Tomatoes for the greenhouse the best varieties отзывы: 2017 good tomatoes, what to plant, the most stamping and popular

Tomato is a popular vegetable that is grown in the greenhouse most often Tomato - a popular vegetable that is grown in the greenhouse often Tomato - one of the most popular vegetables, rich in vitamins and trace elements. Tomato is in great demand due to its versatility: fruits can be eaten fresh, added to salads, canned, used for the preparation of tomato products. Therefore, each vegetable farmer seeks to place one or several of the most prolific tomato varieties on his plot. What crops are considered best for greenhouses with different climatic conditions and dimensions - read below.

    • best varieties of tomato greenhouses of northern regions
    • What tomatoes is better to plant in the greenhouse under the film
    • good variety of tomato for the greenhouse: undersized tomatoes
    • Industrial tomato: varieties for the greenhouse
    • stam varieties of tomatoesgreenhouse
    • undemanding varieties of tomato for the greenhouse
    • Tomatoes for greenhouses: the best grades 2017i reviews
    • tomatoes in the greenhouse in 2017( video)
    • tomatoes in the greenhouse, real( photos)

The best tomato varieties for the greenhouses of the northern regions

Tomato varieties for regions with a short warm period have their own characteristics. Thus, tomatoes should be distinguished by an early period of fruit ripening, high yield. In addition, vegetables should be lean( transportation of tomatoes from distant regions, for example, KhMAO can take not one day).

Best tomatoes for the northern regions:

  1. Beautiful Lady F1. The hybrid is considered one of the best for growing in Siberia: it has a cold resistance, has genes against TMV, fusariosis, and cladosporium. Tomato gives up to 6 kg from the plant. Fruits Lady red, round, have an average weight of 200 grams.
  2. The Hermitage. The cultivar is specially bred for growing in film shelters in the north-west of Russia: it is resistant to high humidity, early ripening( tomatoes can be harvested on the 95th day).The Hermitage gives small( 100 grams) round-drawn fruits of red color with high taste characteristics.
  3. Em-champion. The name of the variety speaks for itself: tomato gives up to 30 kg of delicious, leveled fruit weighing 300-500 grams. Em-champion well tolerates temperature changes, suitable for growing in the greenhouses of the Tver region.

Varieties of tomatoes for regions with a short warm period have their own characteristics tomato varieties for regions with a short warm periods have their own characteristics

Next to early maturing tomatoes can be planted and later varieties that will produce fruit until frost. However, in this case, it will be necessary to take care of the additional heating of the film greenhouse.

What better to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse under the film

Tomatoes for film shelters have their own characteristics, related to the low throughput capacity of the film. Thus, greenhouse tomatoes for film shelters should be resistant to overheating, temperature fluctuations, increased humidity.

Best cultivars for growing in greenhouses:

  1. De Barao Red. Tomato is excellent for cultivation in the middle belt of Russia and Belarus. Plants De Barao shade-resistant, resistant to temperature drops, diseases. The variety was recognized due to high yield( one plant can yield up to 4-6 kg of vegetables).The fruits of De Barao are plum-like with dense skin, can be used as salted.
  2. Crystal F1. Early ripening tomato of French selection. The fruits of the variety are red, roundish, with a thick skin, differ good taste in salads and winter preparations, they are resistant to transportation and long-term storage.
  3. Signor Tomato F1. Hybrid high-yielding( 15-20 kg from an area of ​​0.1x0.1 cm), with an early period of fruit ripening( vegetables can be harvested on the 95th day), suitable for both film shelter and open ground. Vegetables Siniora have a beautiful, heart-shaped form, red, smooth skin and fleshy, delicious flesh.

Tomato De Barao Red - one of the best varieties for growing in the greenhouse Tomatoes De Barao Red - one of the best varieties for growing in a greenhouse

To create the most comfortable conditions for tomatoes in film greenhouses, you can equip them with automatic padding. The automatic thermal drive will open and close the window, depending on the temperature change inside the hotbed, thereby protecting the seedlings from overheating and creating better conditions for ventilation. After all, to ruin the harvest of tomatoes can be how much overheating, so much and draft.

Good tomato varieties for greenhouses: undersized tomatoes

Low-grown tomatoes have undeniable advantages over their high counterparts: low plants are easier to grow( most often, low bushes do not require garters and prishchips).In addition, low plants have compact sizes and are distinguished by aligned, attractive fruits.

Popular undersized tomatoes:

  1. Gift for the woman F1. The hybrid is characterized by sweet, large fruits( up to 250 grams), rounded and red-crimson. The fruits of the Gift are salad, but they are also suitable for the preparation of tomato products. The variety is resistant to greenhouse diseases, it is distinguished by high yield( up to 30 fruits per bush).
  2. Grandmother's pride F1. Hybrid bush grows up to 50-70 cm, fruit ripening in film greenhouses is observed already on 80-85 days after sprouting. The fruits of Grandmother's pride are rounded, lined, red, suitable for canning, cooking tomato products.
  3. The riddle. Shrubs grow to a height of only half a meter, while yielding a sufficiently large yield( up to 20 kg per square meter).Fruits Riddles are red, round, not subject to cracking. The variety is resistant to sunlight deficiency.

