Refrigerator is not disconnected: what is the reason?

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House has household appliances simplifies and makes life easier. Modern devices and equipment - necessary parts of any living space, but on the condition that they work properly. Unfortunately, situations occur periodically when things go wrong. Some breakdowns lead to recycling of devices and others is quite possible to correct, this also applies to refrigerators. Its continuous work is very important, the quality of the products stored inside depends on it. If for any reason will not turn off the refrigerator, you should take immediate steps to remedy this problem.

The influence of external factors

First of all, you must determine the reason that led to the damage of this kind. A person without experience and knowledge of refrigeration unit, it will be difficult to cope with the task and will likely have to call the master. Therefore it is better to get acquainted with the options problems. This does not necessarily broke down, it is possible to have an impact on refrigerator work certain external factors that simply correct yourself.

What is the cause of continuous use of technology? If the refrigerator is operated continuously, the first thing you should make sure that the door is firmly closed, and there is no gap between it and the housing. Otherwise, the warm room air gets inside the camera that makes the refrigerator work in emergency mode, catching the right temperature. Naturally, under such circumstances, it can not simply be switched off. Also make sure that the tight fit of the door to the refrigerator wall does not prevent a foreign object.

If the room temperature is too high, it also contributes to the continuous operation of the refrigerator. He has to spend a lot more energy to keep the cold inside than usual.

This can be eliminated by installing an air conditioner or fan in summer and in winter to avoid getting close to a refrigerator, and other heating sources heater.

It is also important to ensure that accidental activation superzamorozki mode which makes the fridge work continuously. If this is the case, it is sufficient to set the required parameters and the passage of time everything returns to normal.

refrigerator repair

Possible causes of failure and options to address them

If external factors are excluded, and the refrigerator continues to freeze without stopping, you should look for reasons within the art. First of all, you must determine the degree of cooling chamber: strong or weak.

If the refrigerator is a strong frost:

  • Malfunction of the thermostat, whereby the compressor receives a signal to disconnect. If this signal is not received, the compressor has to run continuously, resulting not only in increased power consumption and overheating of the device, but also a number of other, more serious problems.
  • Breakdown of the compressor. With proper thermostat can fail compressor. Unfortunately, self-identify the problem, and even more so to eliminate it, it is impossible. Have to resort to professional assistance.
  • Freon leakage, ie substances, due to which there is a cooling chamber in the refrigerator. This happens due to formed due to the corrosion of small cracks, through which the refrigerant flows. This problem is one of the most unpleasant and the seriousness with which it is impossible to cope on their own. Even the master, called at the house, will not understand such a breakdown. It is necessary to take the technique to a workshop where precisely locate the leak and repair it.

If the refrigerator is slightly freezes:

  • The defect fixing the door to the body of the refrigerator. This problem is easily solved by using a wizard or by contacting the service center. The reason may be the original incorrect assembly techniques, as well as defective parts.
  • Damage to the rubber seal on the door. Spoiled seal must be replaced with a new one, and the reason for continuous operation of the refrigerator will be eliminated.
  • Malfunctioning compressor. Malfunction of the compressor motor can be corrected in the shop or by calling a specialist at home.
Substitution of the refrigerator compressor

This is the most common external factors and breakdowns that lead to continuous operation of the refrigerator. But there are other options, for example, an important role is played by mechanical damage, improper use, failure to conduct timely defrosting chamber.

If the situation is not corrected, it can lead to more serious consequences. The compressor is not designed to operate in continuous mode, it is necessary to periodically shut down, otherwise it may be damaged. Then, instead of repairs need to completely replace the item, and it will be much more expensive.

It is better not to try to repair the equipment, especially if it has not expired warranty. You should contact your local dealer or call the master in the house, which will deal with the situation in the shortest possible time.

Fix a problem with the appliances can be our own, to pinpoint the reason for the refrigerator works without stopping. Sometimes the problem lies in external factors, then fix them, the unit will begin to operate normally. But if there was a failure, it is best to resort to professional assistance. To extend the life of equipment is important to carefully read and observe the operating instructions.

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