Extractor hood Kitchen: Whether cooking hood and need some power?

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In the process of cooking in the kitchen produced a lot of smells both pleasant and not so. Therefore, the air in the room must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. To do this, you should use this appliance as a kitchen hood. Models of this technique, there are many, they differ in design, functionality, size and even design. There is a possibility to choose the devices that are suitable for a variety of interior styles.

Since the kitchen - this is the place where the hostess spends quite a long part of the day, the air circulating in the room should be cleaned. During cooking occurs by various air pollution fine particles: fumes, oil. In poorly ventilated space pungent smells can negatively affect not only the mood, but also on health. So installing the kitchen hood for the removal of contaminated air should be must-see destination at the stage of interior planning.


  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Dimensions
  3. mode
  4. filters
  5. device control
  6. Performance
  7. Individual characteristics
  8. device type
  9. Classic or hinged
  10. Dome or chimney
  11. insular
  12. Recessed or mortise
  13. Models for the kitchen from IKEA
  14. Internal organization

Criterias of choice

Before heading to the store, it is necessary to evaluate the kitchen space, its size, appearance. All this directly affects the choice of method of air cleaning in the premises or bring it through the vent.

Allocate some parameters that should be noted before you buy the kitchen hood:

  • dimensions;
  • performance;
  • management and operation modes;
  • filters.
Modern kitchen cooker hood


drawing amount depends on the dimensions of the cooking surface. For example, if the panel is 500-600 mm, the hood should be the same width or more. Otherwise, if a smaller device, then it will badly cope with the problem of an effective purification of air.


Here there are two options: the exhaust or circulation. In the first case, removal of polluted air from the room through the air occurs. In the second, it passes through the exhaust filter in the kitchen and comes back in a purified state. There are models that combine both modes - and the removal and filtration.


They are of two types: coarse and fine. The first is a metal mesh, which when contaminated should be washed. It deposited fat particles and dirt. In addition to synthetic mesh is finer particles. Fine cleaning involves the use of carbon filters. They are not supplied to the hood and are sold separately. Filters should be replaced with coal from time to time.

Filters for cooker hood

device control

Selecting the hood control is dependent on the owners preferences. It is possible to acquire model Conveniently touch display or mechanically operated device, which is carried out by pressing the button.


This is a very important point in the choice of the hood. Performance can be calculated by multiplying the amount of food on the ventilation rate (usually this number is 12) and the safety factor (1.3), i.e. the degree of contamination of the ventilation shaft houses. From drawing power in the kitchen It depends on how effectively it will cope with cleaning air and tap.

Many hoods, besides the classic set of functions and have additional features. For example, a fan with a residual way, which will run after the appliance is switched off for a few more minutes. This is convenient, because the air at the end of cooking is still some time to clean. Also have the option of enabling extraction at regular intervals of five to ten minutes to keep the air in the kitchen fresh and clean.

Some models are equipped with a timer that can be programmed to shut down the unit at a certain time. Also, almost every hood implies built-in lighting in its construction. Lighting can be different from halogen lamps to incandescent lamps.

Individual characteristics

has its own particular choice of the kitchen hoods for each family, they depend on many factors: frequency and types of cooking dishes, kitchen dimensions, the presence of the ventilation duct to exhaust air and other options.

If the cooking takes place on a small area of ​​the kitchen and the dishes are mostly simple, you can easily acquire the hood with a capacity of no more than 300 cubic meters per hour.

For a large family with a variety of culinary preferences, device performance should be not less than 400 cubic meters per hour. For large rooms or kitchen-living performance parameters should be between 500 and 700 cubic meters. meters per hour. Thus, the hood can cope with cleaning the air not only in the kitchen area, but all over the hall.

At the end of the cooking appliance must run for a further ten minutes to completely remove odors from the room of cooking. If the kitchen hood has a size of more than the hob, it is believed that it will cope with their work faster and more efficiently.

Large extractor hood

device type

An important point in choosing the type of drawing is. Depending on the style of the interior, you can choose the most suitable option for themselves, focusing on the size, the design, the ability to embed.

