Than to cover the ceiling on wooden beams: rough ceiling, photo, with your own hands decorative, video with interior decoration

Wooden beams - an important structural element responsible for the strength of the ceiling Wooden beams - this is an important structural element responsible for the strength of the ceiling. On wooden beams, the ceiling does not need to be covered with any material. Previously, and did for the most part. That is, each beam was closed with a box of the same drywall or simply aligned all over the level, thereby cutting off almost 20-30 centimeter layer of the ceiling. It was possible and completely convert the ceiling, replacing the beams, but why do it, if you can reasonably decorate everything?In addition, it is not difficult to do it all with one's own hands.

    • What is a rough ceiling on wooden beams
    • Wooden ceiling with beams:
    • binder
    • How to make a ceiling with wooden beams
    • Installing decorative beams fromWood on the ceiling( video)

What is a rough ceiling on wooden beams

The rough ceiling is the layer that will act as the baseBani for the subsequent construction work. That is, it will be attached to it waterproofing, thermal insulation, decorative filing and, if necessary, even a suspended ceiling. There is a roughing base of cross-pieces and beams that hold the weight of this whole structure. His device is traditional. You can use the same technology that is used in the attic. But taking into account the form - it is flat, not triangular or with several skates.

The design of the rough ceiling can be performed with the following materials:

  • wood;
  • SCS;
  • plastic( including panels);
  • drywall;
  • other invoices that imitate traditional building materials( are both synthetic and natural).

Making a rough ceiling with gypsum board is the least expensive and effective way of finishing Designing a rough ceiling with gypsum board is the least expensive and efficient way of finishing

It should be understood that rough ceilings do not protect the room from cold, moisture. That is, the binder must perform these functions. Therefore, it is multilayered. On the beams, for example, basalt slabs are laid or simply backfill is made from sawdust, and already on top - the decorative covering is mounted.

Wooden ceiling with beams: execution of the

file. How is the filament on the beams being made?As it was written above - just the same box is created, but with a minimal indent. Those same boards, for example, are attached along the perimeter along the guide profiles. Directly to the beams they are attached with ordinary self-tapping screws or dowels( if the density of wood is different).Naturally, all the surfaces before this are treated with a soil emulsion( in several layers, as they dry up).As a result, the so-called village decoration should turn out, in the style of the "hunting" house. This looks beautiful, and protects the room from cold, moisture, noise( if you observe the basics of technology).

And you can create decorative beams and not closing them. For this, the so-called architectural thread is used. From above all this is painted over with brown paint or simply varnished( if you want to preserve the color and texture of the tree).

An excellent idea is to decorate the ceiling beams using decorative carving An excellent idea is to decorate the ceiling beams using decorative threads

Traditional ceiling solutions with beams:

  • creating a conditional slope;
  • decorative thread;
  • sheathing only in width between the beams.

In case if the tree is "open", it is recommended that it also be widely used in interior decoration, for example, adding it with racks, cross bars, abandoning plastic window profiles and window sills. All this will be beautifully harmonized with the fireplace.

Decorative wooden beams on the ceiling: choice

Decorative beams on the ceiling are recommended to buy ready-made - these are sold in any large construction stores. Their design can be very diverse.

Moreover, the beams can be made not even from wood, but only simulate the desired surface( but at the same time having much less weight than the wooden structure).There are also hollow beams( in construction they are referred to as falshalki).They have very low weight, so they can be attached simply to self-tapping screws.

Wooden beams are installed in the house using the usual method - that is, along the perimeter, partially integrating into the wall. By means of a medium, if necessary, a tightening is performed( to ensure mechanical stability).

Ceiling paddocks made of polyurethane have a light weight and perfectly imitate the material of natural wood Ceiling paddles made of polyurethane have a light weight and perfectly mimic material from natural wood

It is not necessary to trim the beams. The distance between them is closed either with plastic or with lacquered boards. Wood must be treated with varnish.

This will provide:

  • its protection against moisture and pests;
  • will improve visually the beams;
  • will create a glossy reflection effect( can be combined with directional luminaires, which will give a soft reflective light).

You can also sew a drywall, but it has a whole lot of flaws. It is better to use its rough base, and on top - to trim with wood or foam with imitation wood. It will turn out beautifully and inexpensively.

How to make a ceiling with wooden beams

If there is a desire in the interior to create a "village" style, then the beams should not be closed in any case. You can generally take advantage of the unprocessed log( that is, simply from tattered bark) and strengthen the ceiling with it, "growing" into the wall. True, the installation will not be easy, since the weight of the beams themselves will be quite large.

The ideal situation for decorating the ceiling with joists is the repair in an old wooden house from a log house( such as a well), which is so widespread in the northern regions of Russia.

If the decision is not to sew and do not hide the ceiling beams, then it is necessary to treat the wood with stain and varnish If the decision is not to sew or hide ceiling beams, then wood should be treated with stain and varnished

Further, wood can be processed in several ways:

  • brashing( drawing removal without machining);
  • texture treatment( artificial creation of cracks, depressions that imitate the huge age of wood);
  • combination of special varnishes, which gives the effect of natural aging of wood;
  • complement the beam with forged elements. Designers distinguish this solution in "ethnic design";
  • oil-wax coating is the cheapest solution for processing.

The main advantage of using beams is that there are no specific rules for decorating them. That is, everything depends only on the imagination of the owner of the house. They can be given any shape, texture, varnish or simply a primer.

Assembling decorative beams from wood to the ceiling( video)

In the future, to "refresh" the visual component is a cycle and re-varnishing( painting).Perform this will only need 1 time in 5-10 years, as necessary.

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