How to choose the kitchen scale: which ones are most optimal for the kitchen?

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Kitchen scales, though not considered a necessity, but has recently become very popular among the modern housewives. After all, this device - a useful thing in the kitchen, because it helps to facilitate the process, not only cooking your favorite dishes, but also domestic preparations. The most important measure of all scales is the accuracy of weighing. How to choose kitchen scales competently and how not to get lost in a variety of devices, represented on the shelves?


  1. What types of kitchen scales are?
  2. Materials and design of kitchen scales
  3. Maximum weight and weighing error
  4. What functionality can have kitchen scales?
  5. How to choose a kitchen scale?

What types of kitchen scales are?

Kitchen scales, depending on the principle of action are divided into two types:

  • mechanical;
  • e.

Mechanical type of kitchen scales determines the weight of the object, depending on how much pressure will be performed on a special spring. On them is a window with a dial and an arrow that shows the result of weighing products. Although these scales are considered to be less accurate, however, have some advantages:

  • low price;
  • work without additional power supply from the mains;
  • easy to weigh large amounts of heavy object, as a mechanical type device is kept to 20 kg;
  • durability - easy to spoil such a device, as in the case of any failure can make their own repairs.

E-Type kitchen scales has a rather complicated structure, which displays the result on a special display. To operate this device require mains power. The price of electronic scales much higher mechanical, but that point is offset by the advantages during use:

  • accuracy when weighing;
  • high functionality;
  • compact size;
  • design.

kitchen scales Kitfort

Electronic scales are available with or without the cup. What kind of kitchen scales are optimal?

  • Scales with bowl is a structure that allows you to quickly weigh no more liquid containers or other products, unable to keep the shape and the removable bowl can always be easily Wash.
  • scales a flat smooth surface. Such a device is suitable for weighing products and items of large dimensions. In addition, it is possible to put any container for weighing.

Materials and design of kitchen scales

When choosing a kitchen scales should also pay attention to the material from which they are made, and on the external appearance. instrument platform can be a glass or steel, plastic or even wood. Specific differences, these materials do not have, so you can choose any of them, as long as it is combined with the kitchen interior. For example, if the room is made in the style of hi-tech, it is best to buy a metallic scales. They fit perfectly into this interior.

Tip! Choose a kitchen scale only with a removable bowl or without it, or wash the device will be difficult.

Modern mistresses are in great demand so-called slim model. This slim and compact kitchen scale. Their small weight indicators do not affect the accuracy of weighing. However, the balance with the cup is much more convenient to use because they can be used to determine the mass of dough and add the necessary products. At the same indications are reset at each stage, so that precisely defined amount of added ingredients.

Maximum weight and weighing error

One of the important characteristics of the scales for the kitchen, of course, considered the maximum weighing weight. It is from this figure depends on how many ingredients you can weigh immediately. This characteristic generally varies from 2 to 5 kg, depending on the model. If you regularly make preparations for the winter, it is best to buy the balance as much as possible the mass of the weighing. For other purposes is quite suitable measuring instrument with products up to 3-4 kg.

Kitchen scales Vitek

Another no less important characteristic in the kitchen scale is a weighing accuracy. The smallest error of the instrument was 0.1 grams. But do not look for the device with such an indicator, as even the error of 1 gram is not particularly principled.

What functionality can have kitchen scales?

The advantage of all the functionality of electronic scales is that they possess. Naturally, you have to pay, so just before buying a good think about whether you need these features or not for each of the additional options.

Most electronic scales have a tare option that allows you to weigh the products, without considering the capacity in which they are located. Serial weighing function helps to weigh the products one after another, without taking them out of the container. It is worth option will automatically enable / disable. This feature allows the device switches off automatically if you are not using it for some time. And he will work, provided that the surface you put any object.

People who are constantly dieting, really appreciate the built-in function of dietary computer that capable of delivering information on the number in the product of proteins, carbohydrates and fats as well as cholesterol and calories.

No less useful function is a timer that will inform you that the battery is discharged kitchen appliance. In addition, fans of cooking on foreign recipes consider it necessary to built-select unit option.

Kitchen scale, showing the nutritional value and caloric content of food

How to choose a kitchen scale?

When choosing a kitchen scales should be based on the amount you planned to spend on the purchase of this thing. At a low price you can buy excellent mechanical variant, and for medium and high - more functional. Be sure to choose a model of kitchen scales with the additional options that you will really enjoy.

It's important to know! To prolong the life of your unit, it is necessary when selecting even the most basic of kitchen electronic weights, draw attention to the fact that the present indicator and automatic restart off.

Rubberized case will protect you from getting into the product unit and the battery charge indicator will help to use it comfortably. If you or family members who live together with you, poor eyesight, then you will be useful to purchase the device equipped with backlight and clear figures.

We hope that this publication will assist you in choosing a kitchen scale that will last in your kitchen is not one year.

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