How to install furniture loops

How to choose furniture loops for self-installation

In the recent past, there were a limited number of types of furniture loops, but, fortunately, it was only in the past. Now in the construction market they can be found a huge number of different types.

There are interroom hinges according to their intended use, according to their structure and the way they are attached.

When choosing them, you must first pay attention to the strength of the product, it should serve throughout the life of the furniture.

Now we will determine what kind of loops we will need. There are only five main types - overhead, semi-overlapping, internal, angular, as well as loop-transformers. The rest of their species are just a kind of basic.

Overhead loops are the most common, they are applied at an angle of 90 degrees and are used when the cabinet door closes the side part of the niche to which it is attached.

Overhead loop

Semi-laying is useful in the event that on one sidewalk it is required to put two facades.

Half-loop loop

An internal loop is required, in the case of an internal door fastener. This view is installed inside the case.

Internal loop

A corner is required to fix the facade at an angle. Suitable for corner cabinets.
Corner loop

And the last look is the transformers. Outwardly they look like overhead, but there is a significant difference: the transformer loop can open the facade by 170 degrees.


How to properly install furniture loops

Installing furniture loops - the work is not difficult, but will require special knowledge. For self-installation, these tools will be required:

  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • measuring tape;
  • furniture hinges;
  • screws;
  • cutters with a diameter of 35 mm.

The easiest way to mount loops is suggested in the following step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. We do the marking with the calculation of the further making holes on it, in which the hardware will be fastened. To do this, you need to draw a pencil in the place where the loop will be fastened. The distance from the edge of the facade to the center of the hole under the loop, should be 22 mm.

Door marking

Step 2. Make holes with a depth of 12 mm. To do this, insert the drill into the drill and drill in the place where the marking was made.
Hole for loop

Step 3. In the pre-made holes, you need to insert the furniture loop and adjust its location relative to the side of the door.

Step 4. Using a Phillips screwdriver, twist the hardware.

Furniture Loop After Installation Complete

This completes the installation. For a more complete installation of furniture loops, you can watch the video with detailed instructions.

How to adjust the existing furniture hinges

Furniture hinges can be adjusted in different directions. To do this, you only need a Phillips screwdriver.

First of all, you should find out which way to adjust the cabinet door. Then open it so wide that there is free access to the loop.
To perform vertical adjustment, loosen all the screws, then press down the door from above or below and screw the screws again.

If you want the door to move forward or backward, this will allow you to make a gap less between the cabinet and the door. In this case, you need to adjust the loops one at a time. First, in turn, to weaken them, and then, in turn, also twist, sipping the door to yourself.

If the door has shifted inclined, horizontal adjustment will help. The door of the cabinet, which has moved slightly further towards the frame, you need to press and tighten the screw in the loop by turning it clockwise. If the door has moved away from the frame, rotate the screw in the same hardware counterclockwise.

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