Dishwasher tablets, capsules and powder: which is better?

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Dishwasher in the kitchen not only facilitates the work of the hostess, but also calls for a complete rethink its attitude to household chemicals. Despite the fact that all models of this useful technique is different, but the quality of the water in the pipes in each home is different, choose cleaners PMM in other people's reviews it is difficult. It is necessary to take into account the many nuances. The simplest and most versatile option are tablets for the dishwasher, as they are more effective than powders or gels. However, it should pick them up, too, by their equipment and utensils.


  1. Kinds and composition of tablets
  2. Review of popular tablets
  3. TopHouse
  4. Filtero «7 1"
  5. Finish Morgan
  6. Fairy Citron
  7. FeedBack
  8. Frosch
  9. Somat
  10. instead of a conclusion

Kinds and composition of tablets

In fact, detergent tablets are quite varied, and the result depends on the correct tasks when choosing a capsule for the dishwasher. The difference is only in the number of components that fit into a single pill. The most common formula - a "3 in 1". She - the cheapest, because it contains only cleaning powder, rinse and softening salt. However, manufacturers produce and multifunctional means, which are connected by 4-7 or 10 or more components.

Including statements on the packaging of active ingredients does not always guarantee quality work PMM, but definitely increases the cost of the tablets themselves.

Loading the dishwasher

The optimal number of components in each capsule - five:

  • actual dishwashing detergent (powder);
  • Protection for machines;
  • Protection for the most utensils;
  • softening salt;
  • rinse.
Different pills for dishwashers

This is sufficient for high-quality cleaning and prolong the life of the dishwasher. Anything that goes above and beyond the above, only increases the value of the cycle. But in some cases it is worth spending a little more money, if it is composed of, for example, antimicrobial agents or catalysts which remove the relevance of high-washing.

Keep in mind that the salt content in the tablet means small, moreover, it does not immediately get to TENam. To truly protect the technique, have further softening pour the powder in a separate compartment. Here also appear complicated relationship with tablets too "smart" PMM - if they capsules automatically disable the option determination of water hardness and can not calculate the dosage needed salt.

The so-called eco-friendly tablets are characterized by high price, slightly lower efficiency and really do not harm humans. It is composed of plant extracts and natural minerals, but fragrances are completely absent. But in the standard formula is not much harmful components, to talk about their serious impact on us. Although children's dishes is better to choose a completely safe option as kids the body can not eliminate toxins as efficiently as an adult.

Dishwasher in the house

The capsule dissolves in the package - a good choice for people with allergies, whose skin is suffering from contact with concentrated detergents. Some tablets, this problem is solved, although once again due to the pocket of the consumer. But sometimes it's worth paying a little more for the polymer dissolves packaging, but keep your hands from irritation.

To better navigate in the range of cleaning products for cars, offers a small crib for their use:

  • Alkalescent tablets without soda, but with the addition of enzymes - carefully washed dishes in the mode +40.. + 50 ° C.
  • in "oxygen" means alkali and acid compounds provide high quality of cleaning, but also some whitening effect - it will be more noticeable with time.
  • chlorine components - low-cost and powerful cleaning agents, but they are not suitable for delicate cooking utensils.
Tablets for dishwasher

Review of popular tablets


Eco Italian tablets "6 1" able to cope with difficult contaminants remaining from dyes or cereals. Protective guard components glass, stainless steel and ceramics from destruction, and the metal elements of any utensils impart initial gloss. Economy Pack for 820 rubles. It has 32 tablets, each costing 25.6 rubles.

TopHouse 6 Tablets 1

Filtero «7 1"

German manufacture tablets sold in a large bundle MegaBox 150 pieces. Also easy cleaning of any debris they have additional properties that may be highly useful:

  • water softening;
  • giving luster ware;
  • odor removal.

But salt in their composition no. Package price 1990 rbl., That is one capsule for the dishwasher will cost 13.3 rubles.

Filtero Tablets "7 1" megaupakovke

Despite the high cost, are popular today and vehicle type «All in 1». Which one to choose - it will have the hostess, but do not forget to compare the number of really important properties to its price tablets.

Finish Morgan

"All in 1" are considered some of the best multipurpose facility in the world. Here and removing contaminants complex, and protection for the main types of settings, and neutralization of odors. However, at this price it is certainly very high quality facilities: a pack of 65 tablets will have to pay about 1980 rubles. (30.5 rubles / pcs). At the same time, you can find the chemistry is not worse, but at a more affordable cost.

Finish All in Tablets 1

At the same Finish and capsules have dissolved in the package - Quantum. Incidentally, in the opinion themselves housewives liquid composition which effectively similar tablets of compacted powder. In the rinse mode, its remnants are completely removed from the dishes.

Fairy Citron

On the quality of the Russian multi-component agent is not inferior to Finish, although this will require careful attention to correct layout of dishes and choice of cleaning regimes. But the price is more affordable: 1286 rubles per pack of 110 tablets, that is 11.7 rubles / piece.

Dishwasher tablets Fairy


Multi-function tool of French production is able to wash the dish surface, even the remnants of burnt food, utensils give shine and eliminate unpleasant odor from the machine. In the full sense of the word, it is not environmentally friendly, but the amount of harmful components is minimized. The package sold 60 tablets, price, respectively, 630, or 10.5 rubles. apiece that appears at the stated as the best available option.


German counterpart, designed for environmentally friendly cleaning. That is a universal remedy is not only "adult" dishes, but also toys, bottles and children's instruments. Price packs with thirty capsules of 630 rubles., Each will cost 21 rubles.

Tablets Frosch 30 pieces


Russian agent «All in 1" high quality. Copes with adhering potatoes, tea plaque on the walls of cups, food colors. Pack of 56 capsules costs 1040 rubles. (18.6 rubles / pcs).

instead of a conclusion

The use of tablets in PMM replace conventional powder certainly simplifies operation of the machine owner and allows the use of only one multi-component tool instead of several different compounds. But do not forget that it reduces the efficiency of minor additions: salt does not provide sufficient mitigation, rinse water is in a further washing step, and not when the rinsing, and the dosage of the products may not be appropriate your vehicle. However, the effectiveness of cleaning utensils not suffer from this, so that if the issue is more important than convenience, economy, it makes sense to use with oral agents.

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