Plastic ceiling: photo plates, types of corners and details, dimensions for interior, harmful

Ceiling from plastic panels - a simple and reliable option for finishing living quarters Ceiling from plastic panels - a simple and reliable option for finishing living quarters For the decoration of the ceiling, plastic is most often used. This material is suitable both for finishing the ceiling in the cottage, and for finishing the ceiling in the apartment. PVC panels are harmonious and discreetly looked in any interior. If you decide to install a plastic ceiling, you should choose the right canvas dimensions. The panels differ in width, texture and length. In addition, plastic plates can differ in color.

      • Plastic for ceiling: advantages and disadvantages
      • Ceiling plates for plastic: features and installation
      • Types of plastic for ceiling finish
      • Installation of plastic sheets on the ceiling
      • Ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels(Video)
      • Plastic ceiling in the interior( photo)

Plastic for the ceiling: advantages and disadvantages

Plastic ceiling - the most common option finishAnd a bathroom, a kitchen and a balcony. PVC panels are made of polyvinyl chloride. This material is not harmful and environmentally friendly.

The installation of a plastic liner takes an average of 6-7 hours. The lion's share of time is spent on installing a battens for panels. Due to the simplicity of the design, plastic can install even a beginner.

Advantages of plastic ceilings:

  1. Low cost of panels. The square meter of this material is 2-3 times cheaper than a square meter of plasterboard.
  2. The plastic looks laconically and unobtrusively.
  3. Panels do not require special care and are easy to clean. Divorces and stains from the ceiling can be removed with a conventional soap solution.
  4. High moisture resistance. The plastic panels do not show mold or fungus.

Plastic ceiling does not need special care, it is enough to periodically wipe it from the dust with a damp sponge Plastic ceiling does not need special care, it is enough to periodically wipe it from dust with a damp sponge

Disadvantages of PVC panels:

  • Lowering the height of the room. If you decide to install a plastic ceiling, be prepared for the ceiling height to drop by 5-10 centimeters.
  • Low fire resistance.
  • Low strength. Plastic panels are easily deformed under the influence of mechanical damages.

Plastic ceiling panels: features and installation

Plastic plates are one of the types of suspended ceilings. This material is installed on a metal crate, which is assembled from profiles. If you want to make a frame can be made of solid wood.

Before starting the installation, calculate the number of required materials. To do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the ceiling surface. If the room has an unusual configuration, it is necessary to conditionally divide the entire ceiling into several rectangular or square sections.

Installation scheme for plastic panels on the ceiling

Sequence of the installation of plastic tiles:

  1. Install the start profile. Align it with the building level.
  2. Attach cross-pieces to the crate. For fixing, use specialized suspensions.
  3. Fasten the first panel to the crate. Use self-tapping screws for this. If you want, you can use a construction stapler.
  4. Install the remaining panels in the same way.

Types of plastic for finishing the ceiling

What kinds of plastic plates exist?PVC panels are divided by texture, color, size and configuration. In addition, plastic plates are divided according to their purpose.

Plastic panels are available:

  • Rack. Their thickness varies from 5 to 10 millimeters, and the width is from 10 to 40 centimeters. Rack panels also vary in the length of the bands. The length varies from 2.5 to 6 meters. Rack panels are the cheapest.
  • Tiled. Such panels have the form of a square with a side of 30-100 centimeters. On the perimeter of the tile there are mounting shelves, with which the fastening is carried out.
  • Sheet. The width of these panels is 0.8-2 meters. The length of the leaf varies from 1.5 to 4 meters. Profiles are installed on the joints of the panel.

To create a comfortable and aesthetic appearance of the room, it is important to determine the color range of plastic panels To create a comfortable and aesthetic appearance of the room, it is important to determine the color range of the plastic panels

When choosing the texture and color scheme of the panel, follow the interior design. If the room is designed in the style of a classic, fusion or minimalism, give preference to white or gray panels. In other cases it is more expedient to use colored PVC sheets.

Installing plastic sheets on the

ceiling If you decide to use sheet panels, you must take care of the installation of wiring and communications before starting the installation. After this, the surface must be preliminarily prepared. It is recommended to clean the ceiling of dirt and eliminate microroughness with a sealant.

In order to prevent fungus from appearing on the base surface, it is recommended to treat the ceiling with an antiseptic solution. Also you need to determine the height of the curtain. It is recommended to install the panels at a distance of 7-9 centimeters from the base surface.

Before starting the installation of plastic panels, it is necessary to repair the defects of the base surface Before starting the installation of plastic panels, it is necessary to repair the defects of the base surface

Sequence of mounting of plastic sheets:

  1. Install a metal or wooden crate.
  2. Secure the special brackets. To fix them, use self-tapping screws.
  3. Using a hacksaw, cut the plastic panel.
  4. Brush the edge of the plastic panel with sandpaper.
  5. Make holes for the lighting fixtures.
  6. Fasten the first panel across the profile.
  7. Install the remaining sheets on the ceiling.
  8. Before installing the last panel, align the ceiling with the guides. To do this, tighten or loosen the screws.

Decorating the ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels( video)

Installing plastic sheets or tiles is quite easy, if you adhere to the basic recommendations. When selecting materials, pay attention to its purpose and dimensions. If you plan to use plastic for finishing the bathroom, use the rack panels. In other cases it is recommended to use tile or sheet panels.

plastic ceiling in the interior( photo)

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