distinctive feature warm beds is increased temperature inside the soil, contributes to the normal development of the plant, even with frost from the outside of the greenhouse. This design allows you to start growing vegetable crops in the first spring months, despite the weather conditions.
- Doing warm beds in the greenhouse: types of heating
- heating of the earth in a greenhouse using electric cable
- simple greenhouses heated ground with their hands
- warm bed in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate: a biological method
- Asheat the ground in the greenhouse in spring
- warm beds in the greenhouse( video)
- Examples warm beds in the greenhouse( photo)
warm Making beds in a greenhouse: types of heating
Solar heatWarms the beds only to the beginning of May, in some regions and to its end. Artificially warmed soil, suitable for planting plants in March, while the root shoots are in comfortable conditions, which contributes to their strengthening and growth of plants. In addition, the heat released by the earth, helps warming the air in a greenhouse.
Advantages warm beds:
- Early landing and achieve maximum yield in the early summer months;
- Getting a good result even on relatively fertile soil;
- Decrease in the need for top dressing of plants;
- Increase in the period of fruiting;
- Reducing water consumption during irrigation;
- Control of weed plants.
Prepare a warm bed in a greenhouse in autumn or early spring. There are several options for heating beds: electric cable, water pipes, biological compost. When using a cable, it is laid beforehand under the soil and by means of electricity, heating is carried out. These structures are highly efficient, but expensive to maintain.
Water heating is used with special pipes made of polymer material, which are laid under the ground.
Hot water flowing through the pipes, capable of heating the earth. For biological beds, plant remains and manure from livestock activities are used. The heating element becomes the rotting process, as a result of which the soil temperature rises. This is the most economical way to heat beds. Each method has its pros and cons. Gardener selects the most appropriate option, based on their own views on growing plants.
heating of the earth in a greenhouse using electric cable
Cable heating greenhouses beds maximizes accurately maintain the soil temperature, which makes it possible to efficiently grow plants.
The main advantages of the system are electrically heated :
- ability to grow any, even exotic cultures;
- Higher yield;
- Possibility to regulate soil temperature;
- Easy installation of the cabling system;
- Long service life.
For the arrangement of beds, it is necessary to remove up to 40 cm of upper soil. Next lay the material for thermal insulation, so that energy does not go to the lower layers of the earth. Sifted sand to prepare a pillow height of 5 cm, pour water and ram.
To protect the cable from various rodents, a special mesh must be installed on top of the sand.
Next, lay the electric cable on the grid with a snake. The laying distance between the tape should be no more than 20 cm. Using special clamps, the wire is fixed to the grid, covered with sand and compacted, creating another pillow. Further, in order to avoid mechanical damage to the cable during excavation, put another grid and cover the whole structure with earth. Thanks to this device, plants can be grown in greenhouses, regardless of the weather conditions, using additional lighting in the autumn and winter time. In return, the family will receive fresh vegetables at any time of the year.
A simple greenhouse with heated earth with its own hands
Water-heated beds also have a number of advantages. First, the condensate formed on the pipes, further moistens the soil. This design has an even warming of the air in the room. To heat the greenhouse, you need a gas or electric boiler, you can also use a small stove made of bricks or metal on wood.
To it you need to buy a pipe for the exit of smoke. The choice is made in accordance with the configuration of the heater.
For the installation of the furnace or boiler, it is necessary to prepare the foundation, for the brick structure - concrete. A metal boiler can be placed on a sheet of a mixture of asbestos with cement. Further, the structures ensure stability and attach the chimney, tightly sealing the attachment points.
Insulation of beds with pipes, necessary work:
- Removes the ground thickness of 35-40 mm;
- The material for thermal insulation is laid on the bottom of the received trench, the foam is usually used;
- On top of the water pipes are placed and connected to the heating system;
- Over the pipes lay fertile soil.
This heating method is considered optimal, but it is necessary to make sure that the water temperature in the pipes does not exceed 45 оС, otherwise you can burn the roots of plants.
A warm patch in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate: biological method
Biological method of heating beds is done with natural biofuel laid in the subsoil layer. As a filler used plant remains, sawdust and manure, which is spilled with water for the process of decay. Such beds are the most economical design.
Warm natural fuel beds are accepted, divided according to the type of construction:
- Deep, when a fertile land is removed, a trench breaks, Compost and is filled from above with soil so that it is at the level of the total mass of the earth;
- Raised beds, the top layer of the earth is removed from the surface and placed in special wooden boxes, which serve as protection from shedding and washing away of the earth during operation;
- A hollowed bed, laid without a box over the main area;
- Combined variant, when the lower organic layers are laid at ground level, and the fertile soil layer is fixed with a box.
To make the construction of the combined warm ridge, it is necessary to mark out the places for future landings. Then gently remove the layer of turf, laying fertile soil aside. Next, it is necessary to dig a trench up to 60 cm deep. To protect from frost, a foam or closed plastic container is placed on the bottom of the trench. Then begins the first layer of organic material, consisting of large branches, wooden churks, large plant objects.
This layer will play a drainage role. Next, a paper substrate consisting of waste paper is laid.
After comes a layer of smaller organics, food waste, leaves of trees, small grass stems. Next, pour the finished compost, or semi-rotted manure, to start the process of decay. We install a prefabricated box into which we will fill the fertile soil. Each layer should be well spilled with water. The last layer is covered with fertile soil. The soil, enriched with organic, is perfect for planting tomato, pumpkin and cucumber. The rotting process can heat the earth for 2 months.
How to warm the ground in the greenhouse in the spring
Having a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, you want to plant the plants in the early spring. To do this, it is necessary to warm the soil and air in the greenhouse.
There are various ways to increase the soil temperature:
- electric heating air, easy and affordable method, you must purchase a heater, fan and plug it into electricity;
- Electroheating of beds with a cable, an easy-to-install system that allows heating the soil to the required temperature and maintaining it in this condition;
- infrared method using a special lamp, the feature of this embodiment is the possibility to heat only plants without increasing the temperature of the air in the greenhouse;
- Water pipes, serve as an excellent heating element for the earth, beds and shelves while moistening the soil with condensate.
Warm beds in the greenhouse( video)
Greenhouses with artificial heating can warm up and warm the soil and air due energonagrevayuschey design, allowing to grow the plants from early spring to late autumn. Examples