Classic or hinged

Such patterns have a planar shape and is mounted above the cooking surface or hob, mounted directly to the wall under the bottom of the cupboard, unlike mortise model. They purify the air in the kitchen due to recirculation, using a disposable (acrylic) or activated carbon filters. There is an option to mount hood duct, then cleaning will be more efficient, by removing air from the room, but this will require a corrugated pipe. These models have a democratic cost, and are very popular in the kitchen of economy class. They are also easily can be mounted independently.

Dome or chimney

They can be attached to both the wall above the hob and to the stream. Externally, these hoods reminiscent of fireplace chimneys, so they become more and more popular nowadays. These types of hoods can be found in any number of different designs, suitable for any style of interior.

extractor hood

To place in a rustic style is available in the kitchen hood using natural wood trim body in different shades and textures. Kitchen in the style of hi-tech look harmonious when their interior is home appliances using glass and chrome elements. This applies to the extractor.

You can find and very unusual, extravagant models, which will serve not only as a functional device, but also will be a real interior decoration. For example, a combination of a metal tube into a cylindrical shape with a chandelier in Venetian style.


Such models are attached to the ceiling above the hob, when it is not in the kitchen set against the wall, and in the island in the middle of the room. These options are only relevant in a spacious room.

models such operation can be both recycleAnd a suction attachment to the ventilation duct for evacuating contaminated air. Design island hoods It impresses with its diversity. Devices may resemble flying saucers or chandeliers original forms.

Recessed or mortise

Flush hood is easy to compact kitchens, with an acute shortage of storage space. Plus these models is that they are embedded in the wall cabinet above the stove and allow to use it for its intended purpose, since they occupy very little space. However, the cost of such extracts slightly more classical counterparts.

Flush extractor hood

Mortice hoods may have different dimensions: from 450 to 900 mm, so that, they can choose any of the hob. Most often, the model suggests horizontal placement in a cabinet or a box, but there are types of vertical tie-hoods for installation of which need a niche in the wall.

Mortise models are design grease filter is inserted into the slide technique. To operate the device, it is necessary to push the panel so that it was located directly above the cooking surface. Mortise hoods can function in the recycle and exhaust air from the room mode. Acceptable mortise mounting height of the model is 800 mm from the surface of the gas stove, and 700 from the power.

Models for the kitchen from IKEA

Popular models and mortise and chimney hoods firm IKEA is not only perfectly fulfill its function of cleaning the air, but also to significantly transform the interior of the premises. A variety of options will allow to realize any design ideas. Articles provided with all kinds of illumination and have different body shapes and sizes.

Hoods for the kitchen IKEA firms operate on two principles: the withdrawal of air filtration. The first method removes contaminants through the air, and small food particles and soot build up on the grease filter IKEA, which can be safely washed in the dishwasher.

Extractor hood IKEA

Recirculation method contaminated air passes through the carbon filter, thereby purifying it, and returns back into the room. Carbon filters IKEA sold separately from the hood, and they should be used in those houses where the air removal system is not provided.

Internal organization

The unit of each drawing as a mortise and dome, it is necessary to distinguish two main branches: the lighting and the engine. The body of kitchen hoods mainly built incandescent or halogen lamps. LEDs are not used, so it is quite difficult to form a correct voltage for such lighting.

Another drawing branch falls on the engine, which protect against sparking fuses and other devices. Capacitors extinguish interference that can interfere with the normal operation of the other devices, and varistors are installed close to the motor and provide protection directly to him.

Tangential fan can withstand greater load and did not overheat, which affects how much extractor serve. Axial fans are usually supplied with cheaper models. They are not as effective in the productive as the previous drawing, also in the process of creating a lot of noise. Often in such devices even no filter, dirt and grease deposited directly on the grill.

Apparatus kitchen hood

Manage kitchen hood is simple enough. You need to run the device by pressing the button and selecting the desired speed. Depending on the drawing type of control switch and a mode selection takes place due to the buttons or touch panel. Some models require the use of remote control, with which happens startup and shutdown devices.

Choosing a kitchen hood, you need to pay attention to a variety of factors: the size, design, style, performance, management, noise. The important role played by the material from which the manufactured device as a mortise and classic. hood housing can be plastic, enamel, stainless steel and even aluminum. Last is more popular now as easy to clean, durable and safe. In any event extractor should be functional, effective in operation and perfect fit in the kitchen interior.

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