And what is so remarkable ceilings pasted with tiles?First, under such a lining they will look like new, despite the unevenness and damage to the capital ceiling. Secondly, gluing the tile on the ceiling is quick and easy. It is not necessary to have a construction profession, to be able to handle specialized tools or, for example, to interfere with a mixture of sand and concrete. This finish is very easy to install.
- ceilings, pasted tiles: the advantages
- Tips how to paste the ceiling tile on an uneven ceiling
- How best to put a ceiling
- tiles How to glue the ceiling tile
- ceiling Ready for pasting tiles
- How fastGlue ceiling tiles( video)
Ceilings glued with tiles: advantages of
The advantages of a glued ceiling with tiles include:
- is durablest;
- reliability;
- low weight of the final design;
- protection from mold, fungus, lichen;
- resistance to moisture;
- enhances sound insulation( especially useful in apartment buildings with noisy neighbors);
- is inexpensive.
Moreover, pasting ceiling tiles is the cheapest variation of decoration and repair.
Prepare a ceiling tile mainly from foam. But there are also options with plastic trim. And someone decided to use ceramic tiles. This is not only reliable and durable, but also looks extremely attractive.
True, it is suitable only for kitchens, as well as for bathrooms. In the bedroom, living room or in the hall to use it - not the best solution. And it is, of course, more expensive than foam plastic.
Tips on how to glue a ceiling tile on an uneven ceiling
One more advantage of a ceiling tile is that it can help close an uneven ceiling, like a suspended panel. In principle, they will be mounted in the same way. The first "rough" layer is a chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, QSB or simply a drywall that is attached to metal profiles. From the top you can glue the tile correctly on an even level. The distance from the capital ceiling is 5-10 centimeters. In the hidden hidden niche, you can hide the wiring, communications, "blind" fixtures and everything else.
That is, the tiling will be done on the false ceiling. For its stacking it is best to use( in order of priority):
- rough plasterboard - cheap, reliable, durable;
- Particleboard - ideal for a private house;
- Fibreboard - a cheaper version of wood roughing;
- polystyrene - is used if the room is also heat and noise insulated.
Do not glue the tiles directly on the profile frame. First, the point of contact will be quite small, and secondly, the glued panels will simply disappear with time.
Yet the metal profile is designed for drilling with self-tapping screws. That's why you have to create a rough ceiling.
How best to lay a ceiling with a tile
How to place a tile on a ceiling?Designers offer a whole lot of options, starting from the most ordinary, that is, even layer, ending with a mosaic, where the size of each tile will be unique. If you do everything yourself, it is better to give preference to the first option. And if there is time and a desire to experiment, then you can try, for example, lay out the tile on the diagonal or a diamond at all. The final choice is exclusively for the owner of the house.
Even if the option, as will be pasting, selected and known the area of the room, then you should buy the tiles by 10-15 percent more than necessary. After all, you may need to process the edges with a sandpaper, and also if the walls are not exactly level, then you will have to cut the tiles and cut them. And then - put a false wall and it also pasted with tiles.
When laying the tiles, one should only remember that:
- It is impossible for the seam to match the welded seam( if at allthere is).
- Glue better on polyurethane adhesive. Many advise to put on a wallpaper, but this is a very bad option. Such glue is able to penetrate into the foam and wood, from which swollen areas may appear.
- The most reliable variant of stacking is the chess order, that is, with the bevel on the floor of the cage.
- Skirting boards and other decorative elements should not support the tile. The load on them is by no means done.
If the tile is to be glued at once in several rooms, then it should be done in them in all at the same time. That is, the first thing is to fix the profile everywhere, then create a rough level and then glue the tile( even if it has a different model, material and texture).
Than to glue the ceiling tiles
After understanding how the laying of the ceiling tiles is done, it is necessary to consider the adhesives that are used for fastening. Polyurethane glue is the best, but it also has its drawbacks. And many manufacturers and do produce special compounds for fixing tiles. For example, the concern "Moment" produces so-called liquid nails. In principle, this is the same polyurethane base, which was added with components that prevent the glue from drying out. From above all this can be painted and not afraid that the tile will be peeled off( even after a thick layer of plaster).
Many more recommend using:
- Econaset;
- adhesive Titanium;
- mounting silicone sealant( manufacturer - any).
Put the tiles on the glue applied 10-20 minutes ago. It should not be smeared - just put "snake", wait a certain amount of time( indicated on the package) and press hard.
Each tile has the same amount of adhesive to maintain a single level.
Preparation of a ceiling for pasting with tiles
In principle, in order to lay out the tile and how to glue it - everything is clear. Is it necessary to pre-prepare the ceiling( if it does not need to be leveled, and the tile is fixed to the capital level)?Of course. First of all, the old finish is completely removed. Remove and have to paint, wallpaper, putty. All this is to remove and clean the ceiling of debris can be done with the help of steam generators. With their help, you can get rid of the old paint. Get a full preliminary repair.
The smooth surface is recommended to be treated with a primer or linseed oil layer, and after that start fixing the tile.
You can also make a niche for fixing the chandelier, LED lights, if they are planned. Although it is more convenient to do it on a false ceiling. If the sticker still has a sticker( glossy film), then it is done 2-3 days after the glue has set.
Preliminary preparation is not required if the tile is glued:
- per brick;
- on a concrete slab;
- on the ceiling, cleaned from whitewash( it is also a primer);
- if the installation is carried out on a false ceiling made of wood.
How to quickly glue the ceiling tiles( video)
As you can see, nothing complicated in the installation of tiles. More time and labor will be taken by her choice and calculation of the area of each room, where she will be used as a decoration. Is it possible to mount tiles on self-tapping screws( such as "fleas")?In principle, this option is allowed, but it does not make sense, because the stitches will have to be plastered or covered with whitewashing. And this is extra work and additional financial costs. The simplest method is to mount a capital ceiling or a false false wall.