Masonry of the Russian oven with their own hands - step by step instruction, orders and video

Before you understand all the nuances of the technological process, you should immediately understand that the laying of the Russian furnace requires not only good theoretical knowledge in this area, but also sufficient practice. The peculiarity of the design and functioning of the Russian kiln is that even a single incorrectly laid brick will create many problems in the future.

For example, the lack of traction( there will be difficulties with ignition and combustion) or its excess( in this case, no stock of firewood is not enough to ensure a normal temperature regime in the room).


p-1 The correct solution is to pass at least a small internship with an experienced stove worker. Or do all the work on the masonry yourself, but under the "sensitive guidance" of a professional. It is better to pay off with him for periodic consultations than to disassemble the finished structure and start everything from scratch, if the misplaced stone is in one of the lower rows of the furnace.

An indispensable condition for high-quality masonry is the choice of the optimum furnace scheme. You should study all the nuances of the work and assess your own opportunities for doing it yourself.

As far as it is useful, everyone will decide for himself, but worth mentioning. For any type of work, construction or equipment, there is a certain normative documentation( TU).There is it for stoves. In SNiP № 41-01 from 2003, the parameters of heating units( devices) installed in the capital are reflected.

The owner of a private house is his own master, but if it is decided to independently lay out the furnace in an industrial, storage or other room, it should be taken into account. Otherwise, there may be problems with the press / inspection.

How to work on laying the Russian furnace

Determining the location of the

The main criteria are two - the material from which the structure is erected, and the configuration of the room in which the furnace is supposed to be installed. The minimum distance from the walls - 20 cm at the same time in the place of installation of the furnace they will have to be protected from the increased thermal impact. For this purpose, plates( sheets) of incombustible materials are fixed on the walls, mainly based on asbestos. As an option - brickwork, covering the nearby wall.


Typical dimensions of the Russian oven( cm): 215 x 140 x 185. Heating of premises with a total area of ​​35 - 40 "squares" is enough.

Selection of

materials It is often recommended that only refractory bricks should be used. And is it rational if the maximum surface temperature of the furnace in the operating mode is different at different sites, and such a brick is more expensive than analogues? Where the temperature does not reach high values ​​(as in a furnace or smoke channel), it is advisable to use cheaper material.

Even for economy reasons, you can not use bricks with defects. The smallest slit is a "loophole" for carbon monoxide smoke. All masonry must be completely sealed.

Solution components

Each master stove maker has his own recipe. The solution must be plastic and finely dispersed - this is the main thing. Only in this case, the seam after curing of the mass will densely fill all the gaps between the bricks, it will be thin and will not be covered with cracks. On sale there are ready-made mixtures, but they still need to be selected correctly, plus to this - and pay. Another disadvantage is that they are based on cement.

Professionals recommend making mixes for laying the kiln( read about the clay solution here) yourself, from sand and clay( 2 to 1).Sufficient consistency of masonry mortar is easy to check. A ball rolling from it should be thrown on a hard surface. If it sticks - the norm, rassypletsya - excess sand. You can do it differently - experiment. In this case, the result will be more accurate.

As visually it does not turn out to be possible to determine all the characteristics of clay and sand, several mixtures are made, in small quantities, with different proportions of components, being guided by the specified proportion. Of each, solutions are prepared, from which balls roll down. A day later, their condition is assessed. The best composition is the one that, after drying, gave a minimum of cracks.

p-h To obtain a good mortar for masonry, it is necessary to use clay of the "fatty" category. Any other will not work. Before use, it is soaked in water for at least 24 hours and rubbed.

The list of other components depends on the modification of the furnace, and the dimensions - on its dimensions. This panel is cooking, doors( furnace, cleaning, blowing), grate grate( may be several), flaps( latches).

Masonry of the furnace with their own hands


With the weight of the Russian furnace, the foundation for it has to be erected separately( as for the fireplace).In the process of construction, this is envisaged by the project, and if it is decided to put the furnace in an already used building, then it will be necessary to disassemble the floors.

For such a massive structure the slab is mounted, as already noted, separate. Use even a segment of the foundation of the building to place part of the furnace on it!

Masonry process

p-5 Furnace ordering - clickable

The oven can be a pure heating, a sauna, cooking, bread, street( for example, a barbecue), although a combined scheme is most often used.

Given that the oven will do by our own hands, consider one of the simplest and affordable in the implementation of the option.

The diagram shows the oven itself, and its order is easy to understand. But some nuances, for starters, should be noted( by levels).


The correctness of its laying on the foundation determines the quality of all further work and the efficiency of the furnace. On the finished base the external contour is marked out, and a brick is laid on it. And only after the entire perimeter is laid out, the internal sector is filled.

The second

In it some bricks on the back side of the solution are not planted. Then, in the process of servicing the chimney, all soot that will be scraped off its walls will fall down. It is in order that it can be removed from the channel, in the lower part of the furnace, in the masonry, a technological hole is left.

It is closed with bricks, but they are arranged with some shift forward, so that, if necessary, they can be easily pulled out. Option - instead of bricks put a clean door. Purpose - the same.



From this row, the installation of the door of the blower chamber begins.

To the door ahead of time( before fixing by laying), do not "fall in", attached to their eyes is a wire that is laid in the seams. It turns out temporary fastening by the principle of stretching.


If, with the example of the first levels, the feature of the masonry and the principle of deciphering the order is clear, then further work will not cause difficulties. Everything is done in accordance with the scheme.


Exterior design of the oven

There are a lot of options - plastering with further painting, tiling, art painting, tile decoration. Everything depends on the capabilities and imagination of the master.

What to take into account:

  • No masoning of mortar from inside is made. Its layer will worsen the heat exchange and become a soot deposition zone. Cleaning such a furnace would be a very problematic exercise. Therefore, the surpluses of the solution are removed immediately during the laying process.
  • Before using bricks, they must be soaked in water for about 4 hours. Artificial stone absorbs moisture, therefore, the drying process of bricks and mortar will be characterized by uniformity. Hence, the risk of the formation of cracks or voids in the masonry will be practically reduced to zero.
  • As practice shows, it is advisable to lay the masonry( both external and internal) in "½" bricks. This feature will further ensure optimum fuel consumption.
  • Carrying out the clutch by hand, each row should first be assembled "dry".This is practiced even by professionals. Why? This preparation allows you to check the smoothness of the masonry, pick up all the bricks in size and make sure there are no large gaps. Only after this, the stones are planted on the solution.
  • During the operation of the furnace, when detecting cracks in the masonry, they must be closed immediately. In order not to bother with the preparation of the solution, you can buy a ready-made "repair" mixture. For example, "Mertel chamotte."

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