Wall hoods for the kitchen and their attachment to the wall

Near-wall hood for the kitchen - one of the most common options for the ventilation equipment. Its name it owes fastening method above the cooking surface - box with filter mounted directly to the wall. Compared with the island or wall corner models drawing will be cheaper under otherwise identical parameters. And the choice they have the most impressive.


  1. Types and models
  2. flat
  3. dome
  4. inclined
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Special features
  7. installation procedure

Types and models

Since the near-wall structures are themselves a form of exhaust equipment, within this group is only to carry out the division patterns in the form:


This compact wall panels, attached to the wall in the manner of a peak over the stove. Without additional decor look flashy, but in most of the interiors rather, it is a plus.

Inexpensive extractor of this type - Hansa OSC 511 WH 320 cc capacity. m / h and a power of 135 watts. This model is suitable for use in the kit with minor hobs, because its width is only 500 mm. Functional modest, but sufficient, enable a chimney or into the recirculation mode ensures that Hansa easily cope with its main tasks in the kitchen.

A more expensive option offers a brand AEG - model stainless steel X56263MD20. Performance in this technique is much higher - 686 cubic meters. m / h, which allows to use it even in the kitchen a large area. By emit noise extractor AEG is somewhere in the middle level (41 dB). But the transition to intensive ventilation mode instantly overcomes the barrier of 70 dB. Extractor hood has electronic controls and a miniature display on the body, as well as additional halogen lighting, but no more features over the standard can not boast.

Flat near-wall hood


Round convex or straight edge extraction really like to form a dome over the stove. Pristennye constructions, especially after a decorative lining stones acquire similarity with the old chimneys fireplaces. Naturally, the different models such as a fireplace could not name. These hoods are distinguished by their great size, which increases the efficiency of their work. A large wall of the dome area of ​​coverage allows you to make the air in the kitchen is very clean, even if it operates a large plate.

Economy version of the wall of the fireplace hood - White Storm 60 model from the company Elikor. It costs about 4,900 rubles, and has quite a decent performance - 650 cubic meters. m / h.

Three speeds and two cleaning mode (exhaust and recirculating) Make the hood White Storm universal. While low price is reflected in the comfort of use of technology - noisy turned "White Storm", giving the sound of 56 dB. Apparently, the name obliges.

The appearance of the wall at this low-key model. But if you seriously decided to do in your kitchen a fabulous hearth body can be hidden behind decorative boxes with imitation brickwork. The rest underneath a niche for slabs to symbolize the portal fireplace, and complete similarity can give a small "fireplace" regiment. However, the latter - a matter of taste.

Dome hood wall


These extracts, relating to the flat models, will require a more thorough and frequent maintenance. They grease the grid are in sight, and only in very expensive models of the air intake opening close decorative screens and overlays. But the sloping body eliminate the risk to injure the head mistress of the protruding edge.

In the mid-market typified by sloping hood is a Polish model Krona Irida 600 with touch control cost 17,600. Its performance is also considered average - 500 cubic meters. m / h, while noise generated by operating technique, not greater than 41 dB. Iridium can be used in the recirculation mode, but this will have to buy a further charcoal filter - install it in the housing is provided, but the cassette is in the main not included. Among the additional features present only auto-shutdown controlled by a timer.

Advantages and disadvantages

As we have said, wall chimney hoods please buyers pleasant price and variety. But this does not exhaust their dignity. In the pros, you can safely write to:

  • Easy installation;
  • excellent level of performance;
  • ease of use;
  • compact size and optimal location in the room;
  • the ability to install in kitchens with low ceilings or inclined walls in attic superstructures.

Not so big, but still exhibit a lack of wall models, which through a special duct and the hole in the wall emit gases into the street. Hood itself may look aesthetically pleasing, but the corrugation will have to somehow mask so as not to spoil the look of the kitchen.

wall hood

Special features

Before taking over the wall drawing installation by yourself, you should read the manufacturer's instructions. Here the role played by every detail, even the height of the fastening technology over the stove. The last option you need to pay special attention so as not to provoke damage to the body and filters due to the proximity to the cooking surface.

If the kitchen has a cooker with gas hob, hood air intake should be placed over them at a height of 80 cm. Electric ovens allow installing hoods 70 cm from the cooking surface.

An exception will only be inclined model, which can be approximated to the burners 65 and 55 cm, respectively. Err and hang technique can not be too high, otherwise the saturated combustion products and the air will spread smells in the kitchen, without falling into the duct. It does not help even the increased fan power. Another important point - the hood can not be installed close to a gas pipe. Keep a distance of about 10 cm, so as not to damage the pipeline during installation.

For easy mounting to a flat surface all pristennye hoods have a vertical rear wall. In this case the air inlet may be disposed not only in parallel to the cooking surface, but also at an angle.

The instruction can be a little away when selecting fixtures, replacing the screws from the kit to the wall plugs. Only they will be able to ensure reliable installation of wall drawing in brick or concrete. Drill holes for anchoring in advance by making a preliminary layout.

Installing the wall hoods

installation procedure

After buying the hood, you will need to purchase a special assembly box or corrugated tube of the desired diameter. Usually, for connecting home appliances of average performance lacking sleeves of 125 mm in diameter. But more powerful models may have an outlet 150 mm. Length to determine the location and layout of the kitchen stove. After this will only mount the whole air purification system.

  1. Fix the hood body to the wall, setting the anchor bolts into the prepared hole.
  2. If the stove is located near a window, the airway tube is better to withdraw outside. This will require a punch with a special crown to make a through-hole of the desired diameter.
  3. Install wall seal and connect the outer end of the duct to him. If the ventilation shaft will be closer, corrugation output to exhaust port through a simple plate adapter. Try this at the minimum corrugation crease. She, of course, flexible, but the corners and bends reduce the efficiency of extraction.
  4. Secure the duct at the outlet of the installed panels via screw clamp suitable diameter and seal the junction.
  5. Check for leaks in the entire system and plug mounted to an electrical technique.

If you have to install the built-in models, work a little complicated - will have to work with the cabinet, behind which is hidden exhaust duct and the air duct. The side wall or in the upper part of the frame, depending on the mounting circuit required to cut a large hole under the corrugation. Usually, housing the kitchen furniture made of pressed board, so cut it out in their large-diameter hole is not difficult.

Wardrobe need to hang over the stove, after removing it from the door. Further installation of the hood will not differ from the instructions above, and only then build it completely hides the decorative facade.

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