A toilet for a summer residence: the dacha with their own hands, how to build a rustic, how to make a cesspool on the street, a street

Compulsory construction in the country is a toilet mandatory building near her house is a toilet Organization of amenities at their summer cottage on their own - it is a time-consuming task, which includes holding numerous events. So, you have to determine the most suitable location of the latrine, understand the possible ways to organize a cesspool, develop drawings of future construction and, in fact, build the cabin itself of the sanitary unit. How to do it - read the article.

    • What can make the toilet in the country with their own hands
    • Toilet in the street: how to choose a place to build
    • Sump toilet on
    • cottage How to make a wooden toilet with his hands
    • Toilet brickwith his hands
    • Recommendations: how to build a toilet at the cottage
    • Construction of toilets in the country with their own hands( video)
    • Examples of the toilet on the street with their hands( photo ideas)

What can make toilet ncountry house with their hands

Most often, suburban amenities are made from the materials that are already in the public domain in the summer resident. Often the toilet is made from the remains of materials from other buildings. So, for example, the roof of the restroom is often covered with polycarbonate, slate.

Quite popular today is the toilet in the country house, which is built of wood quite popular today is the toilet at the cottage, which was built of wood

At present, there are several types of facilities for the cottages, which can build yourself:

  1. Wooden toilet. This is the most common village toilet: it is easy and simple to make by yourself, the cost of such a structure is not large. In addition, the tree does not heat very much in the heat and does not emit harmful substances, it looks attractive.
  2. Brick toilet. To build a brick building you will take a lot of money and energy, but, however, such a construction will last as long as possible. And inside the sanitary unit will be comfortable even on a hot summer day. The lack of brick structures - they are not so easy to transfer to a new location.
  3. Plastic toilet. This is a good solution if you need a temporary toilet. It is made of PVC panels, weighs a little, easily transferred to a new place without dismantling. The disadvantages of construction include the ability of substandard plastic to release harmful substances and odor when heated.
  4. Metal toilet. The most unfortunate option, because the metal heats up on hot, sunny days very quickly and strongly.

Toilets are often made of several materials: for example, wood for walls and corrugated board, metal roofing, slate for roof.

Toilet on the street: how to choose a place for construction

Installation of facilities with a pit in the garden area has its own characteristics. So, placing a toilet in the garden, you should take into account the location of water bodies with drinking water, a cottage house, household and household buildings. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the infrastructure of the neighbor area.

Before you start to build a toilet, you need to choose the right place for him Before embarking on the construction of the toilet, you must choose the right place for him

In order to avoid contact of sewage with drinking water sources and important buildings, you must:

  • Positioning toilet at a distanceAt least 25 m from the source of drinking water( well, well, pond, etc.);
  • Put toilet in the distance at least 12 m from household buildings and 8 m from structures and installations for receiving water procedures;.
  • Observe distance between the sanitary unit and the place for the animals and birds at least 4 m

Furthermore, the design should stand at a distance of 4 m from the trunks of fruit trees and 1 m - by bushes. At the same time, the ground water in the location of the toilet should be below 3 meters.

When placing biotoilets, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose, the way of connecting the devices and the convenience of their operation.

So, toilets should be put downwind from the house. It is not advisable that the toilet door should open to the side of the neighboring plot. If the toilet is with a cesspool, you should place it so that the hose of the cleaning equipment can easily reach the building. If the bio-toilet is electric, you should consider how it will be possible to safely connect the device to a constant power source.

Sump toilet on

cottage Once you have decided on where and how to place convenience, you can proceed to the organization of the sump. The dimensions of the wells determine the frequency of use of the amenities. Standard

considered cesspool whose width is equal to 1-1.3 m, and the depth - 1,5 m.

To storage tank served for a long time, enhance its wall. Most often, a cement slurry is used for this. But, there are other ways of constructing a cesspool.

When constructing a toilet in the country, special attention should be paid to the construction of a cesspool During the construction of toilets in the country, special attention should be paid to the construction of the sump

example, a storage tank for cottage toilet can be made of:

  1. Drums. This is an affordable and simple way to organize a durable and durable cesspool for a country toilet. The lack of a barrel is a small amount.
  2. Automotive tires. This is the most budgetary way, because used tires can be taken at any service station.
  3. Concrete rings. This is the most popular option for organizing a storage tank. Rings made of concrete at least come out more expensive than previous materials, but guarantee the durability and strength of the structure.
  4. Plastic tank. The reliability of plastic is tested for years. The main advantage of this method is that the tank can be of any required capacity.

