Repair one-bedroom apartment with his hands: the design of a small kitchen with a niche

Repair one-bedroom apartment with his hands (48 photos). Design Selection. Calculating the number of materials. Repair of communication systems, replacement of windows. decoration


Table of contents

  • 1 Start repair
  • 2 design selection
  • 3 The calculation of the amount of materials
  • 4 Repair of communication systems, replacement of windows
  • 5 Repair of bathroom and toilet
    • 5.1 Choosing materials
    • 5.2 The sequence of repair
  • 6 Decorating kitchen
  • 7 Repairs in the room and hallway
  • 8 Summing up
  • 9 Photo Gallery

Almost everyone who has his own apartment, ever faced with the question of maintenance. Repair one-bedroom apartment with his hands - the pleasure is troublesome and costly, but worth it to finish, and you will immediately realize that all the efforts and costs were not in vain.

Design options apartment as a whole and each of its elements separately a great many, but this one makes a choice for themselves. We look at how the repair process itself takes place.

Thus, the theme of which will tell you today our school repair - studio apartment and its repair.

Start repair

Repair one-bedroom apartment with his handsBegin to repair one-bedroom apartment must be a compilation of the plan, which will be step by step instructions to determine the cost and timing of the works.

How to make a repair plan, so as not to get lost completely? Studio apartment suggests the following classical master plan:

  1. Design Selection.
  2. Calculating the number of materials, their cost and time to be spent in the repair of the apartment.
  3. Purchase of materials and tools. However, the need to buy it all at once, it is often easier to make repairs steadily, doing every element of the apartment at the moment of time and money.
  4. Repairing electrical wiring, sewerage, water supply and heating systems, replacement of windows.
  5. Repair of bathroom and toilet.
  6. Decorating the kitchen.
  7. Repairs in the room.
  8. Repair in the hallway.

design selection

Repair studio video

Design project of apartments

For this issue should be taken with full responsibility, because who does not like you have to live in the selected color and the cell range. Suitable design repair one-bedroom apartment can be chosen in the catalog or develop own, picking up a piece of paper, pencils and express their imagination, not forgetting, of course, and practicality.

The apartment can be arranged completely in the same style, and it is possible to adhere to a variety of practice, each a separate room (bathroom, kitchen) to emphasize the individual, how much is enough desire, effort and funds.

By the way, if finances allow, you can enlist the help of a professional designer who, relying on your ideas to repair one-bedroom apartment will be able to come up with something of such things, the original and unique.

Tip! For self-development design apartments can seek the assistance of computer programs Visualizer specifically designed for such purposes.

The calculation of the amount of materials

Finishing and auxiliary materials (including wiring and communications) required for repair, require meticulous calculation. Based on the geometric dimensions of each element of the apartment and, of course, to your design project, calculated the amount of materials needed for rough finishing.

And this:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • putty;
  • profile;
  • drywall;
  • glue;
  • sealant;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • insulation.

As well as external cladding:

  • wallpaper;
  • tile;
  • paint;
  • PVC siding and / or panel;
  • wood or wood paneling;
  • flooring;
  • auxiliary elements (corners, baseboards).

Remember and communications:

  • pipes;
  • valves;
  • collars;
  • adapters;
  • wire;
  • sockets;
  • batchfile;
  • switches.

Making a list and carrying a premium of 5-10% can go to the store. Current price in the estimate will be for you a guide on how real is currently undertaking a renovation.

Repair of communication systems, replacement of windows

Estimated repair studio

Distributing water pipe in an apartment

Independent execution of such works is fraught with unpleasant consequences, because the illiterate installation, such as wiring, It may entail not only the threat of failure of home appliances, but also presents a danger to life and health person.

The same can be said about the plumbing. And even if it does not pose a threat to health, but is unlikely to neighbors below will be delighted if you over and over again will organize the flood of unreliable water supply system in your decorated apartment. Work on electrical replacing sewer, water supply and heating systems, as well as replacement of windows should be entrusted to the professionals.

They also advise on how to "hide" in the wall of the pipe and valves, to get access to them when needed, help build a complex branched wiring system that allows to create any light composition in the premises apartment.

Repair of bathroom and toilet

Choosing materials

Due to the specificity of the premises for repair materials selected appropriate. Ceramic tile, PVC panels, sealant - are materials designed to create a liquid impermeable barrier, while maintaining aesthetic appeal.

Repairing a small one-room apartment, the so-called Dormitory, may involve finishing combined bathroom.

The sequence of repair

  1. Dismantled facing surface, remove old plumbing.
  2. Aligns wall plaster or plasterboard profile-frame (the latter is easier in performance).
  3. On the floor, in order to equalize with fine cement.
  4. After drying, the surfaces of the walls lined in rows lay tile, moving from floor to ceiling.
  5. Then laid tile on the floor.
  6. The ceiling may be made of PVC panels fixed to a pre-erected wooden frame or a profile, but there is a version of the false ceiling, which, due to difficulties in self-performance, most often ordered at contractor.
  7. The joints, especially in the bathroom, you need to carefully handle the silicone sealant.
    Design repair studio

    Hidden communications in the bathroom and toilet

Tip! In order to "hide" the sewer riser valves, but the need to have access to them, it is necessary to impose a pipe profile-frame and plasterboard, propped up the tile, leave a window opening for the construction of plastic door.

Decorating kitchen

School repairs studio apartment

Kitchen after renovation

renovation of the kitchen in a studio apartment on the facing materials used is something of a cross between a toilet and bathroom. However, here, along with practicality, it is necessary to sustain the line of comfort and convenience.

So, to the repair process. After leveling the floor and walls (as in the case of WC), the floor tiles are placed larger (40-50 mm) or linoleum.

The walls of wallpaper paste over, in places adjacent to the surfaces, the tiles are laid. On the ceiling, in the presence of a powerful extract can pokleit wallpaper or to conduct painting. False ceiling in this case would be the best solution.

Repairs in the room and hallway

Now you can proceed to the beautification of the room and hallway, which will crown our renovated one-room apartment.

The first thing you need to remove old wallpaper and seal the filler bumps and potholes in the wall.

Tip! To wallpaper easily removed, they should be wet with a damp cloth.

If your design project presupposes decorative ledges, arches, before applying a final coating layer (often wallpaper) must plasterboard and aluminum rails build a foundation.

Repair of a one-room apartment with a niche

Arch made of plasterboard

  1. For this the sheet of plasterboard using the jigsaw pieces 2 is cut out the desired shape.
  2. The figures are attached to the floor, walls and ceiling (or to the two surfaces) using aluminum extrusions.
  3. At the ends of the opening formed between the figures is attached to the inner side guides previously incised so that it was possible to give them the desired bend.
  4. Close the gap formed to be stripe (or several) suitable plasterboard size bent follows:
  • the strip is wetted with water, whereupon it traversed by the needle roller;
  • then you must set the bar so that she could bend under its own weight.
  1. Basis thoroughly grounded and puttied.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the repair of one-room apartment with a niche, particularly common in the apartments of hotel type, almost no different from the usual. In the niches usually make out the bed, so it is necessary to perform finishing in warm relaxing colors.

Summing up

We hope our article has been helpful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issues on our website provides detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on the question.

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