Food processor: practical advice on choosing

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Scientific progress and development of technology beyond recognition changed the face of modern cuisine. Shelves cabinets, drawers and loft crammed with a variety of household appliances. Some are used on a regular basis, the other from time to time, and some hidden away in a corner and the possibility of using them remember when cooking has been completed. Various types of grinders, blendersBlenders, juicers, graters and mills, circular knives for cutting bread and sausages - this is not a complete list of devices designed to facilitate the work of the kitchen. If all of them to buy the cooking process is greatly facilitated, but before you start will have long time to think how best to use their devices, and then try to find it in many heaps of household technology. A good solution to reducing the total number of home units for cooking a food processor. It is able to replace one of the above devices and collectively takes much smaller working space than they do. For this reason, even a small kitchen can accommodate a

small harvesterWhich will be an indispensable tool in the household.


  1. CPU capability
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of food processor
  3. Practical advice on choosing
  4. power unit
  5. Opportunity to rebuy tips
  6. Adjusting speed
  7. The fame of the acquired brand
  8. The materials and technology used in the manufacture of

CPU capability

Despite the huge variety of shapes, sizes and design, food processor consists of three main structural elements:

  • engine;
  • containers for mixing products;
  • a variety of baits.

From the usual food processor, combines the functions of multiple devices, the processor features the possibility to do two things at once. Most often, such a device has two nozzles: cutter and vegetable preparation, which allows parallel prepare a salad and dressing for it. Originally developed for their restaurants and cafes in order to increase productivity and quality of work. Currently processor became known as combines with two nozzles operating simultaneously and simply aggregates with many possibilities.

Processors that can perform two types of operations in parallel, are more powerful, but structurally not very different from a simple processor. Regardless of how many drives a unit, it is possible to use various kinds of additional accessories to extend the scope of application.

The ability of such a combine is virtually limitless. He can:

  • cut lettuce components;
  • whip cream, or proteins;
  • squeeze out the juice,
  • prepare the stuffing;
  • Grate the various vegetables;
  • nastrogat right size slices of cheese, sausage or bread;
  • grind nuts, cereals and much more.

Chopping nuts

A device such as a food processor, is able to replace a lot of equipment and tools designed to facilitate domestic work. It's nice to pick up a stick summer sausage, simply insert it into the device and get to the exit fragrant perfectly smooth plate that can brighten any holiday table. Using a conventional knife make this almost impossible. The same can be said about the work with other products. Salad, prepared with the help of food processor will consist of slices and slices of absolutely the same size, making it not only aesthetically, but also much tastier. The purpose of this unit - to do the work in the kitchen easier, enjoyable and creative activity. When using it, even those who are not inclined to spend much time in the kitchen, able to surprise its guests with culinary skills. With milk, juice and ice cream, with its help you can quickly apply to friends who came perfectly foamed delicious cocktail. Test preparation is a problem with the purchase of food processor ceases to be such, and in the house on the table can always lie hot cakes.

Advantages and disadvantages of food processor

Uzkofunktsionalnoe device will always have potentially more powerful specifications than one universal unit. Therefore, a professional mixer or Grinder can more quickly and accurately cope with the large volumes of products. But is it at home? It is unlikely that anyone is going to sculpt your kitchen cutlets or sausages manufactured on an industrial scale.

The main advantages possessed by food processor, are as follows:

  • It replaces the plurality of devices and units
  • It takes up less space than a set of individual devices;
  • It has a lower value;
  • It fits easily into a modern kitchen interior.

By purchasing a processor, you can be sure that it is completely override the need for a different kind Kitchen devices and it will be possible to carry out almost all the typical operations for the preparation of food.

Among the shortcomings of the unit is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  • not all the nozzles included in the kit may be in demand in the job;
  • It requires disassembly and cleaning, even after short use;
  • not all of the bowl from the combine are placed in the dishwasher;
  • device requires a separate space in the kitchen to keep it in the closet or in the attic unproductive.

When choosing a processor, do not buy tools in store. They are ideal for this design, which allow to extend the functionality of their application due to the gradual acquisition of additional nozzles.

Everyone has their favorite dishes and habits of their preparation. Therefore, someone needs more complete mechanisms for cutting a variety of salads, and someone needs to aggregate well prepared juices from various fruits and vegetables.

Practical advice on choosing

Food processor - quite expensive, and therefore requires a serious approach to buying it. The cost of high-quality, well-equipped unit is measured in tens of thousands of rubles. To acquired processor proved to be most useful in the household, rather than gather dust in the far corner, it is required to determine the selection criteria. What should I look for when buying a processor for the kitchen?

Key characteristics which should be guided, may be the following:

  • power unit;
  • opportunity to rebuy nozzles;
  • speed control;
  • recognition of the acquired brand;
  • materials and technologies used in the manufacture.

