Filter for water at the cottage: cleaning from the well, filtration from the well, antibacterial and fine cleaning

There is a wide variety of water filters that differ in price and efficiency There is a wide variety of water filters that differ in price and efficiency. When we talk about summer cottages, we understand that there is rarely a central water supply, and the organization of the well is there only if the owner in the house happens very often. Those owners who visit the site, just for the time of garden works or just relax, organize wells or use the nearest column. In any case, the quality of water must be monitored. The easiest way is to buy a filter. He is able to remove excess salts, iron, destroy microbes. However, not all filters can be installed in the country. So which is better?

    • Filters for water cleaning in the country: types by type of cleaning
    • Where the deception is hidden when buying: a filter for water from the well
    • Flow filter: water treatment in the country
    • How is water filtration fromWells
    • How to choose a water filter for the cottage( video)

Filters for water cleaning in the country: types by type of cleaning

In a country house providing the owner with clean running water is not so difficult. If you have some research on the quality of water in your area, you can easily determine the type of filter that will work best.

When choosing a filter for a dacha, water quality should be taken into account When choosing a filter for a dacha it is necessary to take into account the water quality

Considering the existing water filters, it is possible to distinguish 5 main ones that are divided according to the cleaning method:

  • The first perform mechanical type cleaning and remove the ground, Sand and rust particles;
  • The second type adsorbs the odor and removes from the liquid an off-flavor and "flavor";
  • The third makes the water soft due to ion exchange, also eliminates salts, because of which the technique may suffer;
  • The fourth type is aimed at eliminating only iron, acting on it by oxidative reactions;
  • The fifth species is able to provide complete purification of the liquid from bacteria.

Of course, there are filters that can provide a complex of all that was listed above. But it is worth examining whether these filters can be used at the dacha where there is no possibility to connect to the central water supply.

Where the hype lies when buying: a filter for water from a well

It happens that certain representatives for the sale of filters, offer you to conduct an experiment to check how much quality water you have in the well to make a choice in favor of a better filter for giving. Most likely, there will be deception.

The fact is that the water test is for mastery cases, these checks are mostly done in special laboratories, and by itself, voluntarily and in place, a real expert will not offer you such a thing.

The price of a water filter depends on the quality of the filtration The price of a water filter depends on the filtration quality

In order for the owners to be sure how much awful water is in their well, the representatives conduct the experiment and insert the device into the liquid. The water instantly turns brown, and the sediment begins to fall to the bottom of the glass. After that, the same water is checked, but already with the help of a filter, which you are recommended to buy and it becomes transparent. Of course, under the great impression few will refuse such a useful acquisition and there is only one thing to choose the presented device.

But the most important thing is that the reaction that you showed was an ordinary electrohydrolysis.

In simple words, through the water that you brought from your well, conducted an electric current and salts and metals, through which we quench our thirst gave a brown color and precipitate. So if you were asked to conduct a similar study, then you know, he will not testify about the quality of water.

Flow-through filter: water purification at the dacha

The most compact filter that can be used in a dacha is a flow-through filter. It is suitable for any water pipe and can have a different appearance.

This filter comes in two flavors:

  • Under the guise of a nozzle or hose that is worn on the faucet;
  • A stationary type that cuts into the pipeline under the sink.

Both the first and second variant works under pressure of water, as a conclusion, in any case it will be necessary to conduct a pipeline. The difference is only in the degree of purification. So the filters that are installed on the faucet have one or two purification stages, while the stationary filter basically includes three stages. In principle, if your well is clean and well-groomed, then any of these filters will be enough.

Before buying a flow filter for water, you need to consult with professionals and choose the best option Before buying a flow filter for water, consult with professionals and choose the best option

The catch will be if your water supply system is operated by a pump. The nozzles installed on the tap will slow the water supply, and for one minute you will not be able to get liquid even into the glass. The pump will then work with interrupts, then turn on and off, and this mode will lead to an early breakdown.

The flow filter models that are installed under the sink do not add an additional load to the pump, since faster filtration of the water is carried out. But the problem is his replacement. So, for example, if the water in your well is not clean enough and includes sand, then the cartridge will very quickly clog and become a hotbed of bacteria. That's why such systems will have to be changed very often, and knowing the stationary water supply systems, it's not so simple.

How the water is filtered from the

well If you pay attention to the recommendations for the choice of cleaning devices, then there are a large number of designs that can be installed not only on the wells themselves but also in the house. The systems can be placed on household appliances or cranes. There are two types of equipment, the scheme of which is almost identical. These are salt and cartridge filters. The first is considered to be the most practical, as they do not need frequent replacement, salt filters are able to hold even the smallest particles of sand or metal. The cartridge filter consists of a coal mass that is stretched like a string.

It is quite difficult to install a filter for water from a well, therefore it is not recommended to do this without appropriate experience It is quite difficult to install a water filter from the well, therefore it is not recommended to do this without appropriate experience.

The following types of water filtration from the well are divided:

  1. Natural. They are used to filter artesian wells, which lie at great depths.
  2. Mechanical. The operation of such a filter is thin and rough. The scheme of work is to install a system that will rid the liquid of small parts.
  3. Water softening. This option is suitable for wells with limestone. It is best to use resin filters, which can purify the flow of water from salts. Such a salt filter is able not only to provide an antibacterial approach to well water, but even to purify the river flow for drinking.
  4. Filters with special tools that manufacturers produce. They are able to purify water from metal and manganese.
  5. Reverse osmosis system. This system is aimed at filtering water by means of a separating membrane into which water flows in a powerful flow. Cleaning is designed for the complete removal of salt, metal and other harmful components.

In spite of the fact that you use a filter for the well, after the cleaning is carried out, the liquid must be decontaminated. For this purpose, it is best to purchase a carbon filter or UV light.

How to choose a filter for the water in the cottage( video)

As you could see from the article, there are a large number of filter options that are suitable for your dacha and for your type of fluid production. The most important thing is to approach the purchase correctly and consult with those who understand this issue. And in any case, do not go on about the scammers, who demonstrate the "quality" of their products only in order to get a profit.

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