If the opportunity to acquire a large plastic tank you do not, and the volume of barrels or tires is not enough, you can use the old-fashioned way of organizing the sump: dig a trench and concreted the walls and floor. Kopka, at the same time, can be carried out either manually( with a shovel) or with the help of special equipment( for example, an excavator).For the walls will need to build a wooden formwork. This capacity will last several decades.

How to make wooden toilet with his hands

to build suburban convenience of wood properly, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare the drawings. They are doing, relying on the average growth of those family members who will visit the dacha. It is the height that determines the height of the restroom, the depth and height of the seat. For a wooden frame, you can use timber for roof battens - twenty-board seat - decking, and exterior decoration - edged boards or battens.

Many experts recommend that before the beginning of construction prepare a detailed drawing of the future toilet Many experts recommend before the construction of the future to prepare a detailed drawing of a toilet

In order to build yourself a wooden, outside toilet facilities must be:

  1. Organize pier foundation. It is better to deepen it to a depth of 50 cm - 1 m.
  2. To equip the waterproofing, laying the roofing material on the foundation.
  3. Cover the timber for construction with a primer that protects wood from rotting processes and pests.
  4. Assemble the frame by the size of the foundation and install it on the base.
  5. Install the vertical posts by fixing them with metal corners or bolts. Check the angle of the racks will help the building level.
  6. Install horizontal racks for mounting the door.
  7. Assemble the roof from the boards. The roof can be single-pitched and gable. The first option to implement their own hands is easier. The right angle will provide a shortened vertical rack of one of the sides of the toilet.
  8. Set racks seat over a cesspool.
  9. decorate the walls and the seat frame clapboard and roof lay a slate or roofing material( in this case, do not forget about waterproofing).
  10. Put the door. The door can be knocked out of the boards, and you can buy a finished canvas.

Extend the life of wooden structures can be, if open it in several layers of varnish with intermediate drying.

Toilet made of bricks with their own hands

To erect a brick sanitary unit, it is necessary to lay a strong and reliable tape foundation. To do this, you need to dig a trench 30 cm deep around the perimeter of the pit and make a concrete screed. The frame can be mounted on metal bolts, installed before the concrete is completely congealed. The floor of a brick toilet is made of concrete, leaving, at the same time, technological holes. We build a roof, starting with a wooden crate, on which we lay a layer of waterproofing and roofing materials.

For the construction of a lavatory of brick on the street, you will need to find a detailed scheme of brickwork.

Quite convenient and practical is the toilet made of bricks in the country It is quite convenient and practical to use a toilet made of bricks in the country house

The ordering will enable you to calculate the required amount of material, properly organize the door and window openings. We put the rows one by one, along the entire perimeter of the future toilet. At the same time, we always check the masonry with the building level.

Recommendations: how to build a toilet in the country house

In order for the building to last for many years, and to use the toilet was comfortable, it is necessary to take into account not only the recommended dimensions of the sanitary unit and the sequence of actions during construction, but also some features of working with materials.

To make the toilet comfortable and warm, you should take care of the quality of the materials that you plan to use for construction in advance to the toilet to get comfortable and warm, it is necessary to take care about the quality of the materials that you want to use for the construction of

So, experienced builders are advised to:

  1. Always put a layer of the roll of waterproofing on the foundation and the roofAmenities.
  2. Treat wood with special means to increase its resistance to moisture, UV radiation, pests, fire, pests. Suitable tools such as: Toprasur, Pinotex, Senezh, Belink, Drevosan, Gladiator, Bioshit, Ecocept, etc.
  3. Fill with concrete the walls of the pit, gradually, tier by tier. Otherwise, the formwork can collapse under the weight of concrete, and the concrete itself due to poor-quality filling, in due course - to go cracked.

It is not superfluous to bring electricity to the toilet. In this case, it is better if the bulb will be both inside the booth and outside. In addition, you should follow the safety rules at the construction site: work in protective gloves, glasses.

Construction of a toilet in the country house with their own hands( video)

A cleaning house is an important building in any suburban area( private house, cottage, village house, etc.).You can make the toilet yourself. To do this, you need to determine the working materials, choose the most suitable place for installation of amenities, organize a cesspool and build a ground booth. And to do this correctly the above instructions and recommendations of experienced builders will help!

Examples of the toilet on the street with their hands( photo ideas)

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