Drywall shelves in the bathroom (8 photos)


  1. Preparatory work
  2. Making an independent shelf
  3. Features of manufacturing embedded shelves
  4. Curved shelves
  5. A few words about preparing the shelf for decoration

Creating an individual and attractive interior of your own apartment, special attention should be paid to the bathroom. The simple tiling of the aligned walls with tiles has already bored many, perhaps you want something unique, stylish, but at the same time practical. The latter condition is of paramount importance, because most bathrooms are modest in size. An excellent solution combining originality and functionality will be drywall shelves in the bathroom. If you make their shape non-standard, they will become an elegant and unique addition to the interior.

Beautiful shelves for the bathroom can be made with your own hands from drywall

Important! Drywall for the bathroom must be moisture resistant and have the mark GKVL. Such sheets are impregnated with a solution that prevents the appearance of fungus and mold; they differ from other sheets in green. Normal gray drywall is not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Drywall shelves have many undeniable advantages:

  1. They can have any configuration and size, so you do not need to focus on standard store options.
  2. The choice of color and texture of the shelf depends only on the preferences of the owners of the apartment.
  3. Properly installed drywall shelves are as durable as possible and can withstand a fairly large weight.
  4. The cost of drywall products is low even with large volumes of work.
  5. Drywall sheets are environmentally friendly and safe.
  6. The manufacture and installation of the shelf is very simple, even a novice can do such work.
Moisture-resistant drywall shelves

Preparatory work

A drywall shelf can be of such a configuration, which is enough for imagination.

For proper design, you need to know exactly how the shelf you intended should look like. Drywall shelves can be straight, angular, semicircular, curved, protruding or quenched in the wall surface.

  • We make a detailed drawing, noting in the drawing where to take measurements.
  • After we take the measurements, we measure the wall section on which the future shelf from drywall will be located. We show maximum accuracy, otherwise there may subsequently be problems with fastening.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:Installation of drywall on a wall without a profile: on self-tapping screws, on foam, on glue

GKL shelf scheme for a bathroom

Using the detailed drawing, you can make the calculation of the necessary materials. In the manufacture and installation you will need:

  • moisture resistant drywall;
  • profile guiding and bearing (UD and CD, size 25 × 50 will be enough), for the curvilinear design of the shelf - arched;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall 25 mm, dowels;
  • serpentine net;
  • primer;
  • putty.

Important! To create a shelf, it is better to choose a thick drywall, 15-18 mm thick, or put GCR in two layers. When using sheets of standard thickness - 12.5 mm - you need to take care of the reliability of the frame: supporting profiles should be located often.

Drywall shelves make the interior unique, beautiful and functional.

GKL shelves glued with PVC film under a tree

Making an independent shelf

The process begins with the installation of the frame, which is the basis of the design.

  • First, the perimeter of the shelf is constructed from guide profiles (UD).
  • Using carrier profiles (CDs), amplification is created. It must be remembered that the structure will be sheathed on both sides. Consequently, the supporting profiles are mounted in different directions. This is how the frame of any geometric shape is made.
  • The resulting product is mounted on the wall. If there is a backlight, we install it in the structure, not forgetting that in a damp room, devices with an appropriate level of protection are used, and the wires are hidden in the corrugation.
  • We proceed to covering the shelves with drywall. We cut the sheet in accordance with the size of the frame and fasten the pieces obtained using self-tapping screws.
  • We hide the corners under the perforated corners and putty the joints. After roughness we clean.

Remains the finish. There are many options, the simplest is painting. The shelf revetted with mosaic will look advantageous.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:How to remove old tiles from bathroom walls

Self-contained shelf with spectacular mosaic finish

Features of manufacturing embedded shelves

You can make niche shelves recessed into the wall from drywall. They look beautiful, take up less space, but can not be very deep and more difficult to perform. The procedure for their manufacture will be as follows:

  • It is necessary to draw a design, starting from the ceiling. Draw a line, highlighting the inside of the system. The second line is drawn from it at an angle of 90 degrees, laying the size of the depth of the shelves, the third - parallel to the first, it will denote the external border of the structure.
  • Using a plumb line, we design lines on the floor and on the wall. In the end, we get two parallel lines on all planes. This marking is intended for mounting rails that are mounted to the ceiling and floor.
  • We fasten the bearing profiles to the edges of horizontal guides and fix. Future shelves will be mounted on these racks.
Making an integrated shelf
  • The parts cut out of drywall are attached to the frame. If it is not possible to mount a unit of uniform height, then we install it with a joint resting on a jumper. Otherwise, cracks will appear in the putty places.
  • Create grooves for horizontal profiles. We attach the elements of the guides that are suitable in size from the bottom to the inside of the racks at a distance of the size of the shelves. Using the level we check the horizontal position of the elements.
  • We cut the supporting profile in accordance with the length of the shelves. One shelf will require two items. We install one in the groove and press it against the wall. We fasten it to the plane and racks. We install another part in the groove and fasten it to the outer edge of the structure.

Important! If the structure is wide, to strengthen the frame you need to install jumpers: install cut-to-size profiles between the supporting elements and screw them.

  • We sew everything with drywall.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:The device and types of siphon for sinks

Ready-made integrated shelves, tiled

Curved shelves

Curved shelves are the most difficult to implement. To create them, you will need to make a template from durable material, such as plywood.

  • One side of the drywall blank is treated with a needle roller and moistened with water.
  • The shelf blank is superimposed on the template, fixed at the ends, it is left to dry for a day. The result is a curved part.
  • Its installation is carried out using arched profiles. You can also use a regular profile by making cuts and bending it.
GKL wetting to give parts a curved shape

A few words about preparing the shelf for decoration

To prepare for the finish, plasterboard structures are putty.

  • A primer is applied to the surface of the drywall.
  • In order for the surfaces to be smooth, the joints fill the start or special putty, after drying, they impose a reinforcing mesh and again putty in a thin layer.
  • The corners are reinforced with special corners and putty.
  • The entire surface of the drywall construction is putty.
  • After drying, bumps are cleaned and the surface is again treated with soil.

Shelves are ready for decoration.

Despite the fact that drywall is easy to use and makes it possible to implement any ideas, in order to make shelves in the bathroom yourself, you have to tinker. If you are not confident in your abilities and do not want your time and efforts to be wasted, you can turn to specialists, so you are guaranteed to get a high-quality result.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master Station Wagon

  • Since 2003, I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises.
  • Over 100 completed objects.
  • I appreciate the quality, more than the quantity!

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