Installation of metal columns - the essence of the process
The technology of mounting metal columns practically does not differ from the installation of similar structures of reinforced concrete. Columns made of metal are generally installed in their entirety, while more bulky ones are assembled from separate elements, while welding of parts uses an equally strong joint of metal columns. Such compounds provide equal strength to the seam and the base metal. When combining the butt, they are placed in a runaway.
The installation of metal columns consists of a number of operations:
- grip;
- climb;
- guidance of the column on the base or butt;
- reconciliation;
- fastening.
Lifting of metal columns or grasping by semi-automatic devices is used for lifting. To prevent slippage of the sling, when climbing between the slings and the column, lay the wooden pads or the half-open pieces of steel pipes.
Metal columns - the order and methods of mounting
Before starting the climb, a removable ladder is attached to the column - to remove the lines. Lifting is performed by turning or sliding. The most time-consuming measures are measures for reconciling and short-term fastening of columns. The process of their implementation depends on the design features of the base of the metal columns and complete interface with the base.
When designing metal structures, the calculation of a metal column, that is, a centrally compressed element, which is the given construction, is compulsorily carried out. To do this, divide the value of the design load by the design resistance of the material from which the column is made. At the moment there is a three-way installation:
- On metal pads , the thickness of which is 40 to 50 mm, and they are installed between the pillar support and the top section of the foundation. After the installation and fixing of the anchors are completed, the remaining clearance is poured with cement mortar.
- The top of the foundation is the , which was erected exactly at the design mark of the column foundation without cement filling. When using this type of installation, the deviation of the foundation surface from the designed one should be no more than 5 mm, and the baseplate baseplate must be machined by the mill in the factory.
- On installed and poured mortar plates base design.
Installation of metal columns - nuances of the
installation The first method requires a lot of work and is inaccurate. The main drawback of the second method is the complexity of the surface of the foundation with sufficient accuracy.
The best method is the installation of large pipes, called unattached installation. Its essence lies in the fact that a base plate for four columns is placed on a foundation under a metal column( not brought to the design mark).All of them are mounted on axes or on adjusting bolts.
If it is necessary to dock the column parts in a vertical plane, the upper part is lifted and bridged from the scaffolds, which are fixed on the bottom segment of the columns. Installation of metal columns is carried out using geodetic tools and plumb bobs. Deviations should not exceed design tolerances.
Metal columns, whose height is not more than 15 m, with narrow support shoes, are fixed on the foundation with two or four anchor bolts. Strengthening of metal columns is recommended to be carried out after installation of a construction with obligatory installation of connections and beams. There is also an increase in their temporary links.