Dimensions of gas hobs

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hob - one of the major purchases at the kitchen arrangement. And if you have a main (or even a balloon) gas is better to buy such a model, because the natural gas is still significantly cheaper than electricity. However, before you make a choice, it is necessary to determine the number of burners and the dimensions of the cooking surface. After all, there will have to find a middle ground between your family's needs and working kitchen area size.

Number of burners

Number of burners directly affects the size of the plate. But the default option 4 pieces - nothing more than a stereotype, but it is for sale with four models most. However, not every family has a need for such a number of burners, so it is necessary to consider other options:

  • 1 ring - the most rare type of gas hobs, which are often bought for the garden, where only bump on weekends. Preheat one dish, boil the kettle will be enough, but to cook a complete meal on a stove will not work. Moreover, its small size especially not name - yes, compact, but in the same area and can easily fit two burners.
  • 2 hotplates - a remarkable type of hobs known as the "domino" (they actually looks very similar to a playing knuckle). This plate is enough for 1-2 people, and the country will use it quite convenient. But if at some point you may seem insufficient to have only two gas burners, it is easy to purchase another box domino, and enhance the ability of the working area.
  • 3 burners - these cooking surface should look for those who have food sizes are small, and it is necessary to prepare a complete meal for a family of 3-4 people. In this case, the dimensions of the plate will be much less than the standard with four. The only thing you will lose - it is always idle without burner case, which is constantly before towered tower of pots and pans.
  • 5 burners - large gas cooker necessarily equipped with a powerful torch, which will fit even the huge oblong Roaster. An excellent solution for those who cook often and a lot, and can afford to "steal" a few square centimeters in the working surface to the hob.

By determining the optimum number of burners, be guided by a number of dishes that you cook at the same time. Idle burner - wrong sign of the choice and needlessly occupied area of ​​the working table top.

Gas hob large


To determine the optimum dimensions of the gas hob with reference to your kitchen can be uncomplicated by calculations. To do this, measure the length of the working table top to house the oven, and then one after the other to subtract from it the rest of important areas:

  • A cutting table in a space between the sink and slab length 60-100 cm. Less is not necessary, otherwise you run the risk of getting burned when cutting foods on a nearby plate, or standing on it the dishes. More also undesirable - have to run back and forth in the cooking process.
  • The distance from the gas cooktop to an adjacent wall at least 30 cm. In this case, you can dismiss here ready meals, and remove from the heat of the pan with their short handles will be more convenient.
  • The distance from the sink to the opposite wall, plus the width of the shell (usually in the amount of it is about 100-120 cm, but it all depends on the layout of your headset).

As a result of these simple calculations, you get the optimum width of the cooktop for your furniture. And if it seems insufficient, you can always take the minimum dimensions for these areas. Having defined the appropriate dimensions, we pass to the study of the range of the gas panel, and select your.

  • The minimum possible width for 1-2 plates with burners, regardless of their power - is 28,8-30 cm.
  • In trehkonforochnyh models of appropriate size is typically 45 cm. However, the Italian brand Foster today releases Rondo round plate with a diameter of 52 cm, while the Belarusian model of streamlined triangle Hephaestus SN2120 in the form width is 73.3 cm.
  • For comparison: the "classical" gas panel is already 60 cm.
  • The most cumbersome, of course, are 5 and 6-burner monsters who just can not physically be already 61 cm. The average size of such megaplit typically 75-80 cm, but there are larger specimens.

Gas hob 6 burnersBut, surprisingly, the widest plates are still 4 burners - a model from the company Smeg ranging in size from 90 to a record high of 116 cm. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the mutual disposition of the non-standard burners: the Italians simply build them in one line, thus reducing the depth of the entire structure twice.

Interesting fact: The narrow panels of up to 45 cm are available in all three color options (black, white and stainless steel), while a wider variety of models pleasing to the eye design.

Although such a serious run width hobs manufacturers try to adhere to the same depth - 50-60 cm. However, for embedded models is more important thickness of the plate. It is looked from above it as an extension of the working plane of the worktop, as far as it is immersed in it depends on the design. And it will have to consider when choosing a stone, on which will be built gas panel.

Standard for gas cookers is the thickness of about 4-5 cm, which is very convenient because the worktop often made of moisture resistant chipboard 38 mm in size. But there are instances where the height of the hob is 8-10 cm, which means that even at 4-6 it will be recessed into the top drawer pedestals. You do not accidentally damage the machinery below, under it put a flat shelf-jumper. Although due to its low location stimulated useful internal volume of the upper box, of course, decrease.

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