Italian countertops for the kitchen: high quality and style

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Italians have long been recognized worldwide as legislators furniture fashion. And they do not get tired to confirm their well-deserved title, placing on the market works of art instead of boring dinner tables. And the use of modern and traditional materials in the production of Italian table tops for the kitchen makes them very practical.


  1. What captivates us?
  2. traditional materials
  3. Wood
  4. glass tables
  5. Fake diamond
  6. acrylic
  7. Economy option

What captivates us?

  • No country can boast such a variety of colors, styles and textures of simple, seemingly, countertops, and Italy - can.
  • All that released the Italian masters, not just does not happen fashionable. So to create a stylish and modern interior kitchen buying a countertop - a win-win.
  • High quality and environmental safety in full compliance with the strict standards of the Old World.
  • durability - Italian furniture for the kitchen not only beautiful but also reliable. It is even possible to bequeath with family traditions.

Many vendors that work with Italian manufacturers, offer a wonderful service - production of worktop invented you sketch. To do this, just need to contact a large company, to cooperate with European workshops and share their vision of the future and the necessary size of the kitchen decoration. These tables are made of solid walnut, cherry or maple and decorated with the taste of the customer.

Italian brand countertop ARPA

traditional materials

Classic or trendy models are made of the familiar and time-tested materials: wood and high-strength glass. These countertops are versatile and easy to fit in almost any style of kitchen interior.


Coil material for the production of tables and their basic elements. But produce a large shield from the array of valuable species can be unnecessarily expensive. Today, therefore, easy to find natural wood countertop of wood easier, but covered with veneer of luxury varieties.

glass tables

Of course, the glass does not produce the table as a whole, but only its upper part - the countertop. It can be easily cleaned of any contaminants, and after hardening becomes a very robust and easily transfers the contact with hot dishes.

Italian kitchen SNAIDERO

Fake diamond

Now at the peak of popularity of composite countertops that mimic natural stone. They themselves are beautiful, so under their feet run without unnecessary frills and painted just one even tone. In the production of these two tables Italians use similar techniques, but the result produces two completely different types of surface.


Characterized by a rich palette of colors, however, are not always natural. Acrylic-based, you can make seamless countertops of all shapes and sizes, if required plan kitchen. It was so unusual produce solid model with grooves under the sink.

"Under a rock" among artificial surfaces occasionally come across heat-resistant panels that are much more expensive than conventional worktops. But when buying better clarify to what extent the resistance in question. After a cup of coffee and hot from the oven utyatnitsu acrylic can be "met" in different ways.

The rest of this whole group countertops calls for a careful attitude, as scratches easily, absorbs quickly pollution, which then did not wash anything, and without special coating does not tolerate contact with hot objects.

From well-known brands of acrylic countertops in Italy can be called ATRIO, whose production is highly decorative and predominance of light tones. Thermal stability of the artificial stone average - without deformation such worktop only withstands + 105 ° C.

acrylic countertop

It is much heavier than the polymers of countertops, as composed almost entirely of quartz chips. Formed from this "stone" any unusual or very large components is problematic, so in terms of the original design the dining room or work area in the kitchen they should not count. But the practicality of composite plates does not hold. All properties agglomerate tables almost entirely correspond to the characteristics of natural stone: strength, durability, heat resistance - it's all about them.

Unlike acrylic countertops quartz can not be called maintainable. Although it is not so important, given that they are almost impossible to damage.

Under heavy agglomerate need a very powerful support frame of metal, no other support that weight a long time not survive. Keep this in mind when choosing furniture.

In this segment of the market sets the tone of the company Quarella, increased in its product content of mineral aggregate from 90% to 95%. The remaining volume fell to share pigments and polyester resins, which are allowed to create a smooth non-absorbent surface, a very easy to clean.

agglomerate worktop

Economy option

Continuing the theme of materials for the manufacture of countertops, you can not pass the budget options such as laminated chipboard. For a long time the Italians did not undertake such a short-lived release surfaces kitchen tables. But with the advent of new technologies, they decided not to miss the chance and started to make a practical and inexpensive furniture.

Noteworthy Italian brand ARPA, which released countertops from water-resistant chipboard. As the protective cover has been used for almost a traditional laminate film of the decorated paper-plastic laminate form.

That's only in contrast to our producers Italians are not stingy and did cover 3-4 times thicker.

That is why to a hundred different decors worktops just added a few other useful properties: mechanical strength, light fastness, and improved moisture resistance plates. What you need for the kitchen.

Standard dimensions of the worktop ARPA - from 60 to 120 cm wide and 420 cm long. The thickness of the laminated panels - 4 cm.

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