Profile for stretch ceilings: embedded under aluminum, types of frames and rails, width and dimensions, in the house gapless

The ceiling in the interior of any room plays a big role. Smooth and attractive surface of the stretch ceiling will give a chic and will emphasize the beauty of the apartment The ceiling in the interior of any room plays a big role. The smooth and attractive surface of the stretch ceiling will give a chic and accentuate the beauty of the apartment Nowadays stretch fabrics are very popular. Stretch ceilings are very practical and durable. When installing suspended ceilings, you need to pay attention to the choice of profile, because it will depend on the stability of the entire structure. Profiles for stretch ceilings are made of PVC and aluminum. All the baguettes are conventionally divided into universal, wall and ceiling. Each of the types has its own characteristics.

          • Aluminum profile for stretch ceilings: advantages and features
          • What are the mounting technologies and profile types for stretch ceilings
          • We install the framework for a stretched ceiling with our own hands
          • Which guide for the suspended ceiling is the most reliable
          • Width and height of the profile for tension ceilings
          • Is it possible to install a stretch ceiling in the frame house
          • ClothespinAnd gapless profile for tension ceilings
          • Installation of a profile for a tension ceiling( video)

What is a mortgage for a tension ceiling

The laying( laying) for a stretch ceiling is a special ring that is made of plastic with high heat resistance. In this design, there are holes where the light source is inserted. In addition, when installing suspended ceilings, special mortars are made under the cornice.

If you install suspended ceilings, then as a light source, spotlights are best. Under them, you can easily make mortgages with metal suspensions. Installation of mortgages should be made only after you fix the profile for a stretch ceiling.

The first stage of installing the tension ceiling is to install the mortgages. Mortgages are made of plastic and they have holes for installing fixtures The first stage of installation of a tension ceiling is to install a mortgage. Mortgages are made of plastic and they have holes for installation of luminaires.

The process of installing underlamps for fixtures:

  1. First you need to mark the places where the lighting fixtures will be located.
  2. To the location of the lamp to the base you need to attach the suspensions. For this you need to use screws and dowels.
  3. Then, to the fixed suspensions, you need to attach a mortgage. Do not forget to trim the protruding edges of the hangers.

In order to install the cornice on the suspended ceiling, you must necessarily attach a rigid support to the structure. Experts recommend that a piece of thick plywood be used as a mortgage.

Aluminum profile for stretch ceilings: advantages and features

Aluminum profile is much more often used in the installation of tensioning cloth than plastic. The thing is that it is much easier to build a structure using aluminum baguette.

The most significant advantage of the aluminum ceiling profile is its stiffness and durability. This type of baguette can be used to fix the stretch fabric to the ceiling or other horizontal surfaces.

Aluminum profiles for stretch ceiling well bend and hold the shape of waves, ovals and spirals Aluminum profiles for stretch ceiling bend well and hold the shape of waves, ovals and spirals

Due to the strength of the material, it is allowed to fasten it to the walls at intervals of more than 50 centimeters. The minimum distance from the angle should be at least 5-6 centimeters. Aluminum profile allows you to install a special decorative bar. Such an extraordinary decision will appeal to any person.

What are the fastening technologies and profile types for tension ceilings

There are 3 main types of baguettes: universal, wall, separating and angular. Universal it is expedient to use, if you work with curvilinear constructions. The wall profile is rational to apply in case you attach the tensioning cloth to any wall structure.

Separating profiles should be used only for finishing large rooms. With the help of such baguettes, it is possible to install tension webs with several sections. There is also a flexible separation profile. They are used to bypass the columns.

Angle profiles are used for:

  • Installation of multi-level ceiling structures.
  • Need to bypass any building elements.
  • Installation of curved suspended ceilings.

There are several ways to fasten the stretch ceiling: spiked, harpoon or wedge There are several ways to fasten the stretch ceiling: spindle, harpoon or wedge

There are 3 types of fastening technology for the suspended fabric:

  1. Shpatakovaya. This technology provides for the installation of PVC cloth at a short distance from the base surface. With spaghetti technology, the distance between the suspension and the ceiling is only 1.5 centimeters. Shpatkovy method of fastening is the most inexpensive, but the least reliable.
  2. Wedge. This technology involves the installation of a fastening metal profile at a distance of about 2-3 centimeters from the main surface. After that, the tensioning sheet is heated and clamped in the profile with the help of specialized wedges. Further, the web is stretched and the PVC excess is cut off. The wedge method is more reliable than the spinning method.
  3. Harpoon. This technology is the most reliable. It provides for the creation of edging around the perimeter of PVC film. With the help of this design, the fabric is mounted in the profile.

We install the framework for the suspended ceiling with our own hands

Install the ceiling frame for the tensioning cloth with your own hands simply. First you need to calculate the required set of materials. For mounting, you will need a suspension, a set of transverse profiles, a supporting profile, a wall angle and decorative plates.

