Planting together greenhouse cucumbers: what to plant in one and how to grow aubergines, compatibility

Planting with cucumbers in a greenhouse can be different plants Planting with cucumbers in the greenhouse can be different plants grow cucumbers is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. After all, it is required to maintain ideal conditions, in which there should be a stable temperature and high humidity. Cultivation of this crop in the open ground is impossible and therefore requires a greenhouse or a greenhouse. As a rule, greenhouses have large dimensions, and truck farmers combine several types of plants. However, is this correct, and what crops can be planted in one greenhouse together with cucumbers?

    • What can be planted cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Recommendations that can be planted in a greenhouse with cucumbers
    • Can be planted cucumbers and eggplants in a hothouse
    • Compatible with cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Whatand how to put together a greenhouse cucumbers( video)

what can be planted cucumbers in the greenhouse

mainly novice gardeners have established a greenhouse, in which they seek to plant as many crops as possible. The main argument in favor of such activities can be called space savings and the minimum amount of maintenance costs for the structure. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to plant a lot of crops in one greenhouse, as this can cause them: death, low yield, perepyleniya, which will lead to the formation of hybrids, with far from the best characteristics.

Risk factors can be called :

  • The different requirement for temperature conditions;
  • Different humidity levels;
  • Use of different fertilizers;
  • Distribution of pests from one culture to another.

When choosing neighbors, it is necessary to take into account that cucumbers love humidity and warmth choosing neighbors, it is necessary to take into account that cucumber like humidity and heat

In other words, if not properly placement of vegetable crops can be spent in vain, and works, and time, as the harvest will be small and may be defective. In addition, the process of development of each plant will start to slow down and it is quite possible that the ovaries are mass-discharged. In one greenhouse, you can place only those vegetables that are related to one family or have similar requirements for the content.

For example, cucumbers require high humidity and heat, as well as a long light day.

To choose the neighbors for them is worth, based on these criteria. When choosing certain crops, you need to pay attention not only to the species themselves, but also to their varieties. For example, very often hybrids of cucumbers are seated next to eggplant. Both types of plants are resistant to changes in temperature and changes in air humidity.

Recommendations that can be planted in a greenhouse with cucumbers

There are a number of vegetable crops that can be planted near the cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Cucumbers can be planted next to pepper Cucumbers can be planted next to the pepper

These include :

  1. Peppers - requires humidity less than 80%, the warm air and good lighting. It is strictly forbidden to plant a sweet pepper next to a sharp one, as they are dusted, and sweet fruits start to be bitter.
  2. Eggplant - are considered to be excellent neighbors, as they need an excellent heat development of at least 28 ° C, as well as increased soil moisture.
  3. White cabbage is considered very hygrophilous, but it needs a lot of light. The early variety can be planted in the middle of April, and after the fruits are harvested, it is permissible to re-plant the late-ripening variety.
  4. Radish is an early crop, and it is not demanding for heat, but prefers moisture. If you plant it along the beds with cucumbers, this will not only facilitate the harvesting process, but will also promote the excellent development of cucumbers.
  5. No less cucumber needs warmer and higher humidity, but they need a constant supply of air, and if grown in a greenhouse, regular ventilation is needed. Zucchini is best planted next to those crops that are hybrid in appearance and have excellent resistance to temperature changes.

Better than many crops next to cucumbers feel melons, because in a humid and warm environment they can give simply excellent harvests.

Can be planted cucumbers and eggplants in a hothouse

As already mentioned, eggplants and cucumbers - are excellent neighbors, as they have similar features planting, but a peculiar, distinctive features. So can they be co-cultivated?

compatibility of such cultures as the eggplant and cucumber is high, but it requires compliance with a number of recommendations from the experts :

  1. If a greenhouse planted eggplant, it is necessary to strictly control the humidity. With a strong overmoistening, mold formation is possible, and periodic ventilation is required.
  2. Cucumbers categorically not tolerate drafts, as it leads to shattering of inflorescences, which means they airing is not only desirable, but may be contraindicated.

Cucumbers and aubergines are beautiful neighbors in the greenhouse cucumbers and eggplant - excellent neighbors in the greenhouse

Practice shows that often spend growing eggplants and cucumbers under one roof greenhouses, but some gardeners say the appearance of spider mites on fruit cucumbers, which spreads very quicklyOver nightshade crops. If they are planned to be co-located, then you need to additionally process the cucumbers, which should be done 3-5 times, so as not to give the mite to restore its population.

The conclusion can be made one, and it consists that it is not desirable to plant cucumbers and eggplants together, but it is quite admissible. Cucumbers should be planted at a certain distance from the aubergine bushes and it is better for this to prepare separate beds. It is best to install film partitions. Care must be taken to ensure that there is no pest and disease. Top dressing should be done at different times, and nutrients of various substances.

Compatible with cucumbers in the greenhouse

optimum and a spacious greenhouse is the one, which has an area of ​​at least 30 m2.It is possible to place different crops in it, but it is desirable that the design has two doors, at the ends, as well as windows. Thus, it is possible to carry out a full airing of the room in hot, windless days, to perform partial ventilation of premises, to create optimal conditions inside the greenhouse.

To cucumbers and other crops in the greenhouse was comfortable, it must be ventilated to cucumbers and other crops in the greenhouse, it was comfortable, it is necessary to ventilate the

to different cultures feel very comfortable, in a greenhouse, it is required to properly distribute them at landing:

  1. In a place whereMore heat is planted cucumbers.
  2. Next to them, you need to place the peppers.
  3. Next, it is possible to plant eggplant and zucchini.
  4. Along the edges are planted radishes, greens and lettuce, as they have a short term vegetation and grow many times over the season.

If the greenhouse has three beds, then the landing is in a different order. In the central part place cucumbers. On the sides, peppers, zucchini, eggplant and cabbage are planted. Between the rows you can plant greens.

For those who prefer to add here and tomatoes, you need to mount a partition of materials such as plywood, slate and the like canvases.

Excellent film screen, made in the form of blinds. This is required in order to be able to conduct aeration of the location of tomatoes without harm to other crops. Zucchini and cabbage can be planted between cucumbers and tomatoes, but as far as possible from the eggplant.

What and how to put together a greenhouse cucumbers( video)

quality rendering scheme landing crops in the greenhouse, greenhouse or just in the garden provides a large and delicious harvest without defects and mixing varieties. Good luck to you and a good harvest.

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