Processing of copper vitriol in greenhouses in spring: land in autumn, how to process and cultivate iron vitriol

Treatment of the greenhouse with copper sulfate is an obligatory procedure in the spring Treatment of greenhouse with copper vitriol - mandatory procedure in the spring In a greenhouse favorable conditions are formed not only for cultivated plants, but also for weeds, pathogens, pests. That is why it is important to timely cultivate the soil in order to ensure a good harvest. When carrying out the disinfection of the greenhouse with copper sulfate, it is necessary to apply a 10% solution for treating the internal surface of the greenhouse. This will help to protect the harvest from many fungal diseases. This substance is also capable of eliminating many species of larvae that can hibernate in the soil.

    • Treatment of greenhouse with copper vitriol: disease prevention
    • Complementary to copper sulfate preparations for greenhouse treatment in autumn
    • Causes of treating the ground in the greenhouse with copper vitriol
    • How to plant copper vitriol for greenhouse treatment
    • Treatment methods(Video)

Treatment of the greenhouse with copper sulfate: disease prevention

It is worth noting that the solution of copper vitriol yavletsya quite dangerous substance, that is why you need to use it very carefully. This tool is highly acidic, which is why it is carefully applied to soil that has high acidity.

Copper sulfate is a powder of a rich blue hue. It contains copper ions and salts of sulfuric acid. This substance is very soluble in water and does not emit absolutely no poisonous substances. It should be noted that if the vegetables are left traces of a chemical substance, then this can not cause harm to the body.

Important!Copper sulfate is far from a safe tool, which is why it should be used with extreme caution.

The processing of land in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, copper vitriol must be carried out without fail, since this greatly depends on the guarantee of a good harvest. Soil cultivation can be carried out for the qualitative elimination of spores capable of provoking diseases.

Copper sulfate must be used very carefully Copper sulfate must be used very carefully

Namely such as:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Root rot;
  • Late blight;
  • Vertex rot;
  • Macrosporiosis.

If these and many other diseases have been previously identified in the suburban area or in the greenhouse, the treatment with copper sulfate makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of re-infection of plants and well fertilize the soil. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure more often than 1 time in 5 years, since it will not be necessary to perform the liming process to reduce acidity.

In addition, it is worth remembering that copper, contained in vitriol, can badly affect the growth of plants. When processing the greenhouse with a solution of copper sulfate, it is important to observe the required precautions. If the substance gets on the skin, it can simply be washed off with running water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water. In case of accidental ingress of copper sulfate into the digestive system, one must urgently take a solution of potassium permanganate, a laxative and a diuretic, and induce vomiting. It is worth remembering that the powder of the agent is capable of provoking severe burns of the mucosa.

Additional to copper sulphate preparations for greenhouse treatment in autumn

Treatment of the greenhouse in spring and autumn helps protect plants from various diseases and pests. It is desirable to carry out such measures in the autumn, since in the spring the cultivation of the soil can negatively affect the growth of plants.

Chemical substances are widely used for disinfection:

  • Copper and iron vitriol;
  • Preparations for pest control;
  • Chlorine lime.

After harvesting from the hotbed, you need to remove all the remaining plants, take out tools and thoroughly wash everything inside the greenhouse, replace the soil with a new one or thoroughly disinfect it. The maximum effective method of disinfection is treatment with iron or copper sulfate.

For the disinfection of the greenhouse, bleach may be used For the disinfection of the greenhouse, bleach may be used.

The treatment should be carried out in autumn at a temperature within the hotbed of 10-15 ° C, and in the spring it is necessary to perform additional cleaning as preventive measures to completely destroy the pests.

All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned with copper sulfate. However, before processing, the frame and fastenings must be carefully covered with steep boiling water. The soil should initially be sprinkled with a solution of bleach, which must be diluted at a rate of 1 kg per bucket. Then, after 4 hours after this, it is necessary to treat the prepared solution of copper sulfate. To obtain the best result, it is desirable to additionally use other ready-made complex formulations that will help eliminate existing pests and harmful microorganisms.

Causes of cultivation of land in a greenhouse with copper sulfate

Copper is considered a toxic substance, which is why, when using this method of disinfection, a decrease in gas exchange of soil can be observed, which has a bad effect on plant growth. When processing the soil in the early spring, you can destroy the remaining insect larvae, as well as spores of various fungal diseases.

High-quality complex tillage in the greenhouse has many advantages, as it will allow:

  • Get rid of insects and their larvae;
  • Eliminate pathogens of fungal diseases;
  • The greenhouse will be cleaner and well maintained.

Soil treatment with copper sulfate will allow to get rid of insects and their larvae Soil treatment with copper vitriol will eliminate insects and their larvae

The main advantages of copper sulfate are simple application and affordable cost. When carrying out soil treatment in a greenhouse with copper sulfate, it is worth remembering that for 1 m 2 it will take approximately 100 grams. Diluted solution.

How to plant copper vitriol for greenhouse treatment

One of the simplest and most effective ways of processing is the use of a solution of copper sulfate. However, in order to conduct high-quality soil cultivation, you need to know how to properly dilute the product to obtain the best result. Each summer resident wants to get a very good harvest. For this you need not only to observe absolutely all the rules of planting plants.

It is also necessary: ​​

  • Maintain favorable conditions for plant growth;
  • Timely fertilize the soil;
  • Treat it with special agents against fungi and pests.

Copper vitriol for the treatment of greenhouses must be diluted with water Copper vitriol for greenhouse treatment must be diluted with water

As this product has an increased acidity, it can damage the leaves of plants when they fall on them. To avoid damage to plants in the greenhouse, before mixing with copper sulfate, soil is mixed with the quenched lime. Also, if desired, you can mix lime with copper sulfate in a ratio of 1: 1.

The dosage of the dry substance can be varied in accordance with the required result of the procedure.

When treating soil in which there are no pests, it is necessary to dilute the dry matter in accordance with 75 gr. Funds for a bucket of water. If pests are present, the dosage should be increased to 200 g. Each manufacturer indicates the optimal dosage for the use of copper sulfate on the packaging, which is why it is advisable to carefully read the attached instructions beforehand.

Methods for processing copper vitriol in greenhouses in spring( video)

High-quality complex tillage in early spring, shortly before planting, guarantees good results and high yield.

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