Millstone grinder why electric better than manual?

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What could be better than a cup of fresh coffee in the morning? Many people drink it every day, not only for breakfast, but also during the day, choosing this beverage among others. What prefer coffee - ground or grain? True gourmets, of course, answer that beans - the best option, and should agree with this. To grind their own grains and cook a wonderful drink, you need to properly choose a coffee grinder. Them there are two types: the knife and burr. Coffee drinkers prefer a second look. After burr grinder - ideal for making coffee at home.


  1. Varieties of grinders with millstones
  2. The principle of operation millstone grinders
  3. Features: shape, material, structure
  4. Types of millstones, and the materials from which they are made
  5. Adjusting the grinding
  6. convenient cleaning
  7. Timer for grinding
  8. Containers for grains and powder
  9. Popular models millstone grinders
  10. delonghi KG79
  11. delonghi KG89

Varieties of grinders with millstones

Coffee grinder with millstones difference from the other is considered a method of grinding grains. The process is due millstones of metal or ceramics, thereby providing a high quality uniform grinding.

All grinders are divided into manual and electric. Some people prefer to buy it manual options for the home. Even the fact that you have to work with his hands, they do not bother. After manual grinders are probably the best device for grinding grains. In addition, they have other advantages, such as the grain is not heated in the process, and thus retain their natural taste and aroma. And yet the majority of people, judging by the reviews, choose electric models.

Electric considerably simplifies the process of making coffee, especially if you want to cook more than one, but several cups. This saves time and effort. The price of this model is much higher than on the manual coffee grinder, and not everyone can afford to buy it.

Schematic burr grinder Vitek

The principle of operation millstone grinders

Burr embodiments, unlike other, have in their structure two containers. In one of them is filled whole grains, and from the other got already milled powder. It is very convenient, especially when you need to grind a small portion of coffee. Enough to fill the grain and, if necessary, to grind them in small portions.

Coffee mills millstone type can achieve an even grinding is not always possible or manual models or electric blade type. Some devices are so easy to use, allowing you to choose the grind, it is of a size that is needed to produce flavor and aroma characteristic of different varieties of coffee. The choice of grinding can be adjusted at the touch panel.

The principle of operation millstone grinders are mainly as follows. Whole grains fall into the millstones and fray when starting mechanism, becoming fine particles. Disks (millstones) are able to grind grains into powder size. To select the required size of ground powder particles should adjust the distance between the millstones. Why? Each type of coffee has its optimum size that is best felt its fragrance and delicate flavor characteristic.

Features: shape, material, structure

Going to the store to buy a grinder, you should consider some important points. The choice is primarily influenced by: grindstones, their types and the material from which they are made, the possibility of adjusting the grinding easy purification, a timer, containers and other. You should also examine in detail reviews of different models and prices, for which you can buy them.

Types of millstones, and the materials from which they are made

There are two types of millstones: conical and cylindrical. Wheels in the form of a cone does not heat up during operation, which prolongs the service life of a coffee grinder. Cylindrical grinders rotate much faster, providing results in less time. But the coffee at the same time can get a bitter taste and lose its natural aroma due to high friction and heat in the grinding process. These grinders are broken more often.

If you have a question which version to buy - it is better with conical grindstones. Let the price it a little more expensive, but last longer and do not spoil the taste of coffee in the process. As a material for the millstones commonly used metal (stainless steel), rock or ceramic. It directly affects the life grinder service, its performance and flavor of the finished coffee.

Steel grindstone can grind about 500 kg of grains, ceramic - not more than 1,000. After that you want to replace them by buying the other, or grinder can not grind the coffee quality.

From this it follows that it is better to prefer ceramic millstone than steel. Ceramics will not affect the taste of coffee, it is much harder, does not absorb odors, are not adversely affected the liquid.

Burr grinders Cuisinart and Bodum

Adjusting the grinding

All grinders are grinding millstone type adjustment, that is, the size of the particles obtained after grinding. When you select must take into account the fact that different models have a range of sizes of grinding. As well as its accuracy. Alas, none of the grinder can grind the grain, so that in the end to get the perfect pieces of equal size. Some will be more, others - less. It is inevitable, but it is better to buy a model, in which the figure "accuracy" above. These include the precision grinders with millstones.

