The kitchen area is constantly exposed to high humidity and temperature extremes. This affects the ceiling most strongly, because both the vapor, the soot, and the hot air are rising. In order not to have to repair every year, you need to make a ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, taking into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.
What ceilings are suitable for kitchen
Article Contents
- 1 What ceilings suitable for
- 2 kitchen How to plaster and paint the ceiling
- 2.1 plaster Application
- 2.2 Fine finishing
- 2.3 ceiling painting
- 3 Mounting plastic ceiling
- 3.1 Preparatorystage
- 3.2 Mounting the frame
- 3.3 Installing the panels
- 3.4 Video - Ceiling in the kitchen with your hands
The ceiling in the kitchen should withstand the highlow and low temperatures, have water-repellent properties, it is good to wash. Do not use flammable materials, as well as materials with a porous surface. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of flooding from above and to choose a structure capable of detaining a large volume of water. Or vice versa, choose a type of ceiling that is easiest to restore.
The easiest way is plastering and painting. The plastered and painted ceiling for a long time does not lose its original appearance, does not warp when exposed to moisture, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easily cleaned. If there is a leakage of water from above, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable, and all the finishing can be done on their own.
Plastic panels are considered an acceptable option for the kitchen ceiling. They do not burn, they have very low hygroscopicity, they are easy to clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, the panels should be fixed with movable fasteners - kleimers. It is better to give preference to seamless panels with a glossy coating, on which less soot and dust accumulate. In addition, the plastic ceiling is not afraid of flooding: the water almost does not pass through tight joints and flows along the corners of the structure.
Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are also good for kitchens. They look great, moisture and heat are not afraid, they are easily laundered, and most importantly, they keep water from flooding. There are also disadvantages to this coating: the film can easily be damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the cloth is high enough, it will not be possible to perform the installation yourself.
Drywall constructions are suitable only for high spacious kitchens with a high-quality exhaust system. Waterproof gypsum cardboard after puttying and painting can be washed with water, it does not burn and does not emit harmful fumes. But when flooding the entire structure will have to be completely changed, and the presence of protrusions and corners on the ceiling will contribute to the accumulation of soot and dust.
How to plaster and paint the ceiling
To independently trim the ceiling with plaster, you must first prepare the surface well. To do this, completely remove the old coating, clean the corners and joints between the plates. All visible cracks wipe with putty, for deep gaps use a cement slurry.
The joints between the slabs are filled with putty and covered with reinforcing tape. After that, the rough ceiling is wiped from dust and covered with a primer mix.
Plaster application
In the process of finishing you will need:
- dry gypsum plaster;
- mixing tank;
- water;
- aluminum profiles for lighthouses;
- water level;
- rule;
- spatula with a width of 15-20 cm;
- finishing putty;
- synthetic mesh for reinforcement;
- grinding machine.
This method is suitable for ceilings with a height difference of not more than 5 cm. Lighthouses are used if the surface is too uneven, and the experience of such work is minimal. The thickness of the plaster layer should not exceed 5 cm, and apply the mortar better 2-3 thin layers. So, if the unevenness on the ceiling is large, using the water level, determine the lowest point, retreat 10 mm and beat the marking line along the perimeter of the kitchen. Orienting along the line, on the ceiling fixed profiles-beacons, the distance between them is 20 cm less than the length of the rule.
Instructions for mixing the plaster and applying it to the ceiling between the beacons. The surplus is removed by the rule, making zigzag motions along the profile. If the foundation is even, one layer of plaster is enough, but if the defects are still visible, a second layer will be required. To do this between the beacons in the damp plaster press reinforcing mesh, overlapping the joints for 10-15 cm Further plaster application is performed after the first layer has dried.
Finishing finish
When the ceiling is dry, knead the final filler and distribute it over the surface with a wide spatula. The layer of putty should be as thin as possible, if necessary, you can apply it again. Finally, the kitchen ceiling is treated with a grinder or a special mesh. The resulting dust is wiped with a clean and slightly damp rag.
Ceiling painting
The kitchen is best suited for latex or silicone glossy paint. You can take and matte, which perfectly hides the defects, but the soot and grease from the matte surface is more difficult to wash. For painting take a paintbrush or roller, as someone more convenient. White or light paint is applied in one layer, but the paint of a darker shade is better to be applied with two layers, so that the plaster does not appear through. On this, the finish of the kitchen ceiling is considered finished.
Plastic ceiling mounting
To install this ceiling alone, you will need:
- glossy plastic panels with a width of 250 mm;
- wooden slats 20x40 mm;
- aluminum U-shaped fasteners;
- plastic dowels and screws;
- construction stapler;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- hacksaw;
- water level;
- pencil;
- sharp knife.
Preparatory stage
When installing a false ceiling, it is not necessary to level the substrate, but still have to remove the old coating and treat the mold surface. If the ceiling was painted, and the paint is kept well, it is enough just to primethe base.
All existing cracks must be sealed with putty, foam or cement mortar, and also carefully check the joints between the ceiling and the walls. The primer is used antiseptic to avoid the appearance of mold under the ceiling structure.
Assembly of
framework Determine the lowest point of the ceiling and use the water level to mark out the perimeter of the kitchen. From the line down, retreat 2.5 cm and fix the slats strictly horizontally. Now on the ceiling you need to fix aluminum fasteners. The width of the kitchen between the fasteners should be at least 60 cm, along the length of 40-50 cm. If the distance is increased, the panels will sag. U-shaped elements on the concrete ceiling are fixed with the help of dowels, on a wooden screwed with screws.
Next comes the turn of the racks: they are applied to the fasteners, they are leveled and fixed with short screws. All racks of the frame must be placed in parallel rows. In the outlet areas of sewage pipes, additional racks are stuffed around the pipeline. If the plastic touches the hot pipes, it will melt, so an air gap is needed between the edges of the panels and the metal.
Installation of
The length of the panels should be less than the distance between the walls by 5 mm. If there are protrusions on the ceiling, the cutouts of the corresponding configuration are made in advance in the panels. In the kitchen, such a ceiling is most often installed without plastic profiles, and the joints around the perimeter are closed with a conventional baguette. In this case, the first panel is attached directly to the rail on the wall with screws. All the others are mounted with the help of a locking system: the edge of the lining is inserted into the side groove of the previous one and snaps into place with a sharp movement.
panels To install the last panel, you must first measure the distance between the penultimate board and the wall, as often it does not match the width of the lining. Measurements are made at 6-7 points along the wall, because not every wall is perfectly level. After that, the measurements are transferred to the panel and the excess knife is cut with a sharp knife. Fastening is done with short screws, as in the beginning of installation. In the end, along the perimeter of the ceiling, the decorative baguettes are glued. If the individual seams on the ceiling do not fit tightly, they carefully cover with putty. If necessary, any panel can easily be replaced with a new one;if you need a complete replacement of the ceiling, the frame is left the same, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of repairs.
luminaires The described methods are the most practical and easy to implement. For such ceilings simply to look after, they long save an attractive kind. Of course, much depends on the intensity of kitchen use and the quality of the hood. The less vapor, the less impact on the ceiling coating, and vice versa.