Foam putty - video and article about helping beginners

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Preparing for operation

Before starting work, it is necessary to know that there are two ways of fixing the foam, and only one of them can use the putty. It is applied only to the material, mounted with glue and construction umbrellas. Therefore, if you fix the foam plastic in other ways, then it does not need to be puttyped. This is connected with the fact that there is a need to level the places where umbrellas and seams between the sheets are screwed.

Note! Another way of mounting is to secure the material between the formwork rails. In this case, its sheets are firmly inserted into the compartments, without attaching umbrellas.

To perform the work, you need: a metal or plastic reinforcing mesh, a mixture for putty and a putty knife, to which it will be applied. The process must begin with the cleaning of the old coating, if any. After this, you can proceed to priming the surface. There are different opinions about the primer. So, some experts argue that the foam already has a good grip with the putty, so do not apply a primer for greater adhesion. Others insist on the necessity of carrying out this procedure, in connection with which the decision on the primer is taken independently.

How is puttying foam - video will teach

Putty for expanded polystyrene is applied, primarily because the material does not tolerate direct sunlight( concerns external insulation).In addition, it is very flammable and eventually erodes, so to protect the foam itself and the home from possible fire, a layer of putty is applied. By itself, this type of insulation is very fragile and without additional protection can not be used for a long time.

Note! Apply the filler with a layer of 3-4 millimeters, and it must be made even, since plastering will be carried out from the top.

The puttying of the foam is carried out with a spatula. The solution must be stirred until a pasty state forms. After processing the entire surface, it must be wiped with a wooden polutorom. After that, the walls are finished in any way. Having executed in such a way plaster of foam, you can be sure that it will last a long time. To make the entire process more clear and understandable, it is possible to watch video lessons on the Internet.

Choosing the right mix when buying

Now let's talk about choosing a mixture for work. They are represented on the construction market quite widely, so it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. Distinguish the putty with price and quality. All kinds of try in practice will not work, and even buy some mixture that may prove to be bad, is also not an option, so there are some recommendations for choosing:

  • When making a purchase, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the material. If it came out or expires in the near future, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Important! Often a product with a shelf life that is coming to an end is subject to a discount, but it is not worth saving, it's better to take a normal shpaklevku recent release.

  • Pay attention to the storage conditions. If the mixture is stored outdoors under a canopy, it can become saturated with moisture and lose some of its characteristics.
  • There is a mixture for external and internal coatings, and changing them in places is not recommended.
  • Be sure to check the information on the package about the conditions of use of the product.

If you follow these recommendations for buying and performing work, you will get a high-quality and durable foam filler. If you neglect them, the re-treatment will result in unnecessary expenses of finance and time.

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