The particle size depends on the distance between the discs. What is more, the coarse. Normally adjustment is quite simple. In most cases, select an optimal distance between the grindstones can be via a ring at the bottom of the cereal bowl.

convenient cleaning

How to wash your coffee grinder, it is essential. Often when you buy it little attention or did not take into account. In vain, because the ease of cleaning can save a considerable amount of time. Different models of grinders have individual requirements for cleaning. But normally it looks like this: millstones cleaning, wash tanks for whole coffee beans and ground powder.

The first step is unscrewed the cup for grains and powder, washed and dried. Then brush should brush millstone or a dry cloth. Wash them, you should not, then you need to assemble the entire structure in the reverse order.

millstone grinder

Timer for grinding

The timer is needed in order to set the desired grinding time, calculated on a certain portion of coffee. Each concrete grinder model has its own characteristics and the type of timer: mechanical or electronic. The cost of the second slightly higher.

Containers for grains and powder

Bowl for grain can accommodate up to 300 c. coffee container for finished powder size slightly smaller. As materials used: plastic, metal, glass.

It is better to buy a model with glass containers, it is much more practical, since it is easy to clean, do not scratch and does not absorb odors. But with them you have to be careful, as in the case of negligence, the bowl is easy to break.

When choosing a grinder is necessary to take into account other pleasant "bonus", which, of course, are not the main, but will add model certain advantages. For example, auto shut off when the millstones gets garbage. It happens that there are "foreign parts" in a package of coffee beans: sticks, stones, etc. Coffee grinder with such a function are turned off, preventing damage or deformation of the discs.

Measuring spoon and the dispenser can be a nice addition to the model. Spoon able to accommodate as much coffee as you need to cook portions. The dispenser is a built-measuring spoon, when you press the button it will give powder per cup. Soundproofing ensure low noise level, families with young children, this function will have by the way, because the included coffee grinder works very loudly. Rubber pads on the legs - a useful piece, thanks to them, working grinder not roll off the table or other surface.

Measuring spoon for coffee

Popular models millstone grinders

Among the wide range of products offered by the hardware store, you can get confused and do not always buy it is an option that is required. Therefore it is necessary to take care and get acquainted with the existing models of grinders. To verify the correctness of the decision, you can see reviews and recommendations online.

delonghi KG79

Coffee Grinder Delonghi KG79 - convenient option for grinding coffee beans at home. In addition, it has a stylish appearance due matt black plastic housing and a steel finishing. The grinder has ample capacity to 120 grams of grains. It is possible to adjust the amount of coffee grinds, and the particle size of the powder. This is ensured by the special controller on the housing.

Transparent container can be easily removed to ground powder, this creates additional convenience because they do not need to bring the whole unit to the coffeemaker. The set also has rubber pads that will not allow grinder Delonghi KG79 skim the surface during operation.

Elementary start and automatic shut-off is a big plus for the grinder at home. Single use device can grind the beans into twelve cups. Thanks to the motor power of 110 W, a uniform grinding. Twelve degrees of grinding allow to cook a variety of coffees, for every taste. When removing the container, operating the unit is automatically turned off this feature prevents accidental start. Construction of grinders Delonghi KG79 easy to disassemble and clean special brush that came in the kit.

Millstone electric grinder Delonghi KG79

delonghi KG89

Stylish appearance grinder Delonghi KG89 is provided by a black plastic housing with steel parts. It also gives it additional protection against external damage and scratches. Roomy transparent container allows to load in it immediately to 120 grams of coffee beans, which corresponds to twelve cups of the finished beverage. Uniformity is achieved by grinding powerful motor 110 watts. In the process of grinding grain, coffee loses its flavor, allowing the cook to further flavored refreshing drink.

Transparent container for ground powder can be easily removed and cleaned special brush going towards complete grinder Delonghi KG89. In order not to grind all the grain at once, you can set using the required number of cups and drink every time a fresh batch of coffee grinding regulator. The device is automatically switched off after use. Rubberized lining on the bottom and buttons provide additional comfort when using the grinder DeLonghi KG89. Thanks to the visual appeal, the instrument worthy accentuate any kitchen interior.

Millstone electric grinder Delonghi KG89

Prices in Moscow at Burr grinder is not fundamentally different from other regions. Usually, they vary from fifteen to forty thousand rubles. The last two models and Delonghi KG79 Delonghi KG89 are respectively in the range of six and seven thousand.

Millstone grinder - a useful and stylish item for the home. High-quality device will last for many years and do not require in this case no special operating conditions or replacement of parts. If you pre-select a suitable model and analyze feedback about it, it is possible to provide for not only reliable and practical object of art, but also a stylish element of decorating the kitchen interior.

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