How to choose the oven: how the oven is better?

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Many at the time of repair in your apartment or house, wondering how to choose the oven, so that it was not only beautiful and aesthetic, but also practical and convenient. And, the truth, on the market for household and kitchen appliances a huge selection of this technique. How not to make a mistake and buy something that really necessary? This is what we discuss in this article.


  1. Types of ovens
  2. gas oven
  3. electric ovens
  4. Dimensions ovens
  5. Additional functions and features of ovens

Types of ovens

First we need to decide whether stand-alone or rack complete with necessary hob. This distribution occurs on the control method.

They can be divided into 2 types: dependent and independent. The first type operates only together with the hob. Turning takes place by means of one button. The second type can be operated independently from the cooking tiles. On the front of a control panel, which contains all the functions oven. Ovens may also be distinguished by a heating source of heat, or a method of heating: gas or electricity.

gas oven

This option would be more familiar to people who have such a gas stove. Burners, fuel feed, arranged at the bottom of the oven, thereby heating the food is prepared from below.

Gas is much cheaper than electricity, but not all, the house is not supplied with gas, so it is good that there is an alternative to the gas oven.


electric ovens

If you decide to choose this model, you'll be happy with your purchase. In an electric oven has advantages over gas. Firstly, electricity easily maintains the desired temperature throughout the cooking time.

Secondly, the heating elements are installed around the perimeter of the oven: top, bottom, sides, due to this it is possible to cook several dishes at the same time, and it saves you time.

Minus this oven only in its large power consumption. This article will increase your costs in half just when it is used frequently. If you rarely cook at home, it's possible that the schedule remains unchanged costs. In addition, remember that if your house turned off the light, then cook, you can not do anything.

Dimensions ovens

Answering the question of how to choose the oven, do not forget about their size.

The standard size is the width of 90-120 centimeters, but this size is in no way suited to the lay-Russian cuisine. That is why the manufacturers began to produce the usual for us the size of 60 centimeters, which we most often choose.

It is worth remembering that if you get a built-in appliances, the inner part of it should be 0.5-2 centimeters narrower to fit seamlessly into the niche and the outer frame can hide the resulting slot.

As for the height, it is mostly the same standard - about 60 centimeters, but there are miniature models of the size of 46-50 centimeters.

Dimensions ovens

Additional functions and features of ovens

  • Grill. Will be the hallmark of every housewife, crisp wings and full of chicken, will not leave indifferent neither family members nor the dear guests.
  • Rotisserie. For fans of barbecue is just a godsend. Cooking meat and fish on a spit it provides even cooking on all sides.
  • Timer. This is familiar to many from his childhood began to function for many irreplaceable. Indeed, you can cook and do other things at the same time. As the expiry of the timer will alert you about ready meals.
  • Retractable trolley oven. This function, increasingly gaining popularity among housewives and amateur cook delicious. With extendable trolley, you will not be necessary to use oven gloves and burns during the removal of dishes from the oven.
  • Blowing cold air of the walls. This security for the furniture and for the people. With it you keep kitchen cabinets in their original form, they are not subject to deformation by hot air.
  • Do not heat the oven door. If you are repeatedly burned his hands, trying to get the dish from the oven, then this function is specially invented for you. Of course, the cost of the oven with the door, which is not heated, badly grow, so the question here is to coincide the desires and possibilities.
  • Convection. This feature provides the preparation of several dishes simultaneously. After all the heat is distributed equally over the entire area of ​​the oven.
  • Microwave. In small apartments, this function can save space. If your kitchen is small place and the two units is too much, then two in one device - that's what you need.
  • Temperature probe. It is designed to control the temperature inside the food. Its necessity is quite controversial, because even famous chefs rarely use this feature.

If you have decided with all the features, which must be equipped with your kitchen assistant, then completeness of the answer to the question of how to choose the right oven, consider models and their manufacturers.

In the Russian market, you can easily meet manufacturers such as Siemens, Gaggenau, Neff, Bosch, Miele. But which one is the better choice is purely individual. And do not forget that the equipment is not forever, so before purchasing the oven, check with sales consultants availability of service centers for repair of any brand.

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