Chopper Kitchen: types and characteristics

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Food processors - this is the first assistant in the kitchen. They come to the rescue when you need to prepare mashed potatoes or twist the meat mince, knead dough or make fresh juice. However, if you need to process a small amount of food, for example, two tablespoons of cooked vegetables for breast child, get bulky multifunction machine is not always convenient. In this case, come to the aid of kitchen grinders.


  1. Types of kitchen grinders
  2. How to choose a shredder?
  3. Graters and shredders
  4. Ice pick
  5. emulsion nozzle

Types of kitchen grinders

They can be divided into two categories - manual and electric. To manually apply all kinds of graters, mills, choppers. Some milled straw products, others with knives turn it into a homogeneous mass. Minus one of such devices - to recycle products need to make physical effort.

Much more popular these days are electric grinders. As a rule, they are working on the network. The design of these devices is quite simple: the motor, the built-in cover or stand, which put the cup in the products and the knife. Depending on the model, they can be equipped with additional attachments.

Electric shredders Vitek, Scarlett, Bosch

How to choose a shredder?

The first thing you pay attention before buying - it's the amount of bowls. Compact models come with bowls capacity of 0.2 liters. These devices are ideal for preparing baby food, chopping onions for the burgers or the walnut salad. There are more spacious - up to 1.75 liters. As such it is already possible to cook mashed potatoes and knead the dough for pancakes. Do not forget that the nominal volume of the cup is usually 30-40% less than actual. This means that, for example, only 600-700 grams can be put in a quart container. products. If the score of her eyeballs, will not provide the necessary circulation and knives are not just part of the process the product.

The material from which made the cup, is also important. Plastic more brittle, but it is cheaper. Glass is more expensive, heavier, but easily withstand temperature changes that occur when the shredder lay the hot products.

It is also important to pay attention to the stated capacity, which may vary for different models from 50 to 700 watts. Low-power models are suitable for shredding of cooked vegetables and fresh herbs, and the devices 500-700 W can process frozen berries, raw meat, nuts.

Before you buy your favorite model with a large number of nozzles, it is worth paying attention to where they are stored. Well, if the bundle includes a special compartment for storing accessories or there is a hanger. Otherwise you will have to make room in the kitchen cupboard.

Graters and shredders

It is known that in a shredder processed products, especially solid, not uniform in their structure, as intense knife handles vegetables in the center of the bowl, and the edges and at the bottom captures less. If you want a beautiful straw, cubes or rings on the salad, can not do without graters and shredders. Simple models come with nozzles 1-2, more functional grinders their number may reach 5-6.

An example of a budget device with many graters may serve Maxwell MW-1303.

Flowing Maxwell MW-1303

Included with this model 6 are conical nozzles: for small and large straws, cutting rings, for slices and even a special disc for french fries. All nozzles can be folded into one another according to the type of pyramid, so the storage they take up very little space.

Another interesting model - the chopper Moulinex DJ900 Fresh Express Cube. It is not a cheap, it is worth it as the food processor average functionality, but thanks thoughtful set of graters and compact size, this shredder will be a great helper in the kitchen. Included thereto includes nozzles for coarse and fine shredding, cutting nozzle rings, which produces slices of 3 mm thickness. There is also a form of French fries, which forms the wedges 6 * 7 mm, however, it can be used for any other fruit and vegetables. And perhaps the most important tip - dicing.

Indeed, salads shredders are not very suitable, they are more suitable when you need to chop the vegetables for the soup zazharki or make preparations for the winter. True vegetable salads can be cut into rings. But the traditional "Olivier" on the grater does not cook, there can not do without dicing.

Kitchen chopper Moulinex DJ900 Fresh Express Cube

Ice pick

In addition graters supplied to the chopper may include ice pick. Some buyers are asking, "Is it possible to instead use a regular knife for slicing and how they differ from each other?" The fact that the splitting knife does not cut it, and break up the ice, so manufacturers are making it thicker and not as sharp as universal knife.

If you use the same blade that goes for vegetables and meat, it very soon becomes blunt or worse, fast break instead.

emulsion nozzle

This is another tip that can be packaged in a food processor. It can be called in different ways: emulsion nozzle disc for whipping, but the principle of action she will one: plastic disc with guide rotates, the liquid medium is stirred until uniform. This nozzle can be used for making sauces, shakes, protein or whipping cooking icing. Here, for example, berries with cream cheese with its help is no longer stir, because the cutting edge is not. For this purpose it is better to use a universal knife.

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