Gypsum plaster for walls and ceilings: instructions for the selection and application, video and photos

Gypsum plaster: all you need to know about the material


Table of contents

  • 1 Especially gypsum plaster
    • 1.1 Overview
    • 1.2 Basic properties
    • 1.3 Compare with polymeric analogs
  • 2 Gypsum putty-known brands
    • 2.1 Knauf
    • 2.2 Seresit
    • 2.3 Bergauf
    • 2.4 Forman
  • 3 Output

The starting and finishing gypsum plaster - it is one of the most common materials for surfacing. But what are their benefits and what properties do they have? I will try to respond in detail to these questions.

Plaster gypsum-based allows you to get a perfectly smooth white surface of the wall or ceiling

Plaster gypsum-based allows you to get a perfectly smooth white surface of the wall or ceiling

Especially gypsum plaster


Caulking based on gypsum is a powdered or pasty mixture. Ideally, it has a pure white color, but domestic manufacturers are often used for these goals plaster of local origin, with the result that the coating becomes slightly yellowish shade.

Polymers and modifiers to improve the elasticity and other characteristics of the filler

Polymers and modifiers to improve the elasticity and other characteristics of the filler

Besides gypsum putty composition added modified water-soluble polymers, and mineral supplements. As the latter is most commonly used silica sand or marble powder.

From the sizes of the filler fractions depends on the thickness of the putty layer. On this parameter plaster is divided into two types:

  • Start. These compositions can be referred to plaster mixtures as they are used for the primary alignment surface. The thickness of the layer can be up to one and a half centimeters;
Starting putty is applied a thick layer - 1-1.5 cm

Starting putty is applied a thick layer - 1-1.5 cm

  • Finish. Eliminates small flaws and traces of starting polishing putty. The thickness of the finishing layer of filler does not exceed a few millimeters, the minimum thickness of 0.2-5.0 mm;
The thickness of the finishing layer does not exceed 4-5 mm

The thickness of the finishing layer does not exceed 4-5 mm

  • Universal. It can be applied as a thick or thin layer. Typically, it is used for sheets of drywall joint compound, repairing cracks, leveling plaster cement plaster walls, etc .;
Universal filler can be used to seal joints sheets of drywall

Universal filler can be used to seal joints sheets of drywall

Another obligatory component of gypsum fillers - is modifiers and plasticizers. They affect the basic characteristics of the material, such as elasticity, drying speed, durability, and prevent shedding of the coating, cracking and so forth.

It must be said that the composition of these additives and their quantity producers kept secret, so the quality and properties of the material from different manufacturers may vary.

Gypsum is used to produce plaster, completely safe for health

Gypsum is used to produce plaster, completely safe for health

Basic properties

Dignity. Putty gypsum-based possess immense popularity due to its following positive qualities:

  • Environmentally friendly. This material is an excellent choice for leveling surfaces in residential areas, since it does not contain harmful substances;
Gypsum putty lies well to the concrete and cement surfaces

Gypsum putty lies well to the concrete and cement surfaces

  • Good adhesion. As a result, the plaster can be applied to a variety of surfaces - concrete, drywall, brick walls, etc .;
  • It does not shrink. Through the use of a part of the modifier after hardening coating almost does not shrink;
  • Low cost. gypsum-based compositions are much cheaper than their polymeric counterparts;
  • Ease of handling. Coverage is good "rests" on the surface, and is easy to sand. This increases the speed of your hands and reduces labor costs;
Gypsum is easy to sand coating

Gypsum is easy to sand coating

  • The water vapor permeability. Due to this quality, finished with plastered walls can breathe.
  • The high rate of drying. On the one hand, this quality can be attributed to the merits, but on the other it should be borne in mind that kneading plaster solution should be in small amounts, since after setting it will not be use;
  • The strength and durability. Under normal operating conditions, the coating can last for several decades.

Disadvantages. The main disadvantage of gypsum plaster is its hygroscopicity. For this reason, the use of gypsum plaster is somewhat limited - it can not be used in rooms with high humidity, ie in bathrooms and kitchens.

Fillers based on plaster have a small shelf life - 6-12 months. It expires, they lose their quality. So before you buy be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the material.

Compare with polymeric analogs

Recently appeared on the market polymeric filler, which compete with plaster. Therefore, many domestic masters are interested in what is best plaster - plaster or resin?

Polymer fillers can be used in rooms with high humidity

Polymer fillers can be used in rooms with high humidity

I must say that the polymer coatings benefit in many ways. In particular, they are more elastic, making them easier to work with. Their main advantage is that they are not afraid of moisture and are generally more durable.

However, polymeric fillers have two serious drawbacks:

  • High price. They cost several times more expensive coatings based on gypsum. Therefore, as a rule, they are used for applying the finishing layer;
  • Zero vapor permeability. As a result, the coating may break indoor climate. However, concrete or thick brick walls is not critical.

Thus, one can not say that some plaster is better, and some worse. Therefore, determine the choice you have to yourself.

Gypsum putty-known brands

In the domestic market, the most popular are the following brands that are proven:

In the domestic market, the most popular are the following brands that are proven:

Next, briefly acquainted with the peculiarities of these fillers.


