Round hood Kitchen: Selection Criteria

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Providing comfort and convenience in the kitchen along with a harmonious ensemble of furniture and stylish finish helps properly chosen hood. This device has gradually become mandatory in the kitchen in tandem with the plate or hob, purifying air from odors. Among the variety of models attracted the attention of the round varieties, thanks to the excellent technical and decorative characteristics.


  1. Typology
  2. distinctive dignity
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. Round hood in the interior


By type round hood may fall into one of two groups:

  1. The drain model requires connection through special pipes for centralized ventilation duct.
  1. recirculation hood It operates through the passage of cleaned air flows through the filter system. It can be mobile, complete with a sensor that recognizes the level of contamination. At his signal, an automatic height adjustment arrangement drawing. Other species have a standard static fixture.

High power have bilateral devices that are organically suitable for premises with a large area. If the interior is designed in such a way that the ventilation should not be dominated by it, it is worth paying attention to the built-in modification. After the installation is to review the available fence panel. The lower edge of the hood can be both direct and oblique, which gives it even more expressive.

Round Ceiling hood in the interior

distinctive dignity

The most well fit around the hood to create the overall image of the kitchen with a predominance of fine lines and smooth surfaces. Also aesthetic component such devices have other distinguishing features, emphasizing their advantages:

  • the optimum rate of circulation of purified air;
  • high performance;
  • lighter weight, thanks to the most economical form in terms of material consumption in manufacturing of the hood;
  • compactness;
  • a variety of colors;
  • can be mounted on different surfaces, including the ceiling. This allows the use of circular drawing at modern plan kitchen with central island equipped with cooktop.

Despite the fact that the rounded shape blends perfectly with each other, round hood is able to create a finished look to any room.

Criterias of choice

In solving optimal kitchen equipment problems it is already becoming commonplace by the fact that among the household appliances hood takes a worthy place. If there is a need to buy a round of its kind, it is necessary to pay attention to a few important criteria influencing the right choice:

  1. Dimensions depending on the frequency and volume of cooking. If this process is lengthy and not during cooking, one or two burners used, then enough to choose the hood having an average diameter of about 45 ÷ 50 cm.
  1. Power determined in direct proportion to the ratio of the dimensions of the kitchen. Not to overpay for heavy duty device, it is advisable to independently calculate the estimated figure. For this purpose kitchen sufficient volume multiplied by a factor of 12.
  1. The possibility of regulating the power of work, thanks to a sufficient number of high-speed modes.
  1. The level of background noise. This indicator becomes important if the kitchen is an island vacation. The most comfortable is considered to be 40 dB. If the technical documentation specified in the value of 60 dB, the noise may cause slight discomfort. Higher rates may cause a negative perception of the obsessive noise stimulus.
  1. Management is selected taking into account the availability of the buttons or the touch pointer to draw for the hostess. If it is difficult to reach out to the panel, it is necessary to purchase a panel with remote control.

An important criterion is the material that affects the operational reliability of the device. The specified technical documents, from which the housing is made and the individual parts. This may be stainless or enameled steel, durable glass. We study the additional functionality in the form of backlight timer, sensor, which monitors the degree of filter contamination. It should be borne in mind that the more options the manufacturer has included in the device structure, the higher the cost to the consumer hood.

Round hood in the interior

Hoods unusual round shape easily adaptable to spaces of the kitchen, adjoining the modern stylistic directions. Adherents Nouveau like devices will fall with bright external surfaces - blue, red, violet. They create a bright accent in the room with the elements of Art Deco.

This configuration is not recommended progressive designers to classic cuisine, as well as the need to carefully approach attempts to insert it into the interior, with features of Provence, or country. But for such a high-tech high-tech equipment is ideal.

Round hood even in a standard kitchen featureless able to add modern trends, fill the atmosphere with an unusual expressive charm.

Round air vent in the kitchen island
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