How to put a tile on a wooden floor: options for screeding and styling

The option of laying tiles on a wooden floor

Half the success of repair in the bathroom and the long life of the flooring, tiled with ceramic tiles, depends on compliance with the technology and the correct preparation of the substrate for the tile.

Wood is a living material and, depending on the environment, can change its qualities, properties and shape. This was the main reason that the laying of tiles on a wooden floor was considered undesirable.

Today, true professional tilers will cope with any difficulties, because in their arsenal there are the most advanced building materials and advanced technologies. In this article, we will disclose secrets and give advice on laying the tile on a wooden floor.

Laying tiles on a wooden base

Wooden flooring and ceramics - everything will turn out!

Wood is a material of organic origin, it reacts differently to the lack or excess of moisture in the room.

Usually, after laying a wooden floor for shrinkage, it takes about a year, depending on the number of storeys and the design features of the house, but even after this period, there is still an imperceptible movement.

Therefore, if you tile the tile directly on a wooden surface, the integrity of the cladding may be compromised, the bond between the tiles may be lost, which leads to their cracking or peeling off.

Laying tiles on the floor in the bathroom

In order to avoid this, the main task is to create a special damper layer between the wood and the ceramic, which will act as a shock absorber for possible movements of the wooden base. The hard side of the interlayer must be connected to the ceramic tile, and the elastic bottom must be placed on the wood to absorb the movement of lags and boards. Creating a layer will help prevent the appearance of fungus and mold, because wood can breathe.

Necessary layers between wooden cover and tiles

Preparatory stage - prepare the foundation

The wooden floor is a rather complicated construction. It consists not only of wooden boards, which are visible from the outside, but also characterized by the presence of powerful beams, a substrate and lags.

Before laying ceramic tiles on the wood floor, it is necessary to thoroughly check all its layers.

For high-quality finishing of a new floor it is strongly recommended to use sheet piling boards, before laying which should necessarily make a revision of all layers of the wooden floor. The absence of scratching and shakiness of the boards can not guarantee the reliability of the floor, so it is necessary to make a floor analysis to prevent possible problems.

Revision of wooden base

Please note that laying lags in steps of more than 0.5 meters is not suitable for the further installation of ceramic tiles, because the floor simply can not withstand the weight of the screed. In this case, you need to add the number of lags.

In order to fully prepare the floor structure for screed and further finishing work, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  • The floor covering is removed.
  • Revision and detailed analysis of beams and lags are carried out.
  • If necessary, replace the elements that have come in time to be unusable.
  • The level is checked to see how much the floor is flat .If necessary, we make floor leveling. To raise the lags, use special wedges from the scraps of sawn timber. If this method can not be carried out, then the boards are sewn on the logs, and then all the surplus should be removed by the level.
  • Wooden boards are treated with special antiseptic impregnations. The best option is to use mastic, which is suitable for rooms with high humidity.
  • When the impregnation is completely dry, fill the small expanded to fill the rest of the space between the lags. Claydite performs the function of insulation and noise insulation. Claydite does not fall asleep to the very edge of the lag, but leave about five centimeters to the edge and create an air cushion that allows air to circulate freely.
  • Next lay the floorboards, which will serve as a rough base. Many manufacturers recommend the use of waterproof plywood or plasterboard sheets of green color. These materials can withstand high humidity and constant temperature changes, only it is necessary to take into account that the layer of screed and glue in this case should be thin enough.
  • If you decide to use the old docks to create a rough floor, you must first remove paint or varnish from their surface. To do this, you can use special chemical washings or a construction hair dryer. You can also remove the old layer with an emery nozzle.
  • After the varnish or paint is removed, the flooring of the boards is reversed, the gap between which should be approximately 3 to 5 mm. This gap is needed for a possible extension of the floor. Fastening of the boards is carried out with the help of galvanized self-tapping screws. For each lag, one self-cut is used, and for the last one there are two.
  • Then it is necessary to fill all the holes, , which are left from the previous fasteners.
  • For leveling the rough floor of the , a special grinder is used, or the coating is simply sanded if the floor is flat.
  • Next, the is filled in the process area along the entire perimeter of the floor. To do this, you can use a mounting foam.
  • The entire rough floor of the is thoroughly cleaned with a heated linseed oil or a special latex impregnation. This action will help to create a reliable insulation layer. Then another layer is applied.
New wooden base
Base made of waterproof plywood
Treatment of a new floor with an antiseptic
Plasterboard coating

Screed options

It is necessary to create a firm and rigid base before laying ceramic tiles on the floor of wood. For this, a standard screed is used, but it should be light, because the wood floor can not withstand heavy loads. The screed on the wooden floor for further laying of tiles, clinker or porcelain stoneware can be made in several ways:

