

A variety of table tops made of chipboard

If the choice of countertops for the kitchen is based on the low price and the variety of designs, you can stay at this embodiment. This furniture is resistant to fading and different temperature, moisture resistance and a relatively high impact.

Table top-of-chipboard
Worktop Chipboard

However, scratches and cuts are sensitive to it. And if in the joints or damage gets wet, the wood will swell. Through defects in the air may enter toxic formaldehyde (if not a chipboard class E1).

Restoration of these surfaces is not possible. It remains only a replacement countertops.

Countertops made of chipboard

Stone Countertops

Stone always looks noble... and cold.

Therefore, the design of the kitchen with such material should be carefully considered.

Table top-of-stone
Countertops made of stone

It is clear that natural monoliths can not be cheap. Itself shipping and handling requires special conditions. But if the furniture is made for "family nest", then it is better to choose the composition with the expectation of longevity.

Table top-of-stone-in-white-kitchen
Countertops made of stone in white kitchen

According to its characteristics for countertops made of stone kitchen surpass all other formulations. Well, unless artificial stone inferior in ductility. It is only necessary to choose the right type of material and make additional processing it.

The nobility of stone countertops

Some breeds are porous and can absorb liquids, oils, colorants leave traces (especially on the white table). What neither would have been super-tough surface, but also in stone defects can develop over time.

Only you can restore the natural rock - it lends itself to grinding, which do not have some man-made materials.

Countertops made of stone,
Stone Countertops

Among the products made of natural stone should be noted separately kinds countertops made of granite and marble.

Granite countertop

Granite - one of the most durable and beautiful minerals.

Not for nothing most of the palace structures embodied in this stone - he almost does not let moisture in its structure. Kitchen countertops from granite not afraid increasing temperatures up to 800 ° C.

Table top-of-granite
Granite countertop

The color range is diverse: from white to gray highlights and deep black to mottled yellow and blood-red. Price of the material will depend on the natural beauty of the picture.

Table top of black granite
Worktops yellow granite
The red-granite in the kitchen,
Table top made of red granite

Given the high cost, it will be prudent to make a table top to order, making him responsible for measurements on the manufacturer. When assembling such strap surfaces for countertops are not used, as the joints abut very tightly. They simply fill special mastic and sanded.

Granite countertop,
Granite countertop

Marble top

Articles made of marble always look a little fairy. This mineral valued for its unique pattern. On the qualities he is a little inferior to granite.

Kitchen with marble top

Kitchen worktops marble can crack under harsh temperature changes. The alkali and acid may act aggressively on a marble surface. Each colorant striking the marble facing, leaving a trace. This is especially true white surface.

Table top-of-marble
Marble top

But in general, it looks wonderful black marble combined with white fronts.

White marble accentuate the style of Provence, or Scandinavian austerity.

The material allows you to make the edges of countertops carved.

Table top-of-black-marble
Table top of black marble
Table top-of-marble-in-kitchen, Scandinavian style
Marble countertops in the kitchen Scandinavian style
Table top-of-marble-in-kitchen-style-Provence
Marble countertops in the kitchen Provence style

Countertops made of artificial stone

Advances in the field of construction and furniture production, decided to incorporate all the best qualities materials sired techniques making stone surfaces and crushed using suspensive the nature of the raw material.

acrylic resins usually used for the binder.

A sample of artificial stone countertops

We outset that the technologies are different. One can distinguish three areas in this field: quartz (agglomerate) liquid artificial stone, artificial stone sheet. The cost of such products is about 40% less than natural stone.

Table top-of-artificial-stone
Countertops made of artificial stone

Liquid stone countertop

Depending on the implementation method, sputtering distinguish the workpiece (base) and casting into a mold. The thickness of the product, respectively, determines the durability and cost.

Kitchen worktops acrylic stone to 60-70% consists of natural or artificial minerals. Other - acrylic resin.

There is a cheaper analog of the polyester resin.

Structure-countertops-of-liquid stone
Structure of liquid stone countertops

Since the material is flexible, can all the most daring design decisions. Dropped onto a surface of the cup can not immediately break and rebound due to the elastic composition. When the tactile perception of acrylic stone warm to the touch and can be glossy. Using color to acrylic, are variations in color. But the staff - just fine.

Table tops of the liquid-stone-
Countertops of stone liquid

When casting forms manufacturer sometimes uses concrete ties. Then worktop loses plasticity and acquires other properties.

Table top-of-liquid stone
Stone countertop and liquid

Table top sheet made of artificial stone

It is filled with the material on a plywood base. May have different thicknesses. It is better to order a thicker countertop and continue to pursue grinding since acrylic has a feature over time to "collect" the scratch.

