Dimensions of greenhouses made of polycarbonate: the width of the greenhouses and the optimal length, with their own hands, large individual species

Dimensions of polycarbonate greenhouses can vary depending on the shape and design of structures. More recently, only glass has been used to cover greenhouses. But the production of building materials does not stand still. And the modern market can offer a more perfect material, rather than a fragile and heavy glass - polycarbonate. Polycarbonate has many advantages: it is durable, lightweight, has high light transmission capacity, is resistant to moisture, UV rays. Polycarbonate greenhouses look incredibly attractive and can be of various sizes. How to determine the size of the greenhouse - read below.

    • thickness and width of the polycarbonate
    • greenhouses polycarbonate length for greenhouses
    • What determines the size of greenhouses made of polycarbonate
    • optimum size of the greenhouse polycarbonate
    • Greenhouse polycarbonate with their hands( video)

Thickness and width of polycarbonate for greenhouses

If you decide to build a greenhouse yourself, with your own hands, then you need to decide on the dimensions of polycarbonate. The modern roofing materials market offers such types of polycarbonate sheets: cellular and monolithic.

Cellular polycarbonate is characterized by high strength and thermal insulation properties, monolithic has a large light transmission capacity and is flexible.

Cellular polycarbonate, due to its cells, is thicker than monolithic. Thus, sheets can be produced with a thickness in the range from 0.4 to 3.2 cm. Moreover, the difference in thickness between the models is 2 mm or more. The width of the sheet, the standard for this type of polycarbonate - 2.1M

When calculating the number of sheets of honeycomb carbonate to cover greenhouses, should take into account the location of the material: polycarbonate sheet must be positioned so that water can flow out easily gets into a cell..

Polycarbonate for greenhouses can be monolithic and honeycomb Polycarbonate for greenhouses and may be monolithic honeycomb

Solid polycarbonate is produced with a thickness in the range of 0.1 to 1.2 cm. The difference in thickness between the patterns is 1 mm. The standard width of monolithic polycarbonate is 2.05 m.

For greenhouses, sheets with a thickness of 6-8 mm are most suitable, thicker sheets are used to cover winter gardens, greenhouses.

When choosing the size of sheets, do not forget about their weight: the larger the thickness of polycarbonate, the more it weighs. Accordingly, the frame of the greenhouse should be able to withstand the load of the material.

polycarbonate length for greenhouses

Polycarbonate has a large range and is discharged length of 60 and 120 cm. Monolithic has a standard length of 605 cm.

choosing between the size, use one which, after covering greenhouses leave the least amount of residueAnd will give the least number of joints.

The length of cellular and monolithic polycarbonate differs length cell and solid polycarbonate differs

example, of four-arch cover greenhouses can take three sheets of polycarbonate of 6 meters and a width of 2.1 meter. One sheet will go to cover the end faces, and the rest will cover the arch itself. Accordingly, for six-meter greenhouses, it is necessary to take one sheet more, and for eight-meter greenhouses - one more.

What determines the size of greenhouses from polycarbonate

The size of polycarbonate greenhouses is made up of the width, length and height of the building. In order to work in a greenhouse it was convenient, it brought the expected result and was profitable, it is necessary, when choosing a design, to take into account a lot of factors.

The size of polycarbonate greenhouses is made up of the width, length and height of the building size polycarbonate greenhouses consists of width, length and height of the building

So, to choose the optimal size of the greenhouse polycarbonate, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Objectives of cultivation. If you plan to grow plants for your own use, then the calculation of the size of the greenhouse should the manufacturer, taking into account the number of all members of the family.
  2. Cost of construction. The larger the size of the greenhouse, the greater its value. In addition, the price influenced by the material from which the frame of the greenhouse is made. More affordable plastic is suitable for seasonal greenhouses, but winter ones require a strong frame, capable of withstanding rainfall.
  3. The shape of the greenhouse. The greenhouse can be arched, oval, single and gable. With the same area of ​​greenhouses, it is possible to work in them in various ways.
  4. Plot area. To place a greenhouse should be a minimum at a distance of 3 m from large objects that can create a shadow. In addition, after the installation of the greenhouse, the site should remain a place for open beds.
  5. Means that you are ready to allocate for caring for plants. The larger the winter greenhouse, the more funds for heating it will need to be spent. In addition, large hotbeds require the organization of a serious aeration system.

In addition, you can calculate the size of the greenhouse, based on the number of plant bushes you decide to plant, how many beds you can make.

Optimal size of the greenhouse made of polycarbonate

The optimum size of the greenhouse for private use is determined by Appendix No. 85 of the Construction Rules and Norms dated 02.10.04.Proceeding from this, the maximum greenhouse width is 260 cm, and the height of the building must be at least two meters. But in practice, these dimensions may vary.

The optimal size of a glasshouse made of polycarbonate is chosen by each vegetable gardener individually The optimum size of the polycarbonate greenhouse is selected by each trucker

As the experience of gardeners suggests, the most convenient are:

  1. The minimum width of the greenhouse is 235-250 cm. These values ​​are obtained on the basis that the mostIt is convenient when two beds are a meter wide, and the passage between them is equal to 35-50 cm. If more beds are planned in the greenhouse, the width of the structure should be increased. Greenhouses should not be done. Firstly, it will be inconvenient to work in them; secondly, the width of the door should be taken into account.
  2. The height of the building is not less than 160-180 cm. At the same time, the height of the building is measured not by the hobby of the hothouse, but by the walls. This means that the horse must be removed from the ground at a distance of at least 2.2 meters. The height of the greenhouse should be convenient for the gardener( he should be able to work, bending his back) and for plants( from plants to the ceiling should be at least 40-50 cm).
  3. The length of the greenhouse must be a multiple of 6 since polycarbonate sheets are available in sizes of 360 and 120 cm. To make a greenhouse of a different length will be impractical in terms of economy.

The length is calculated and, based on the number of bushes that the gardener plans to plant in the greenhouse.

Polycarbonate greenhouse with own hands( video)

The greenhouse is a convenient structure designed to create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, to obtain the highest quality and large yield. Dimensions of the greenhouse must comply with the SNiP, individual requirements of the truck farmer: the greenhouse should be convenient for work and bring a sufficient amount of harvest for sale or own use. Be guided, when choosing or building greenhouses for the best sizes, removed from the practice of experienced gardeners and SNiP, and enjoy convenient and effective cultivation!

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