Rating refrigerators: which one is better?

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Modern kitchens can boast not only beautiful furniture, designed and comfortable interior design, but also high-quality household appliances like built-in and freestanding. Recently, a review of household appliances market is diverse, manufacturers offer products that are characterized by high functionality and stylish design, ease of use. An integral part of the kitchen area are refrigerators. By buying large appliances should be treated with the utmost responsibility and before going to the store to study in detail about the producers reviews, view reviews and compare ratings of refrigerators.

To simplify your choice, and not rely solely on the advice of sales assistants in the home appliance departments need to know what to look for when buying. It is better to pre-determine for themselves the basic characteristics of refrigerators: brand, price, size, function, size, design, availability and freshness zone Nou Frost system. Do not be amiss to see reviews of the top brands and reviews of popular models.


  1. Dimensions refrigerators
  2. Group A and B
  3. Category C and D
  4. The volume of the device
  5. Number of refrigerators and freezers
  6. compressors
  7. Refrigerators with Frost Nou system
  8. control method
  9. appliance energy efficiency
  10. Additional functions
  11. Ratings international manufacturers of refrigerators
  12. German brand Liebherr
  13. Refrigerators "Premium" from global brands
  14. Domestic manufacturers of refrigerators

Dimensions refrigerators

Even before compare models and decide which one is best refrigerator, you need to select the dimensions that are suitable for a particular kitchen area. Dimensions - one of the main parameters that can make a choice in favor of a model of this technique. Before going to the store should make measurements in the room and determine the location for the future of the refrigerator.

Group A and B

Also a significant role to play number of people in the family. Two or three people there is no need to get too big unit. The minimum height of the compact models - 850 mm, depth - up to 600 mm. In width they are both 600 mm and more, but typically less than a meter.

The smallest variations are in category A. They have one camera and a small freezer compartment. The apartments are for a family of several people, they are not as popular or used as a supplement to the standard cooler. Most often, such models are installed in offices or in country houses, as well as in hotel rooms. The category B options are a little more than the previous, with the following volumes: total - 300 liters, freezer - 100.

Fridge in the kitchen

Category C and D

For larger families with the number of persons greater than four, it is necessary to acquire a good refrigerators larger volume. There are models of the "Asian" type, which belong to group C. Visually they can be compared with the square, as they do not exceed a height of 1700 mm. Their width varies between 700-800 mm and a depth of - 650 mm. Freezer compartment in these refrigerators are usually at the top. Due to the wide body and a rather great depth, they are very spacious. Often in such models has all the necessary details: freshness zone, glass and wire shelves, and others. Some samples are supplied with the system Nou Frost.

The group D include embodiments with a standard width - 600 mm. But at the height of such models often reach two meters. With these dimensions, the total volume of the chambers is 800 liters. If the flat boasts large kitchen or living room area studio, the refrigerator group D is an excellent one. It is also suitable for kitchens in large country cottages. For areas of medium size is better to stay on refrigerators "Asian" or other type of Groups B and C.

large fridge

The volume of the device

Choosing a refrigerator is better, you need to take into account the volume settings. There are two main values ​​- the useful and total volumes. The first involves the entire inner space of the refrigerator and the other - the number of products that can fit therein. Of course, more important is it useful volume. The ideal solution is not bulky refrigerator, with the accommodating chamber. It bears a Choose freshness zone.

For those families who prefer to freeze products in large quantities, so they do not lose their freshness and winter, it is necessary to focus on refrigerators with freezer and a spacious Nou system Frost. For other suitable options with a large refrigerating compartment.

The optimal solution would be to stay on the pattern with a useful volume of 200 liters or 300, but if the refrigerator refers to the group D, e.g., side-by-side, then the volume is increased to 500 liters. But this option is appropriate only in the spacious rooms and for families with a large number of people. For bachelor or young couple is better to choose a model compact.


Number of refrigerators and freezers

The first refrigerator that arises in memory - one door. But times the mass use of such units have already passed, in spite of their simplicity and convenience. Now gaining popularity dual chamber and multi-chamber model. The most comfortable in the home location of the compartments: at the top - the refrigerator compartment, and below - freezing with several compartments.

Still, for one or two people, you can choose a compact single-chamber version. Due to the simple design of these models much more democratic, if we compare the price, than their two-chamber "brothers." Of the minuses - the need for periodic defrosting. For families of three or four people better pay attention to the modern refrigerators with two cameras, positioned vertically.


Compressors - this engine, which are equipped with a refrigerator chamber. The standard models less useful volume of 350 liters is normally installed one compressor. It extends inside the freezing and refrigerating compartments refrigerant. By varying the temperature in one compartment, the other will also be changed. It is not very practical, since it will be more energy expended.

Refrigerators with a volume of 400 liters or more, have two motors in the structure. One compressor is located in the cooling chamber, and the other - in a freezer. This allows you to change the temperature separately in each compartment.

If you plan to store in the fridge a lot of products, one compressor model - the best option, as they will allow uniformly and efficiently cool the contents of the chambers.