Gypsum putty Knauf CIS is the most popular. This is due to its high quality and reasonable price. Particularly well proven following mixtures:

  • HP start. This part refers to the plaster, however, it may well be used as a starting putty that usually do builders. The coating may be applied at a thickness of 1 cm, while its flow rate is 30 kg (one bag) 4 m2;
HP start can be applied at a thickness of 1 cm

HP start can be applied at a thickness of 1 cm

From features can distinguish high strength and durability. Furthermore, the coating does not crack, even if the nails driven into the plaster.

Hours with a mixture of about 40 minutes, the complete solidification occurs later day;

  • HP finish. This composition can be applied to a layer of from 1 to 4 mm, which allows to embed small flaws on the surface of the walls or ceilings. When applied to millimeter thickness, flow rate of 0.9 kg per 1m2.
HP finish successfully used by builders for many years

HP finish successfully used by builders for many years

It must be said that the plaster quickly grasp - while working with it is 15-20 minutes. full cure time, depending on the room temperature is 15-24 hours;

In the photo Rotband finish - modern finishing plaster with improved performance

In the photo Rotband finish - modern finishing plaster with improved performance

  • Rotband finish. This mixture is an improved finish plaster. Its main advantages according to the manufacturer, are reduced in a 20% flow rate, and increased up to six hours operating time. However, as practice shows, the solution starts to set after only an hour after mixing, but it is also quite a good indicator.
Gypsum plaster Knauf Uniflot drywall joints can be sealed without armirovochnoy tape

Gypsum plaster Knauf Uniflot drywall joints can be sealed without armirovochnoy tape

There is a special gypsum putty Knauf Uniflot designed exclusively for sealing drywall seams. In the case of its use is not necessary to use the reinforcing tape.

cost of:

Mark mixture Price in rubles per 25 kg bag
HP start 240
HP finish 300
Rotband finish 400
Seresit ST 126 - finishing putty increased ductility

Seresit ST 126 - finishing putty increased ductility


Seresit - this is another German brand, producing mixes, which is widely used in the domestic market. In particular, the well-proven finishing plaster gypsum-based ST 126.

The coating may be applied to the following surfaces:

  • concrete;
  • Cement and lime;
  • brick;
  • Plaster et al.
Seresit CT 126 can be applied over plasterboard

Seresit CT 126 can be applied over plasterboard

The composition may be applied to a layer thickness of not more than 3 mm, for perfect alignment of the walls and ceilings. In addition, the composition is suitable for sealing small cracks and cavities.

The peculiarity of this filler is increased plasticity, which is achieved due to teksotropnomu effect. Recall that this property is characterized by the ability to become a mixture of liquid and plastic during mechanical influence on it.

Working time is one hour putty. Complete drying occurs later day after the application, however, can proceed to grinding after 4 hours after application.

Cost putty bag ST 126 the average is about 580 rubles per bag.

Caulking BergaufFinishGips does not crack and does not shrink

Caulking BergaufFinishGips does not crack and does not shrink


Bergauf - this is one of the largest German brands in Russia has several production sites. One of the most famous blends from this manufacturer - this Finish Gips:

  • The composition may be applied to a layer thickness of 5 mm. The fraction of the filler is 0.2 mm, which allows to apply a very thin layer of the composition;
  • This mixture is made of high pure white gypsum. So it's perfect for surface preparation for painting;
  • The manufacturer claims that the viability of the solution is one hour, however, in practice the plaster starts to set after only half an hour after mixing.

When mixing the dry mixture is very important to add the right amount of water, and stir it carefully, to avoid small lumps in the solution. Detailed instructions for the preparation of filler are usually available in the package.

Before puttying walls definitely need to be primed

Before puttying walls definitely need to be primed

Also, I'd add that Gips Finish is very demanding on the surface preparation. Wall or ceiling must be thoroughly pre-cleaned from dust and primed with quality, otherwise the plaster will roll.

If you apply the putty in two layers, it is necessary to wait for the first coat has dried, and then primed it. All the negative reviews of this mixture, which can sometimes be found on the network, associated with improper surface preparation.

The main advantages this material on to the manufacturer, is the complete absence of shrinkage and crack resistance.

putty cost Finish Gips also quite reasonable - about 350 rubles per bag.

Forman-22 - quality plaster from domestic producers, is not worse than the more expensive products of competing brands

Forman-22 - quality plaster from domestic producers, is not worse than the more expensive products of competing brands


Forman - is dry mixes from domestic producers. Recently, they have become very popular due to the low cost and good quality.

The most common filler in this series - Forman-22, which is positioned as a universal. It can be used for sealing drywall, and cracks and for surfacing. The composition may be applied to a thickness of 5 mm, the minimum thickness may be 0.2 mm, due to the minimal fraction of filler.

Tools time the material is 90 minutes. Complete drying occurs within 24 hours after application at a temperature of 20 degrees.

In the process of working with the putty manufacturer recommends that you periodically stir it. Furthermore, to avoid any premature curing should be shut mixture into a clean container.

Mix the plaster with the help of an electric beater

Mix the plaster with the help of an electric beater

Cost bag Forman-mixture 22 is within 300 rubles.

In addition to the above brands, there are others that are well proven. Such relates Volma, miners, Gifas, etc. Vetonit.


Now you are familiar with all the basic qualities of gypsum putty. Regarding the choice of the mixture, the perfect solution - Knauf gypsum plaster or any other of the above. Additionally, I recommend to see the video in this article.

For any questions regarding the gypsum plaster, you can contact me in the comments, and I will gladly answer.

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