Before you start, you need to make a markup. To do this, you can use the water or laser level. During marking, remember that the load-bearing profiles must be placed in such a way that they are symmetrical with respect to the longitudinal axis of the room.

After choosing a profile, you need to install a framework for a stretch ceiling After selecting the profile, you need to install a framework for the tension ceiling

The frame is assembled in the following algorithm:

  • First you need to prepare a wall corner.
  • Then you need to attach the corner to the wall and use a pencil to mark the holes for the holes.
  • Drill holes in the wall and fix the corner to the wall using screws.
  • Fasten the suspension. Do not forget to pre-cut the dowels in the holes.
  • Attach the profile to the suspension.
  • Secure the hub pins.

After installation, install the luminaire. In the place where you will install it, cut the pipe and output the wire. Next you need to lay the panels.

Which guide for the suspended ceiling is the most reliable

The guide is a regular rail. From the baguette, a frame is prepared for the installation of the tensioning cloth. Usually a guide is made of aluminum. This material has high strengths, but at the same time very light and inexpensive.

The guides are also made of steel. Such a baguette is usually coated with zinc. The guides made of steel are somewhat more expensive. Advantages of such baguettes include high strength and corrosion resistance.

The most reliable guide for stretch ceilings is a guide made of aluminum The most reliable guide for stretch ceilings is the guide made of aluminum

The prices for the directing profile will depend directly on the manufacturer. For example, profiles from the company "Prozet" cost about 220-360 rubles. In turn, the cost of the ceiling profile CD-60( country-producer Ukraine) - 100-150 rubles. The cost of the profile of KP 4050( production of Russia) is 155-165 rubles.

Profile width and height for suspended ceilings

Profile dimensions are of great importance. For example, if you use a standard visible plastic profile, then the step of fixing it should not be more than 200 millimeters. The visible edge of the baguette should have a width of 26-27 millimeters. Attach a baguette of such dimensions with a visible harpoon cloth. When using a plastic baguette of such dimensions, it is not necessary to use a masking tape.

If you want to make curved stretches of the ceiling without visible steps, then you can use an invisible baguette. The height of the transition of such a baguette from the ceiling level is about 2-3 centimeters.

The step of fixing the profile for the tension ceiling depends on the type and size of the profile The step of securing the profile for the suspended ceiling depends on the type and size of the profile.

When installing the stretch ceiling, you can use:

  1. Visible profile No. 3. The interval of fixing such a baguette is 20 centimeters.
  2. Wall profile number 5. The fixing interval must be at least 15 centimeters.
  3. Separation profile No. 6. These types of baguettes are advisable to use to form a joint of several cloths. The length of such a profile is about 2.5 meters. The width of the separation profile No. 6 can vary.

Is it possible to install a stretch ceiling in the frame house

You can install a stretch ceiling in the frame house, but you need to take into account a number of nuances. As is known, the tension web is a sealed material. Because of this, molds and boards can form mold.

To avoid this, you must treat lags with specialized impregnations before starting work. Such solutions will help to avoid not only the formation of mold, but also prevent fire.

Before installing a stretch ceiling in a frame house, it is necessary to treat the lags with a special solution against mold formation Before installing the stretch ceiling in the frame house, it is necessary to treat the logs with a special solution against mold formation

The stretch ceiling installation in the frame house is performed in the following order:

  • First you need to mark the walls with a hydraulic level.
  • Attach bars around the perimeter of the ceiling.
  • Then pull the fishing line.
  • After that, you can fix the main beam.

Peg and gapless profile for stretch ceilings

Profile-clothespin is very popular. Such a baguette holds the tension web well and easily bends. With the help of a profile-clothespin, it is possible to install in the shortest possible time.

The main advantages of the clothespin are:

  1. A significant reduction in the loss of room height.
  2. During the installation process, you can increase the area of ​​a single web.
  3. The location of the adjoining stretch ceiling to the wall does not need to be covered with a baguette.
  4. An unusual mounting system allows you to create unusual design solutions.

The profile-clothespin can be quickly installed, it easily bends and keeps the excellent canvas The profile can be quickly installed, it easily bends and keeps the perfect blade

If you want to create an unusual construction, you can use a gapless profile. Design features of the product allow you to install on the end of the transition unusual lighting. In addition, during the use of the gapless profile, there is no need to install a decorative strip.

Installing a profile for a suspended ceiling( video)

A wide variety of profiles will allow you to easily select the best option. If your budget is limited, give preference to PVC profiles. Otherwise, baguettes made of aluminum or galvanized steel can be used. Before starting the installation, select the optimum attachment technology. If you want to make a durable construction, use harpoon technique.

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