. Before seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, it must be properly prepared, starting with the seeds that must be treated with special formulations. It is worth noting that caring for tomatoes in the garden is not considered an ideal option, as tomatoes will be constantly exposed to atmospheric phenomena that can cause disease and many problems.
- better feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse
- Effective fertilizing tomatoes in the greenhouse polycarbonate
- How and what to fertilize tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse
- Useful dressing tomato yeast in a greenhouse
- Fertilizers organic species forTop-dressing tomatoes in a greenhouse
- How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse( video)
The better to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse
Which fertilizer should be used forodkormki tomatoes?Experts recommend to feed tomatoes at the stage of growth of seedlings, during transplantation, during flowering. The most optimal options are the choice of organic fertilizers and folk remedies.
The use of chemicals can adversely affect fruit bearing and, in general, crop growth.
Organic matter is considered mullein, and fertility requires the use of peat, chicken manure, infusion of green slurry, humus and wood ash. Necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.
These include:
- Nitroammophoska;
- Superphosphate;
- Ammonium nitrate;
- Potassium sulphate;
- Boric acid, which is sprayed with tomatoes before planting in the greenhouse;
- Urea.
In order to understand what a plant needs, you just need to watch it. When the leaflets are twisted inward and the vertex rot is formed, the introduction of calcium is required by spraying with calcium nitrate. When a purple color is formed on the back of the leaves, this indicates a lack or deficiency of phosphorus. With this, you can cope with superphosphate, which acts as quickly as possible, after a while, there will be no such effect. If the foliage on the bushes starts to turn yellow or has a slightly green hue, then you need to feed the culture with nitrogen fertilizers or urea.
Effective top dressing of tomatoes in the polycarbonate greenhouse
It is necessary to feed tomatoes in the polycarbonate greenhouse during the flowering period, which is especially important for the quality fetal setting. To be more precise, top dressing of tomatoes in this period is necessary to eliminate problems with ovaries and their falling off.
The simplest way is to use potassium:
- It needs 9.5 liters of water, 1.5 tbsp. L.Sulphate, 0.6 kg of poultry litter and the same amount of mullein.
- Each bush should receive approximately 1.5 liters of
- composition. It is wise to calculate the proportions for the required number of plants in the greenhouse.
To properly carry out top dressing of a certain tomato variety, it is advisable to consult with specialists. If the plant does not receive the required amount of organic substances, it is permissible to use 1 tbsp. L.Nitrofoski added to 1 bucket of water. Each plant requires at least 1 liter of the formulation.
Foliar top dressing for tomatoes is the best option, since they do not tolerate direct effects on the root system.
It is best to spray plants with different compounds. Foliar top dressing allows the plant to get those useful substances that are not found in the soil, and due to this influence, the foliage and ovaries are strengthened, which is important for flowering.
How and what to feed tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse
After the tomatoes are planted in the soil, it is mandatory to use fertilizers, and it is desirable to give preference to folk remedies. It is strictly forbidden to use chlorinated water from the tap. Tomatoes from such water can die literally after the first watering. It is best to use well or river water. One root should be poured to 0.5 liters of water. The feeding scheme is not too complicated, but the very first one, in which ash is mainly used, is especially important. For this purpose 1 st.l. You need to dilute in a liter of water.
The ash can be:
- Wood;
- Straw;
- Herbaceous;
- Dry;
- Purified.
Then the plant is fed with flowering, which uses potassium sulfate and live mullein mixed with bird droppings. The proportions depend on how many hives need to be processed. At 1 root requires a liter of composition. Also watering of tomato seedlings should be carried out at the time when the ovary is formed, and the treatment is carried out with ash and boric acid.
It is preferable to initially make a solution, and leave it for a few days, so that it infuses and absorbs the maximum concentration.
To exclude large financial costs, it is possible to carry out feeding by means of a normal egg shell. In the end, the treatment is carried out at the stage of fruiting, to stimulate and substantially accelerate the maturation process. In addition, it helps to improve the taste of tomatoes. To do this, it is desirable to use sodium glutamate and superphosphate, which are diluted in accordance with the recommendations on the package.
Useful feeding of tomatoes with yeast in the greenhouse
There is an incredible number of tricks that gardeners use to grow a large and high-quality harvest. For example, growing is accompanied not only by using mullein, but also by yeast. It would seem, for what purpose?
First of all it is worth noting that yeast is used to carry out care for such crops as:
- Peppers;
- Tomatoes;Eggplant and the like.
The advantage of using yeast is to improve the soil composition, eliminate stress in the plant when diving and transplanting into the soil, promote the formation of strong and new shoots, eliminate the occurrence of diseases, And chemical additives, maximum ecological compatibility.
The schedule of using fertilizing with yeast requires compliance not only with terms but also with proportions, since the effectiveness of the composition depends on this, then it will not bring harm.
If the seedlings are adopted, then you can apply 0.5 liters of solution per bush, and for an adult plant not more than 2 liters. To create a magical composition, you need to mix the extract of chicken manure, wood ash, sugar and water, well, do not forget about yeast. Yeast and foliar top dressing should be an obligatory procedure for obtaining a quality crop.
Organic fertilizer for top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse
Experienced gardeners prefer to use only manure that is bred( or mullein with Kristalon).In other words, when it will be recycled by microorganisms. In fresh compost too much nitrogen and nitrates, which contribute to the growth of greenery on the bushes and stop the growth of fruit. Very often, with too much organic fertilizer, the cans burst after preservation.
Fertilizer tomatoes with organic substances should be carried out:
- Carefully;
- Not often;
- Only with observance of proportions.
To prepare a liquid organic and non-harmful fertilizer, 2 kg of poultry manure is required. On average, it takes 4 parts of the bucket. It is flooded with rainwater and left for a week. After the fermentation has passed, it is necessary to make the composition dilution in the proportion 1:20.Optimal pour the solution into a barrel, where 200 liters of water, and carry out a gradual dilution. Plants on the open ground can be watered, both before the formation of flowers, and after them.
Each tomato shrub requires 0.5 liters of solution.
Since fertilizer is considered nitrogen, it is best to carry out feeding after tomatoes are watered with ordinary water. This will eliminate the burning of the root system. If you want to fertilize with mineral fertilizers, it is worth using glutomate, which is mixed with water in a proportion of 1:10.
How to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse( video)
It is necessary to follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Such a solution will be rich in copper, potassium and other useful substances. Proper compliance with the proportions and recommendations will give a positive result in the form of a large and delicious harvest. Most importantly, do not overdo it so as not to harm the bushes and fruits.