Testing of ladders: instructions and procedures, methods and acts, check-ups, electrical belts, video

Identify the quality and other characteristics of the fire escape with special tests determine the quality and other characteristics of the fire escape is possible by means of special tests home and at work be sure to periodically inspect fire escapes, emergency structures and fences roof roofing. Firefighters and other stairs that are in the house must be periodically tested for compliance with all technical standards. Even the most minor malfunction can prevent the rescue operation and the evacuation of people.

    • special instruction for the test ladders
    • What is the procedure for testing ladders
    • basic test procedure stairs
    • How to make the act of checking ladders
    • How are electrical tests
    • Stairs test( video)

special instruction for the test ladders

according to the requirements of GOST all structural fire ladders must be firmly of connectingNena to one another, and the design is securely attached to the wall and to the roof. The presence of cracks in the wall and metal ruptures are not allowed. All tested structures must guarantee durability and reliability when applying mechanical stress tests. All elements must be painted, should not have sharp dangerous corners, various protrusions, burrs, rust and scale.

When commissioning an installation and every few years, structural checks must be carried out for strength and stability. In addition, once a year, a structural integrity survey is conducted and an act is finally drawn up.

Before you begin to test the ladder, you should first read the instructions before proceeding to the test ladder should first read the instruction

safety of any work at height using stairs or ladders should be provided strictly as any fault structure may have serious consequences.

There is a special instruction checks similar structures exactly where indicated:

  • inspection features;
  • Time frame;
  • Test procedure.

The instruction helps to determine the minimum and maximum time between carrying out the design test and its checks. The frequency of inspections depends on the scope of the design. The instruction for checking the stairs clearly separates the concepts of testing and verification. The check involves an external inspection and evaluation of the entire structure. In the case of tests, the entire structure is subjected to increasing or constant loads.

There is a special normative document, where all the rules and features of inspecting and checking ladders and other structures are prescribed. A sample of the regulatory document or instructions can be viewed in the testing company.

Important!If after the next check of the ladder design the commission has some doubts about its strength and stability, then a repeated, more thorough check can be appointed.

What order tests ladders

All stairs and ladders are tested immediately after production, and periodically during operation.

For each type of ladders there is a periodicity of verification For each type of ladder, there is a test frequency

The inspection period for each design is separate and is:

  • Metal ladders - once a year;
  • Ladders are made of wood - every 6 months;Ladders rope - 1 time in six months.

Industrial metal or wooden stairs are firmly installed and lean against a wall or a horizontal surface. The tests imply the suspension of goods to the steps and cords. The duration of each test is approximately 2 minutes. After the load is removed on the steps and strings there should be no damage. When the test is completed, a protocol is drawn up for carrying out all the required checks, the results of which can determine how strong and reliable the design is.

Rope and pendant metal ladders are inspected and tested in working position. The ladder is suspended in a vertical position and is attached by two grippers to a common structure. Then the cargo is attached to the lowest step. If it is not possible to test the ladder in a vertical working position, it is possible to carry out tests in the horizontal position on tension, while monitoring the load all the time.

After the test is carried out, the log of the registration and inspection of devices is completed.

Basic test procedure for stairs

There is a special methodology for testing the strength and safety of outdoor fire and building ladders, which must be strictly observed. Very often in the media, you can find information that the design of the stairs do not withstand the load, so when carrying out the tests, you must take into account all the basic requirements, rules and act according to regulations.

In order to properly and competently check the fire escape, you need to seek help from specialists In order to properly and competently check the fire escape, you need to contact the specialists

. Depending on the specifics and purpose of the building, fire escape ladders can be:

  • Vertical;
  • Screw;
  • Marching.

The test can only be carried out by a company that has a special license to carry out such work. Before conducting an audit, an order is drawn up and contracts are concluded. After the registration, the company that conducts all required checks and tests of stairs must purchase special equipment for measuring loads. It can be a device with an electric drive or a pump with a hydraulic cylinder.

In order for the company to be able to freely inspect the strength and reliability of the ladder design, periodic professional qualifications of specialists should be carried out. Tests must be carried out in light time, under conditions of good visibility and at low wind speed.

How to draw up a certificate for checking the ladders

According to the new rules, the verification of stairs should be carried out periodically.

The results of checking the fire escape are usually recorded in a specially prepared report The results of checking the fire escape are usually recorded in a specially prepared certificate

In particular:

  • Before commissioning;
  • With a frequency of once every six months or once a year;
  • After the overhaul.

When the inspection is completed, a special act is drawn up and signed. You can fill out a ready-made verification form, or a new document is being prepared. There are no strict requirements to the form of the act, however, it is necessary to indicate the composition of the commission with the position held, the surname, the initials. The act should contain a full description of all the works performed, the presence or absence of inventory numbers, and claims for the resistance of products, if any, are indicated. If defects and irregularities are detected during the inspection, they must be indicated.

In addition, the results of inspections are recorded in a special accounting journal, which is maintained and filled by the person responsible for the inspection. It is necessary to put a note on the date of the next test.

There is a special stand that helps to conduct tests of stairs, belts, claws and many other instruments and tools. In addition to testing the ladders, it is necessary to inspect the scaffolding so that it can be determined how strong they are and whether they can withstand the load exerted on the structure.

How the electrical tests of the

ladders are carried out. All work that is carried out at height requires safety precautions, which is why it is necessary to periodically test the ladders, as this will help to ensure the reliability of the structure. To ensure that the structure is reliable, it is necessary to carry out not only tests for its strength, but also electrical tests in addition.

No less popular today are electrical testing of stairs No less popular today are electrical testing of stairs

The most common types of ladder construction are:

  • Mounted;
  • Subtractive;
  • Extension;
  • Stationary.

In addition, there are special fire escape stairs. Each type of stairs necessarily requires periodic mechanical and isolating tests, as this will determine how safe and durable the design will be. When carrying out electrical tests, the voltage is the same as for general purpose electrical protective equipment. The voltage is applied to the entire string or only to a separate section of it.

Testing of stairs( video)

After carrying out all required tests, acts of inspections are carried out according to the available regulatory documents. The testing of stairs is mandatory, as it will determine how strong and reliable the finished structure will be.

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