  • With a standard cementitious screed, the layer of which should not be more than 3 cm. To begin with, it is necessary to fasten the metal mesh to the rough floor using self-tapping screws. Then, cement mortar or polymer screed is poured.
  • With the universal construction adhesive as a screed, which is made on the basis of liquid glass. And also you can use special polyurethane adhesive. The above-mentioned variants of glue will help to create an elastic screed that will prevent the negative influence of the movement of the wooden base and the occurrence of cracks on the ceramic tile or its peeling off. A solution based on liquid glass can be made independently. All that is needed is water, pure sand coarse, liquid glass in proportions of 1: 2: 2.
  • For rooms with a low level of humidity, you can use another kind of screed - cement-particle boards or moisture-resistant plasterboard. Their laying should be done "unzipped" and under an angle of 30 degrees towards the bookmark of roughing boards. Seams on joints should not coincide. Then the seams need to be covered with a special tool that is used for the drywall sheet.
Cement screed on a wooden floor
Preparation of self-leveling adhesive for screed
Dry screed from gipsokartonnyh sheets

How to remove varnish or paint from an old

base. To remove varnish or paint from a wooden floor, several methods are used:

  • The thermal method of is to soften a layer of paint or varnish with a special construction hair dryer. When the surface is well heated, use the spatula to scrape off the entire top layer.
  • The chemical method is based on a special wash that is rubbed into the floor. Thus, it is only necessary to wipe the wooden boards and the old covering itself will be removed.
  • The mechanical method of the is that a normal skin or metal brush is taken into the hands and thus the entire topcoat is erased.
Wooden cover prepared

On the design of the bathroom tiles, we wrote in another article.

Description of the technology of laying tiles

When laying tiles on a wooden floor, you must adhere to certain rules and perform consistent actions. But first you need to make sure that the floor surface is flat and solid. If the floor surface is uneven, use a backing to level the entire floor.

Finished floor screed

So, in order to lay the tile on a wooden floor, you must follow the following instructions:

  • First you need to think about how you will lay the tile. In order for the tiles to be level, you should draw a line from the center of the wall through the entire room at an angle of 90 degrees. Then draw another line across the room from the other wall of the room. Do not forget to remove all door jambs and skirting boards before laying ceramic tiles.
  • The layout of the tiles must be made taking into account two crossed lines. Sometimes you can shift lines, because the main thing is that fewer tiles can be cut off near the walls. Cropped tiles spoil the appearance of the entire room. If the room has large objects, then near them it is necessary to lay the ceramic tile symmetrically. Important elements are a bath in the bathroom or a fireplace in the living room.
  • Adhesive is applied to a small area of ​​the room in approximately 1 m² or it is possible to use the angle that was formed when two lines intersect. In order to apply the glue evenly, it is necessary to use a spatula or a special spatula. Next, fix the tiles to the floor covering. Tile is applied with a rough side to the glue, and then strongly pressed to the floor. This action is performed with each tile. The orientation in the placement of the tile remains the line markings. It is necessary to lay tiles along one of the lines, until the entire area, which has been treated with glue, is covered with ceramic tiles.
  • Then it is necessary to lay tiles, moving from the center of the room to the walls, focusing on two crossed lines. When half the room is ready, you can move to laying the tiles on the second floor. Watch out so that the styling of the ceramics takes place on the same level. If some tiles have a smaller thickness, then this defect is eliminated by using a glue base under the tile.
  • When the whole surface of the floor is tiled, you can proceed to fill the gap between the ceramic floor and the wall. The voids are filled with chopped tiles, which are cut with a special cutter. Remember that when cutting ceramics, it is necessary to take into account some distance for the production of a further primer. If tile cuts are used to spread around a certain object( for example, for a door), then a profile should be used. With its help, it is possible to apply the necessary contours to the tile, and the cutting is performed by a special saw.
  • When the glue under the ceramic tile is completely dry, it is possible to coat the tile with a primer. It should be noted that some types of ceramics already have a primer coating. Therefore, you first need to read the instructions.
  • Then a special solution is filled with all the gaps between the ceramic tiles, the uses a scraper with a rubber lining. Such a scraper allows you to create a solution that is evenly distributed between the tiles. You can also use an acute angle spatula to apply the solution. While the solution is still fresh, you need to remove all excess using a damp sponge. And then a dry sponge polish the ceramic tiles.
Tile laying the first stage
Application of glue on the tile
Using plastic crosses
Cutting tiles
Grouting joints between tiles

It should be taken into consideration that some types of ceramics when laying need to maintain the necessary distance between the tiles. Plastic dividers can act as dividers, because with their help there is the same gap between the tiles.

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