Varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses: the best tomatoes, self-pollinated seeds, the most productive

Grades of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses must be selected correctly Sorts of stunted tomatoes for greenhouses must be chosen correctly In the spring, efforts for gardening are just beginning, you need to deploy work in all directions. Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetable crops in Russia. It is used, both in a canned kind, and as a fresh vegetable. Below we will find out all about low-growing tomatoes in greenhouses and open ground and choose the best, low and yielding varieties.

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    • The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses(Video)

Characteristics of low-growing tomato varieties for greenhouses

Low-grown tomatoes choose what to look after similar varietiesMuch easier than for tall. Most often, stunted varieties are planted in greenhouses. In addition, it should be noted that species with low growth can bear much more active than tall ones, and also earlier.

First you need to consider the proposed range in stores and at seed fairs.

In the market there is a large variety of different varieties and hybrids:

  • Yield;
  • Cold resistance;
  • Exposure to diseases;
  • Taste and climatic conditions.

Low-fat tomato varieties have a lot of advantages Low-growing tomato varieties have a lot of advantages

Each of these characteristics is the choice between the color of the shape and taste of the future fruit, as well as the maturity and abundance of the harvest. And the first choice from the abundance of varieties, I will sort for greenhouses, namely, low-growing varieties. Low-growing tomatoes are determinant varieties, their difference is that the cessation of growth is observed, after the maturation of certain brushes.

Varieties are able to grow to a certain height, after which their growth stops.

Let's turn to the advantage of these varieties, and what they are so good at. It should be noted several indicators - early varieties( most often), suitable for both greenhouses and greenhouses, are resistant to weather conditions, abundant fruit, have good reviews. It should also be noted that in stunted( the majority) there is no pasyning.

The choice for the greenhouse of low-growing harvested varieties of tomatoes

There are no special differences in the technology of planting from tall trees - but all of these should take into account some of the nuances. Differences and varieties can be seen in the fruits themselves of this vegetable. In large-fruited, in contrast to the rest, the largest fruits can appear. It should be correctly selected( determined with the choice) varieties for joint planting in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. In more detail, we will understand the typology of undersized( determinant varieties) of tomatoes.

This group is divided, in turn, into several subgroups:

  • Determinant;
  • Super determinant;
  • Half determinants.

Any low-growing variety of tomatoes should be planted in a well-prepared soil Any short-grown tomato variety must be planted in a well-prepared soil.

For any variety and variety, it is very important that the soil is good and healthy. It is in the first days of seedling that the necessary components are accumulated. Before planting the future seedlings in the prepared soil, it is best to soak the seeds. In this case, it is possible to sort out the seeds at the same time and those that can give rise to the risk of emergence.

It is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in March or early April, and prepare a special soil.

After all the nuances are settled with the seedlings, and it has sprouted, we plant it in the ground. Low-growth varieties are planted in a closed ground. Formation of the bud and bud of the fetus may differ, depending on the variety. Extra nutrition and timely abundant watering will be the key to a good harvest.

For some varieties do not forget to break off stepsons. It is also necessary to remove the lower fruiting leaves from the bush. Never forget about the recommendations for care, compliance with which will be the key to a good harvest.

We select tomatoes for the greenhouse only the best low-growing varieties

Now, when the technology for growing low-growing tomatoes is clear, proceed to the next stage. At the moment there are a great variety of varieties and hybrids, both for greenhouses, and for open ground, undersized and tall.

As noted earlier, varieties are different in terms of fruit ripening, as well as the shape and size of the fetus itself. There are varieties from which the crop can be shot continuously, which, one can not but agree, is very convenient.

Yellow cherry is a fast-ripening variety with a fairly high yield Yellow cherry is a fast-ripening variety with a sufficiently large yield

Here are some names of varieties with a short characteristic that are very popular among gardeners and truck farmers in our strip:

  1. Butterfly .They are reminiscent of the egg-shaped form, the fruits of this variety have a smooth structure. The color of the ripe fruit has a palette with a crimson-pink color to red. The variety is universal, and this means that this species is suitable for roll-up canning, and for cooking with fresh form. It is assessed by high taste qualities.
  2. Yellow cherry is a fast-ripening variety with a fairly high yield. The fruit becomes lemon-yellow when ripe. Shrubs of this variety can be called low, suitable for growing, both in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. The fruit also does not have a large size, a size with an average plum( not quite a standard size), pleasant and juicy in taste. The yield of a variety can be estimated as very high.
  3. Cherry F1 grows both in the open ground in beds, and in greenhouses and greenhouses. Very pleasant and sweet fruits, are roundish in shape, have a crimson color.
  4. Biathlon F1 - another fast-growing hybrid, with remarkable taste qualities( according to gardeners amateurs).The fruits have both a flat and round shape, the shade of the ripe fruit acquires a pleasant carmine-scarlet color. It is unpretentious to the temperature, therefore it is possible to grow everywhere.
  5. Alaska - the main feature is that the fruits grow everywhere and with any properties of the soil. The fruit has a flat and round shape, red-crimson color when ripe.
  6. Boni MM is one of the most undemanding varieties with a bright scarlet shade. Suitable for lazy gardeners, as unpretentious.
  7. Peach .This name was given to the tomato, thanks to amber color. The variety is suitable, both for canning, and for cooking in fresh form. It has good taste quality. The yield of Peach can be estimated as higher than the standard, even if the greenhouse is not heated.

And yet, it's worth remembering that this division is more conventional than real differences. After all, as is known, such criteria can classify not only stunted plants, but tall ones, and others.

Low-seed self-pollinated tomato seeds for a greenhouse

From the very name of "self-pollinated" it follows that these varieties form fruit without participation in the process of bees. But, also this factor, it is a kind of limitation, since it is difficult among them to find seeds with a suitable characteristic. Such sorts exist, although they are difficult to classify as stunted( Mushroom basket and Black Moor).

Tomatoes The Black Moor is a short and self-pollinated tomato variety Tomatoes The Black Moor is a short and self-pollinated sort of sampler

Thus, it is possible to summarize on this topic of low-growing tomatoes. Every horticulturist and gardener, whether an amateur or not, when choosing a variety for a greenhouse, should evaluate several decisive factors when choosing seed varieties.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses( video)

Every year on the market there is a great choice, both popular and trusted varieties, and new varieties of tomato. The choice is yours!

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