Refrigerator in the kitchen

Refrigerators with Frost Nou system

System the work of the refrigeration unit Know Frost function eliminates the need to defrost it. The operating principle of the elementary. A fan installed inside the structure, surpasses the cooled air in the chamber. The flow then passes through a special hose and enters the evaporator, which is heated, turns into a liquid. The water is drained and is on the pallet. Know Frost system is very convenient and reliable. It saves time and effort in the refrigerator defrosting manually, and the products inside the camera, will long retain freshness and an attractive appearance.

Some types of refrigerators have an automatic defrost. It provides for periodic defrosting with semi-annual intervals. Very easy to use combination embodiments wherein the cooling chamber has an automatic defrost and freezing system equipped Nou Frost.

control method

Modern refrigerators are increasingly suggest the presence of e-governance. By comparison, it is much more convenient mechanical. Work on the unit is carried out through the touch panel, on which all the required parameters are entered. Usually in the kit included remote. But if for any reason a fully electronic control is unacceptable, you can choose a model with electromechanical panel. Temperature control in this case will occur by turning the knob.

Climate class is also an important characteristic of the refrigerator. The most common class model with N and SN, suitable for room temperature 10 to 32 degrees above zero.

red fridge

appliance energy efficiency

From this value depends directly on the price of electricity. More economical in this respect are the model class A. They are not only low power consumption but longer at the optimum temperature inside the chamber.

There are refrigerators with inverter compressors, which belong to classes A +, A ++ and A +++. If you compare their price with the Model A, and especially B and C class, the cost will be much higher. But manufacturers offer a guarantee on such compressors up to 10 years.

Additional functions

The choice of the refrigerator affect and additional capabilities of the device. These include feature superzamorozki. The products are sent to storage in the freezer, frozen at a temperature below 24 degrees, thereby retain more beneficial qualities. Such a function can please many housewives, because it eliminates the need to preserve and pickle products. In addition, in the winter you can feast on vegetables and fruit with little or no loss of flavor.

Due antibacterial coating harmful microorganisms do not start inside the chambers. The area is convenient to store fresh fruits and vegetables at the optimum temperature and humidity. Their shelf life of such cells reaches two weeks, with the freshness and appearance.

Zone of freshness in the refrigerator

Ratings international manufacturers of refrigerators

What the fridge is better? Get a definite answer to the question, what are the highest quality, it is almost impossible. But to ensure the reliability of home appliances is important to compare the manufacturer's ratings and reviews about it, examine the reviews. Despite the fact that the positions of firms are changed regularly, the leaders remain the same well-known brands: Bosch, Samsung, Ariston, Indesit, LG and others. Also, on everyone's lips is, and domestic models "Atlas" of household appliances, which is not inferior in quality European standards. To choose for themselves the optimal performance of the refrigerator should be analyzed reviews of popular brands.

German brand Liebherr

If you compare with competitors refrigeration equipment, it is the brand occupies a leading position. German Liebherr refrigerators are available on the world market for over fifty years. Their products are of high environmental performance as well as good thermal insulation, thus significantly reduce the amount of electricity consumed. Delving into the history and making the surveys, we can see that today the popular Nou Frost system was first developed by Liebherr it is. Later, it began to use other brands.

German manufacturers are also featured in the selection of materials for the inner space of the refrigerator. For example, the shelf in the refrigerator at Liebherr models are made of tempered glass. The engineers have proved that this material is more environmentally friendly and safe. Also in the chamber and has a zone of freshness.

Despite the high cost, refrigerators of this brand are very popular among customers. They practically do not fail for a long time serve, save energy and are safe for humans and the environment.

Refrigerators "Premium" from global brands

If you focus on customer reviews and surveys, the most popular technique of Bosch premium. These refrigerators have a lot of positive qualities: stylish design, Know Frost system, economical use of energy, reliability and safety.

Swedish Electrolux campaign is also very popular in the household appliances market. If you compare the quality of the refrigerators are not inferior to the previous brand, but the buyers say some minor nuances in the work of art, for example, a small noise coming from functioning instrument.

Japanese manufacturers are not inferior to the reliability of its European models of refrigerators, if you focus on reviews. Their technique has a varied design, high quality, reliability and long life time warranty. The models have a plurality of compartments, including the area of ​​freshness, as well as being equipped with a system Nou Frost. But the price when compared to the German model, much more democratic.

Electrolux refrigerator

Domestic manufacturers of refrigerators

The market leader in the Russian firm refrigerators "Atlant" are among the domestic appliances. The manufacturer produces both two and single-chamber models, characterized by high quality, stylish design and reasonable price. The operation of refrigerators is very reliable. If you need a durable and a budget option, the refrigerator Atlanta - the best choice!

Refrigerators at an affordable price and there are other Russian brands: VECO, Saratov and others. The operation of these refrigerators makes virtually no losing European brands.

Many are concerned about how best to allocate refrigerators among a huge variety of home appliances, offered in stores. The unequivocal answer is no, because everyone has to determine for themselves the main selection criteria. First, we should make a start on the room size and number of family members, design, technology, pricing, availability and freshness zone Nou Frost system, as well as other functions.

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