Warming of pipes: water supply in a private house, a heater for a water pipe, land in the country, for outdoor pipelines

Warm pipes can significantly improve their performance insulated pipes can be substantially improved their performance Depending on the piping - inside or outside the country house, various methods can be used insulation system. Thermal insulation of the water pipe protects the pipes not only from the cold, but also from moisture, which can cause damage to them.

    • What are heaters for water pipes
    • methods insulation of water pipes in a private home indoors
    • Using mineral wool how warm water pipes for
    • cottage As warm water pipe above ground via electrocable
    • How to build a water pipe under the ground( video)

what are heaters for water pipes

in cold frosty winters owners chatnyh homes may need insulation of external water pipes. Regardless of the material from which the pipes are made, it is possible to freeze water in them or damage the pipe itself. The pipes in the ground can suffer from severe frosts and they will simply burst. It is also recommended to insulate and drain pipes, if they are located in an unheated basement. The freezing and rupture of sewage pipes is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Thanks to heaters, the pipes do not freeze to minus temperature Through Two sided pipes do not freeze in subzero temperatures

problem can be solved in two ways - to insulate water pipes or install a cable heating system.

Another option for water pipe insulation is to maintain high pressure in the pipes. Achieved with a special receiver, which is installed on a water pipe and pressurizes up to 5 atmospheres.

General requirements for heaters:

  • Material tightness;
  • Self-extinguishing when using material inside the building;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Heat saving;
  • Durability of the material.

For today in building shops it is possible to find pipes with a layer of a heater. This is one of the latest developments and this product is still being improved. The price for it is quite high, but given its advantages, costs are justified.

Methods of insulation of water pipes in the private house inside the premises

In some cases, it is necessary to insulate water pipes going inside the building. The materials by which the water supply can be insulated must have fire-fighting qualities and the ability to self-extinguish.

Also, materials should be of minimal harm to others and do not emit hazardous substances when heated.

Heating of the water supply system occurs due to the possibility of accumulating air inside.

To choose a heater for pipes follows, proceeding from teploizoljatsionnyh qualities of the house Choosing insulation for pipes should be based on the thermal insulating qualities of the house

Insulation materials for pipes:

  • Styrofoam. Used for insulating pipes inside and outside the building. The heater consists of two semicircular halves, which must be put on the pipe and fastened together with adhesive tape.
  • Fiberglass. The material is used advantageously for metal-plastic pipes. The low density of glass wools leads to the need to additionally strengthen the material with ruberoid or fiberglass. This method is also used for heating central heating pipes.
  • Basalt fiber. Heater has the shape of a cylinder, which is very easy to mount. Its disadvantage is high cost.

Before starting to insulate the pipelines, it is necessary to clean them from rust and dirt. Stacking insulation is carried out only on dry pipes, all condensate from them is recommended to be removed. Using mineral wool

how warm water pipes for

cottage The country cottage to a central water supply or giving to the well, the water transported through the pipes arranged on site. Because of the unpredictable weather conditions land can be chilled to the extent that the water pipes may freeze or become damaged.

In this case, you need to replace the pipes and insulate the entire pipeline. Every landlord can do this work. The pipe insulation process is simple and does not require special skills. Choosing a heater for an underground pipeline, it is also important to determine the diameter and thickness of the material.

Modern mineral wool is one of the best types of heaters - it perfectly protects the pipes from the cold, frost is not afraid of the wind, and is not destroyed by a long stay in the ground.

Among the advantages of mineral wools it is worth noting a long service life and a small price Among the advantages of mineral wools it is worth noting a long service life and a small price

Mineral wool is slightly resistant to moisture - after wetting the material collects in lumps and loses its thermal insulation properties.

How to insulate a pipeline:

  1. Remove all dirt from the pipes. Wipe dry.
  2. Wind the layer of mineral wool on the pipe, fix it with special screeds.
  3. Coat the insulated pipe with a waterproofing material and secure it.

Covering mineral wool layer of roofing material, it is recommended to make the overlap of the material is 10-12 cm. The waterproofing layer tightly wrap the rope can also be fixed with adhesive tape.

How to insulate a water pipe above the ground with the help of electric cable

Warming pipe heating cable - modern, but rather the cost method waterpipe insulation. This method can also be used in very cold regions.

Application of this method of insulation makes it possible to lay pipes at a shallow depth of 50 cm, instead of the required 200 cm.

The power of the cable, which can be laid both outside and inside the pipe, is 1.5-2 kW per running meter. The design of the heating system of pipes in a private house consists of a cable and a thermostat itself, which regulates the heating and switches off when the temperature is exceeded.

To properly insulate the water pipe over the ground using an electric cable, you need to first study the recommendations of specialists To properly insulate a water pipe above the ground with the help of electric cable, you must first examine the recommendations of experts

Positive aspects:

  • reliability;
  • Convenience;
  • Cost-effective( when installed on a long pipeline);
  • Can be used both in trench and above ground;
  • Safety guarantees the thermostat.

A significant drawback of this method of pipeline insulation is the dependence on electricity. When the power supply is turned off on a cold winter day, the probability of freezing of water in the system is quite large, therefore, in addition to the thermal insulation of the pipes, it is recommended to additionally insulate the water pipe with one of the roll materials described above. Applying several methods in the complex will be an excellent solution for holiday homes in very cold regions.

How to build a water pipe under the ground( video)

Insulated water pipes at their summer cottage - the key to a permanent water supply. Most often, the owners choose the least expensive and easy-to-install method, which is to insulate the pipes with roll materials. The water pipe is wrapped with mineral wool, styrofoam or basalt fiber. These methods are enough to ensure that the winter passed without consequences.

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