The range-tops, because the sheet-stone
Assortment of sheet stone countertops

Acrylic surface does not remain stains. Such a composition is completely harmless. Plasticity leafy designs do not possess. They are joined and polished to create a seamless surface. In the manufacture of countertops in the kitchen can be used coarse inclusions.

Table top-of-sheet-stone
Table top sheet stone

Worktop made of quartz

Quartz agglomerate is 90% of a natural mineral, which implies that it has the properties of a natural stone. However, its binding acryl has soil and moisture repellent properties.

Table top-of-quartz
Worktop made of quartz

Worktops for kitchens exactly can also be sanded to remove obtained through use of defects.

So replacing countertops during its active use required no earlier than 12 years.

Beauty quartz countertops

Countertops made of ceramic tile

Typically, the worktop for the kitchen tiles are manufactured on-site assembly of the whole set. Since the structure itself is very heavy and transport it to the customer will be difficult.

Table top-of-ceramic-tile
Table top made of ceramic tile

This is a very lucrative and exclusive option, which you can do yourself.

Very sturdy skeleton is going to frame out of plywood for the casting of the compulsory fitting. Later do tiling. Since the construction is solid, there is no need to do workbench, and therefore will not have access moisture.

Table top made of ceramic tile

Table tops made of natural wood

Such selection as countertop in the kitchen of solid wood, Few would approve. Is it only if the kitchen - the exposition at the exhibition.

Table top-of-array-tree
Worktop of solid wood

The beauty of wood Spili better hide under the protection glass or lamination.

Table top-of-natural-wood
Table top made of natural wood

Wood afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, it absorbs and easily traumatized substance.

Have to resort to frequent grinding and polishing of different waxes. A cleaning such surfaces - troublesome.

Table top-of-tree
Table top made of wood

Countertops made of glass

Worktop for the kitchen made of tempered glass It involves additional design effects. What only do "underbench Space": mosaics of various components, mini-landscapes, lighting design, and more. Although the glass itself may be opaque - matte, tinted, cut, color.

Table top-of-glass
Table top made of glass

Special glass is not subject to scratching and strong enough. Even broken, it does not scatter. However, if the crack will have to change.

A replacement countertops such a plan, not a cheap pleasure.

Table top-of-glass-with-backlight
Table top made of glass with illumination

The weak point may be, and the edge of the glass. Therefore, edge processing - a very important aspect. However, even a stone from that is not insured.

Table top-of-color-frosted glass
Table top made of colored frosted glass

Dock of the unitary structure quietly will not work. Tightness can provide, but to hide the junction... Of course, you can use strips for countertops, but then you need to consider both the inclusion of this material in the design.

A variety of table tops of glass

Stainless steel countertops

Stainless steel - a modern, aesthetically pleasing and comfortable material.

Choosing a countertop in the kitchen, where it will be kept active creative process variant with stainless steel come to the fore.

Kitchen with stainless steel countertop

Cons have any material and stainless steel is no exception. Thick metal can be used without the basics, but then the product will be quite weighty. But the sheet of smaller thickness to be more careful - it is prone to dents (and scratch).

Kitchen nobility with stainless steel worktop

Choosing a countertop in the kitchen, stainless steel, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they are quite Markov (left prints after each touch of your fingers). Well, the price... Quality costs money.

Table top-of-stainless-steel
stainless steel worktop

Countertops made of plastic

The principle of the manufacture of kitchen worktops of plastics is approximately the same as when laminating only considerably thicker plastic film. Design options are many - there are plenty to choose from. Among the manufacturers too.

Table top-of-plastic
Worktop made of plastic

The best are German and Italian producers of quality.

For example, the table top for the kitchen of one of the German companies is composed of silver ions, which make the surface of the antibiotic.

Variety, color-tops-from-plastic
color variety of countertops made of plastic

Qualitative plastic capable of withstanding temperatures up to 230 ° C, is not afraid of defects, moisture and chemicals. There is already a buyer chooses what is best - price or quality.

plastic countertop Sample

When reassembling structures based on DSP, in order to avoid moisture, apply special strips for countertops. And for a complete seal the gaps are filled with silicone.

Countertops made of plastic,
Countertops made of plastic

It is clear that on the listing of our options for the kitchen countertops too early to "point". Maybe tomorrow will go on sale any interactive surface. For example, gather to make a salad, and birds flock to you. Fish or swim... That's all. I forgot why come to the kitchen.

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