Low-fat tomatoes have undeniable advantages over their high brethren Low tomatoes have undeniable advantages over their high counterparts

Low tomatoes can be planted in one greenhouse with tall ones. To ensure that different plants do not interfere with cultivation, it is necessary to place determinant varieties on the first line. Caring for bushes and harvesting with such a landing scheme will be much easier.

Industrial tomatoes: greenhouse varieties

Industrial tomatoes can be used not only for growing on large areas and mass harvesting. Such tomatoes have a lot of advantages for domestic production for sale to canning plants: they are distinguished by their yield, simultaneous maturation, high percentage of solids content, resistance to mechanical influences.

Tomatoes Aswon F1 can be grown on large areas Tomatoes Aswon F1 can be grown on large areas

Proven industrial, heat-resistant tomato hybrids:

  1. Aswon F1 .The hybrid shows excellent results even in abnormal heat( from one hectare you can collect up to 100 tons of vegetables).The fruits of Aswon, at the same time, have a marketable appearance, and their mass of 60-100 grams does not change even during particularly arid, hot seasons.
  2. Tomato Wirth F1 is characterized by its ability to tie even in abnormal heat. A characteristic feature of tomato is the harmonious fruiting and high taste characteristics of the fruit. Tomato is characterized by high yields( 40-60 fruits weighing 110-150 grams per bush).
  3. Kitano F1 .Tomato is distinguished by round, large fruits( weight 250-300 grams), suitable for transportation and long-term storage. In addition, the hybrid is resistant to verticillosis, Fusarium, spotted wilt, well tied in hot weather. For tomato bushes is characterized by abundant vegetative mass, which protects vegetables from sunburn.

Of course, the segment of large-fruited ground tomatoes is small, however, with the proper organization of the marketing system, the cultivation of such tomatoes always brings the gardener financial benefit.

Stamp varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

The main advantage of tomato stems is their early ripeness( for example, the Boni-M grade maturing on the 80th day).In addition, stump bushes do not have a strongly developed root system, and therefore they can be planted much more densely than other varieties.

When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, the most successful is the pyramidal scheme, which allows you to achieve maximum yield.

For the most part, the stamping varieties do not have increased resistance to diseases and pests. But there are exceptions, for example, the Dominator variety, resistant to TMV, cladosporium, fusarium wilt.

The main advantage of tomato stamps is their early ripeness

Stamp tomatoes tolerate unfavorable weather conditions, their fruits are characterized by simultaneous maturation, high flavor and product characteristics.

Bushman is well tolerated by drought and can for a long time do without abundant watering. Cold-hardened stamping tomatoes include the Redskin Leader, Lucky Champion, Solerosso, the blush of Petersburg.

Undemanding tomato varieties for greenhouses

For beginner gardeners, unpretentious varieties of tomatoes are suitable. These include green tomatoes, which form little lateral shoots, and therefore, do not require pasynkovaniya. And also short stature that you do not need to pin;Greenhouse cherry tomatoes, which are distinguished by compact shrubs.

Many undemanding varieties can be cultivated on open beds, but they yield the greatest harvest in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Tomatoes Thick Jack - an undemanding variety of tomatoes Tomatoes Thick Jack - undemanding tomato variety

Thick Jack, Tomat Sanka, Bear's paw, Yellow ball, Pink spam, Rose of the winds can be referred to undemanding tomato varieties.

The most unpretentious, resistant to weather phenomena, diseases and pests are hybrid varieties of tomatoes.

Variety Russian Garden is distinguished by compact shrubs and

with delicious vegetables, well suited for thickening planting and growing in small, low greenhouses.

Tomatoes for greenhouses: the best varieties of 2017 and reviews

Good reviews in 2017 received tomatoes of Japanese selection. For example, KS 4462 is a super-yielding variety, the fruits of which are sweet and fleshy, have a rounded shape, red, dense skin, keep a good appearance, which is very important for realization. Demand in the market in 2017 and the fruits of tomatoes Tisato, which have an attractive appearance and high taste characteristics.

Good reviews in 2017 received tomatoes of Japanese selection The Japanese tomatoes

received good reviews in 2017 In Ukraine, the delivery of tomato seeds is carried out by the Internet site "Señor-Tomato", in Russia and Belarus, elite seeds of tomatoes for seedlings can be found on the website of Valery Medvedev. Professional varietal tomato seeds with delivery can be ordered from the company "Gavrish" and the company "SeDek".

The opening of 2017 was the production of black tomatoes, which are pleasant taste and high in vitamins. Good grades have received such varietal tomatoes as the Black Prince( black and raspberry, fleshy, large) and Chernomor( salad vegetables, large, resistant to cracking, suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and in the condition of open ground).

Tomatoes in the greenhouse 2017( video)

Tomatoes are favorite vegetables for adults and children, which are suitable for dessert use, cooking salads, juices, sauces and preserves. Which tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse in 2017 depends on climatic features of the region, the goals of the horticulturist, the type of greenhouse. The above rating of the best tomato varieties will help you to determine the culture for growing, choose the most delicious and yielding varieties. The main thing - carefully read the description of the variety and agrotechnical recommendations, and then you are guaranteed to get a great and high-quality harvest!

tomatoes in the greenhouse, real( photos)

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