Let us consider each of these parameters.

Processors, harvesters and Kenwood Robot Coupe R402

power unit

The low-power food processor is able to perform only simple operations. With it difficult to cook cutlets of sinewy meat or cook the beet juice. If such tasks are not necessary, the power unit of 300-400 watts will suffice. In more serious work it is clearly not enough, so when buying should focus on processors that consume from 600-700 watts. Such a device makes it possible not only to finely chop the chicken breast, but also more complex in the treatment of pieces of meat. It will not be helplessly sneezing, slurp and scroll to idle at high load and high quality will process all types of products.

Power - a key characteristic when choosing a processor that determines the possibility of further "upgrade". Therefore, if the task is in the plans to re-buy new attachments, the preference should be given a more high-performance products.

Opportunity to rebuy tips

Many manufacturers produce food processors of different assembly. This allows you to initially buy a unit with a basic set of tools designed for standard types of operations. Testing the device, making it practical value and entering into the taste, you can at least need to purchase new nozzles, expanding this functionality.

Product price depends on the number of devices, so it is suitable to their choice should be with caution. It is better to have a small set of commonly used nozzles than a useless bunch of obscure instruments, which have to dig to truly needed. At least 40 known types of nozzles that may be used for different purposes in the processor. Their choice is different, someone wants to always keep in the refrigerator stock homemade ice cream, and the other can not live without a variety of freshly made sauces. With the expansion of culinary hobbies home range of nozzles can always be supplemented and financially it will be easy - as compared to the CPU itself, they are penny.

Food processor and various attachments to it

Adjusting speed

Different products require machining at different rates. Highly undesirable turn the salad into a mess, and, conversely, the mashed potatoes, which consists of lumps, maloappetitno will look and taste good. The selection mode is achieved by adjusting the number of revolutions. Most often, the device only three or four speeds and pulse mode. The latter is necessary for grinding very hard products, he copes with them much faster than a monotonous rotation. The buyer does not wondered what speed to use on most units schematically depicted are preferably one or another rate for some types of products.

More expensive types of processors are equipped with an electronic control circuit, less complex devices are equipped with mechanical switches. A fundamental influence on the performance of the method of adjustment is not provided, but the first look much more modern and certainly more practical.

The fame of the acquired brand

Food processor - the product to be purchased for a long time, so the key requirements to it are:

  • reliability;
  • high service life;
  • maintainability.

On the side of the well-known manufacturers is worth their reputation. In the majority of cases the products are released they work without any problems for many years, and if at the initial stage, something went wrong, then it is easy enough to replace or give in warranty repair. Little-known brands - a pig in a poke. You can buy a highly reliable unit that will last decades and another break at Perov turned on. The advantages of the well-known brands are:

  • branched chain repair shops;
  • constantly updated assortment of nozzles;
  • impeccable stylish design.
Food processor Braun Multiquick-5 K700

Buying products popular products, you can get a lot of additional benefits, but such a purchase would be more expensive. Given the intended long service life, this overpayment to be insignificant, and in view of long-term guarantees and the lack of need of repair for a long time after its expiration, it is economically profitable to purchase the more expensive, but better product.

Another important factor is the environmental safety of the unit. You must be sure that the materials used in the manufacture of CPU, safe for health, but it can only guarantee constant checks carried out by well-known brands.

What or who made the unknown device, we can only guess, as well as about the consequences of its use. Based on these factors, it is possible to make an unambiguous conclusion: the products manufactured by the popular producers, despite the higher price, more preferable for purchase than cheap, but little-known product.

The materials and technology used in the manufacture of

It is important to know what and how to combine the elements of design are made. On this depends the unit service life and functionality. Special attention should be paid to food bowls and various knives.
The first are most often:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • plastic.

The most reliable are traditionally considered metal products, and the most comfortable - the glass. They are easy to clean, very hygienic, but can occasionally be broken. The development of the chemical industry does not stand still, so in recent years, a large number of cups of high-strength and environmentally friendly plastics. They have a high hardness and therefore do not lose their appearance from frequent washing, resistant to light radiation and extremely durable.

Combines Oursson KP0600HSD and Vitek VT1616

When choosing a knife should pay attention to manufacturing technology. Tonkoplastinchatye stamped designs can not cope with solid or veined products and quickly blunt.

Preferably look products with inserts of high-strength and hard alloys, the resource for which the period is commensurate with the term of operation of the processor. They do not need to change or sharpen, they are able to quickly and efficiently grind any product without losing the cutting ability for a long time.

Good processor, has a robust nozzles, will work with the meat of any category not worse Professional grinder, so fans of burgers and steaks give preference to such structures. The same applies to the cutting nozzles for cutting ability of salads, cold cuts, cheese or bread. Better to pay a bit more expensive for the device, which will last a long time than to regularly change the cheaper products.

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