How to cook homemade yogurt to yogurt?

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Food, cooked his own, is always fresh, fragrant and useful. To provide for the family needed food and facilitate their own way of life, many housewives acquire a variety of techniques, which gradually clogs all the shelves in the kitchen. Very handy if one device does several things at once. Multivarka function yogurt takes up little space and appreciate the gentle milk drink.


  1. What model to choose?
  2. Secrets of using yogurt
  3. How to make a thick yogurt?

What model to choose?

Yogurt operate from the network completely without causing harm to the person. Its action is based on maintaining a specific temperature for a predetermined period of time, because dairy products do not tolerate overheating: beneficial bacteria are destroyed, and the product itself sour. Usually 40 degrees is enough to cook a delicious homemade yogurt.

How does yogurt? The mechanism of its operation is similar to conventional thermos: preparing a drink in it and gradually, while maintaining a stable temperature maintenance.


  • Choose yogurt for its volume, focusing on the number of living people. Thus, a large family of suitable capacity volume of 5 liters.
  • Teflon or ceramic coating when used showed the best results.
  • Conveniently, if the appliance is installed function of raising and lowering the pressure, delayed start.
  • It is best to choose the larger power unit equal to 1400 W, it is much faster to cook food. Option 670 watts would be suitable for a small family.
Yorgurtnitsy Moulinex and Tefal

Secrets of using yogurt

In the application of its instrument put on a flat surface, for it is best table. Yogurt cups must be perfectly cleaned and smelling detergent. After switching on the move to another place for yogurt prohibited.

For the preparation of live yogurt starter and take fresh milk. Dried bacteria in powder form stored in the refrigerator. Boil the mixture and adding a live culture, the product is bottled in special jars. Bowl filled with water, put into the towel and set to the minimum temperature, filled containers are introduced here also.

What time do you need for making yoghurt? Usually it is more than two hours of continuous cooking. The process is controlled by periodically checking the state of readiness. Once the composition will acquire the necessary thickness, the device is switched off immediately and allow the beverage to reach for some time.

homemade yogurt

How to make a thick yogurt?

Density of the beverage prepared in yogurt, depends on the time of cooking.

If he languishes more than 8 hours, it will be a tight product installation as less time will yield a liquid yogurt.

Berries, pieces of fruit, jam, and other excipients will make a variety in taste of the finished dish. The addition of milk powder, cocoa allows prepare chocolate milk yogurt.

Ready home product capped and clean the refrigerator and cools it can be eaten. The principle of operation lies in the fact that not much effort is required to apply for the preparation of a beverage, all work is done for yogurt. We just need to properly dilute the milk mixture and monitor the cooking process.

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